University of Virginia Library



For sale 61 Bug Eye Sprits, good
meh, condition, new top, many
extra parts, $350, 295-16.

Plymouth Fury – must sell fast,
4-door; 66,000 miles. In good
shape Call 977-0000. *(454)

1972 Scout II – 4 drive.
Excellent condition. New-tires plus
snows. Price negotiable. Call
295-7560. *(4508)

Camro SS 1969, convertible, 396
cabin inch engine with ran air, 4
gears, in excellent condition. Call
295-993 after 6 p.m. *(4432)

1971 Yamaha 360 Endo, knobby
tires, 21" wheel, $425. Call Willie
977-0834. *(4511)

72 Scout II, 6 3 sp.,
freewheeling. hubs, 14,500 miles, 5
GT Polyglas Snow Tires, $3200,
977-5508 or 977-8290 Perfect on
and off the road vehicle. *(4515)

Mercedes – 1959 220SE 4dr.
sedan, excellent condition recently
painted, 4 spd., AM-FM, radials,
with service records. Call 924-5028
days; 832-2772 nights. *(4530)

305 on Yamaha roadbike very good
condition. 2 helmets included.
$300. Call Karl 295-6024. *(4529)

1968 Triumph GT-6 very good
condition. Call Gary. 977-6108
after 6:00 p.m. *(4476)

1972 BMW 2002, air conditioned,
fuel injected, AM-FM, Michelins,
Excellent condition. Spend 85
cents for a phone call and save at
least a $1,000.00. Call (703)
547-5388 after 7 p.m.

Plymouth Valiant Station Wagon
1965. Standard Transmission.
Reliable, economical. 293-8701

Norton Commando 750, red,
fast-back, in superb condition. Low
mileage. Must Best offer
5-3506. *(4215)

1966 Austin Healey Sprits BRC7,
Tonnan cover, recent valve job,
$600. Call Tom at 977-1549.

BMW 1600 – car of your dreams.
1969, A/C, radio, engine rebuilt,
new radials. $900. 293-2993.

Triumph Bonneville, must sacrifice,
asking $700 but will negotiate, two
helmets and tools free, red tank,
1968, 650 cc mint condition. Call
977-8355. *(4444)

1967 MGB-GT excellent condition.
radial tires & extras. $1300.00 Call
977-3934. *(4503)


Lost – black wallet with all of my
identification. Please return to
Mesnard, 202 Emmet, 295-8424.

Found: Woman's Timex wristwatch
and a pair of binoculars at the
Lacross game. Please identify in the
Director's office, 4th floor.
Newcomb Hall, 924-3329.

Found: Man's Lucerne wristwatch
and woman's scarf. Please identify
in the Director's Office, 4th floor,
Newcomb Hall. 924-3329.

Lost: Ladies gold watch, navy
band. Jaquet-Droz. Between
Watson & Gilmer. Anne 977-1611.

Lost: Brown Mortco Wallet in
the U-Hall area. Call 977-3021.

Lost: gold, rectangle glasses.
Lost between old dorms and Scott
stadium. Call ill: 295-220.


Yashika Elector-X camera and 300
mm Viviter telephoto lens, and
tri-pod and strobe flash, 1 year old;
no damage; all for $200 or best
offer. Call 832-2745 after 5 p.m.

Klty backpack & frame large
with exterior rain cover, 6
months new; $40; call 32-2745
after 5 p.m. *(4560)

For Sale – Solmer open-hole flute
in very good condition. $225. Call
296-9941. *(4552)

Dorm size refrigerator – excellent
cond. neg. 3-speed lady's bike,
good–3. Call Liz, 977-6947.

AM-FM, 5-track, air-suspension
speakers, never used, $100
negotiable, call 295-3785.

Standard office electric typewriter
for sale. $125.00 Cindy. 977-4524.

Live with the Experimental
University this summer. Your own
room in large house on Virginia
Ave. Close, cheap, and comfortable.
Call 296-9723 today!

Free puppies who 'll love you even
when no one else will. Available
next week – call 296-9723.

(For sale) "Men's Schwinn 3-speed
bicycle. Good condition. $30.
977-8607. Ask for Steve. *(4495)

House with character, space and
modest price. 2 BR, bath, living
room with fireplace, dining room,
kitchen, full basement. Close to
Univ., avail June. $25,500. Also
avail. 4 BR, 1½ bath brick home.
295-1672. *(4396)


Dual 12.15 S with Empire 999
cartridge and dust bug. Must sell.
$100. Call Bill 295-2408. *(4468)


Wanted: one or two girls to share
summer apt. in Stone Harbor, New
Jersey. Call 296-4008 for
particulars. *(4262)

Married graduate couple will
house/pet sit New York area in
June. References available. Call
977-7146. *(4541)

Two fall roommates wanted to
share 2 bedroom University Towne
Apt. 5 minutes from Cabell.
$5-man. Call Don 295-9748.

Cottage in country wanted 73-74
session by 2 responsible teachers.
295-6923. *(4569)

2 BR apt. in NYC East Side.
June-August. Call Kathia, 977-1083
or Beky 977-0521. 5-7 p.m.

Female roommate for summer;
furnished apartment, excellent
location behind Law School,
$50/month, 977-3835. *(4492)

Needed: 1 or 2 summer roommates
for 2-bedroom apartment. 2 blocks
from U., A/C, cable. $35/mo. or
less. 977-0842. *(4500)

Wanted: Male for fourth place in
two bedroom apartment, beginning
September. Contact Lamont Wade
295-8400. *(4509)

Girl needed to share apt. near
Pentagon for summer. Cindy
977-4524. *(4524)

Wanted: 2 male roommates to share
3 BR apt. at Hearthwood.
$60/month/man Call 977-3278.

Summer Farm work mostly driving
tractor and mowing pasture. $2.25
per hour. Write starting
qualifications to J.B. Munay P.O.
Box 125, Earlysville Va. 22936.

2 Female roommates to share
Cheap. furnished summer sublet.
A/C. Corner location. Appx,
expenses $45/mo/person, utilities
included. 295-8393/295-8348.

Wanted: for apartment, used
furniture, especially beds; table and
chairs Nancy or Loz, 977-2784.

Roommate wanted to share 2
bedroom apartment at Jefferson
Towne for '73-'74, $65/month. Call
973-8691 after 5. *(4449)

Wanted, lacrosse equipment.
Helmet, gloves, pads for player over
6'3". Call 977-2731. *(4478)

Wanted 1 or 2 female roommates
for house this summer. $80 for
whole summer. 296-4542. *(4451)

Two male roommates wanted for
1973-74 school session. 2
bedrooms, kitchen, bath, furnished,
on Rugby Road. $52.35 per month,
plus utilities. Call 295-6801
anytime. *(4455)

Need ride to West Coast anytime
after 5/27. Must be in Seattle by
6/11. Will share expenses. Call Jeff
977-0403. Soon! *(4468)

Male roomate wanted to share 4
bdrm apt. For '73-'74 term. Call A1,
295-8306. *(4488)

French girl, teacher, English
speaking, 22, wants mother's helper
position July, August. Call Mike
977-146 evenings. *(4437)

Wanted: Male roommate to share
furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath apt,
this summer AC, pool, cable, all
utilities. Preston Square. 977-8061.

Summer help wanted in Ocean
City, Md. Hostesses, waitresses,
outdoor unskilled construction
workers, sales personnel, hotel
help, bartenders pool help, and
100's more. Stop in or call Job
Bank 103 N. Ist St. Ocean City.
Md. 301-289-JOBS.

Wanted: female to share 2 bdrm,
furnished apt. June 1 - Sept. 1.
Own room. Montebello Circle. $50.
295-9015. *(4292)

Male roommate wanted to share 2
bedroom apt for summer.
Convenient location behind law
school, partially turn. G Neal.
296-2459 (3268) or Wm. MacGuire
296-2441. *(4556)


Auction sale – furniture,
appliances, glassware, china, water
bed w. frame, stereos, etc, etc, etc.
10 a.m. Sat. May 12 at "The
Arrows" – Rt. 29 South, two miles
beyond North Garden Crossroads,
follow signs. Lunch available.

Attention! Marion, Myies, Richard,
Beat, Elliot, Rita, Drew, Gary,
Elise, Steven, Gane, Suzanne,
Mitchell, Rio, Chris, Carodoola,
Daryl, Maggie, Mr. R., Mr. M., Mr.
M., Mr. G., Mr. T., Laree, Joe,
Becky, Kirt, Bruce, Joel, Susan,
Sm, Camlyn, Pat, Patty, Diane,
Frank, Dave, Dave, Mary B., R.I.,
Lioyd, Mark, Mike, Stephanie,
Charles, Howard, Ed, Rod, Chuck,
Annamiek, Anne, Alan, Clark, Mr.
J., Mr. H & H, Mr. S., Mrs. G., Mr.
E., 410 Dobie, Quick, Doug, Mike,
Tony, Rick & Rick, Scott, ruce,
Jane, Rita, Jerry, Linda, Jessica,
Janet & Tom, Chartie & Charlie,
Burt & Tol, Nick, George, Greg,
Cato, Nancy, Hattle, Rick & Terry,
The Beaux Arts People, & everyone
else who knows who they are:
thanks y'all for an utterly
frustrating and wonderful year!
Love, Pat. *(4551)

Attention extrepreneurs: get 200%
return. Make money selling army
surplus. Approx. 40 uniform
topcoats, 12 overcoats, 20 field
jackets, many fatigues. Am leaving
area, must sell. $100. 973-8892.

The Mystery Man will be at your
party Myles, will you? *(4550)

Economos "Only the Best" Men's
Hatratyles, Meadowbrook Shopping
Center, is the place for limitless
"Layer cuts", "Shaggs", "New Page
Boy" or the conservative "Model
Cut". Functional Mobile Perfect
Geometric haircuts, your choice
regardless of length or style, 8
bucks, dial 293-8422 for your
convenience. *(4099)

Big Wheel Bikes is offering a p
(une-up special, This include
brakes, headest, and derllur
adjustment, wheel truing, pedal
tightening and a complete clean up
by expert mechanics – only .95
– 910 W. Main St. 977-5508.

Big Wheel Bikes will tune up your
bike for $8.95 or get a complete
overhaul for only $18.95. 910 W.
Main St.–977-55. Open Fridays
til 8:00. *(4383)

May the Bird of Paradise come to
your party Myles. Your true u
Frend w *(4551)

This summer the Humanities
Division will offer the History of
Science (H211-212), a
two-semester, six-credit course
open to all undergraduates. There
are no prerequisties for the courses,
and it presumes no prior
knowledge. The of the
course will be on cultural
interrelations of scientifie thought.
Pre-registration May 7 through May
18. Information, 924-196


Summer sublet – Townhouse, 3 br.
A/C, pool, rent neg., call 977-62.

Cavalier Courts – sublet, 2
bedroom, cable, phone, A/C,
furnished efficiency. Call Don or
Dick 977-8507. *(4547)

Sublet: furnished basement
apartment, 2 rooms, bath, limited
kitchen. $60/month, utilities
included. Call 977-7146. *(4541)

2 bedroom Madison Lane sublet –
cool in summer – 30 second walk
to Rotunda – furnished,
$90/month. 295-8816. *(4542)

Sublet 1 bedroom in modern house,
washer/dryer, TV, complete
kitchen, mod, $40 month/person.
296-4562. Courtney. *(4546)

Summer sublet – furnished
efficiency, 5 min. walk to Rotunda.
For one or two people. Rent
negotiable 977-6492. *(4543)

2 bedroom & study used as 3d Br,
furnished U. Hghts Apt., across
from pool, A/C, plus waterbed.
$110/mo. June-Sept 1. Call
977-8226, *(4544)

Cottage behind Cabell Hall.
Summer sublet, furnished, one
bedroom, rent neg. Phone
293-4520. *(4553)

Summer sublet – 3 bedroom quiet,
attractive, flat. Furnished, TV, and
utilities included. 120/mo.
977-0690. *(4559)

2 bedroom apt., furnished, pool,
A/C, Jeffersonian Apts. cheap rent.
977-0741. *(4558)

Want a place next year? Beginning
June 1 luxury 2 bedroom apt.
Within walking distance of Grounds
– pool, balcony, A/C, heat,
dishwasher, fully furnished. Call
Jack or Craig. 977-7467. *(4555)

For rent, Copeley Hills, 1 br apt.
partially furnished, $100/month.
Utilities included on bus line.
Available June 1. Call 977-3026.

Space available in fully furnished,
A/C, apartment with huge kitchen.
$35/month. Close to U. This is not
a joke. 977-2862. *(4564)

Summer sublet, furnished or
unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, kitchen,
2 blocks from Rotunda. Contact
Lambeth Apts., 1801 Lambeth
Lane, $200/neg. *(4565)

Summer sublet, single or couple,
University Heights. Rent neg. Call
977-0097 after 5:00 p.m. *(4566)

Summer sublet – 2 bedroom,
kitchen, living room on Elliewood.
5 minutes to Rotunda. Cheap
293-5001 Eric. *(4567)

Desperate! 2 bdrm summer sublet,
5 min. walk to any class, air,
utensils, 295-5495. *(4568)

June-Aug. (sublet), 3 bedroom,
furnished, A/C, with balcony, water
bed, pool and 10 minute walk from
Cabell Hall. Rent negotiable; Call
977-3766. *(4571)

Furnished rooms for Fall 1 block
from Rotunda, $65/month includes
all utilities and kitchen privileges.
Call Monte at 977-7311. *(4571)

Summer sublet w/ fall option;
furnished spacious, 2-bedroom,
carpeted apartment with
dishwasher, A/C, disposal, cable
color TV, pool, utilities included.
$110 or best offer. Call 977-0711.

Rental – September 1, 4 bedroom
cottage, 14 miles from town, 11
acre lake, furnished, $275 month.
Call London hd. 97-51.

Summer Sublet Sept. Option; 1
bedroom, nicely furnished, A/C,
cable, one block from University.
Rent negotiable. 295-702.

600 Brandon Ave No. 10, summer
sublet, the place to be this summer,
air cond., pool, laundry facilities, 2
double bedrooms, completely
furnished. Call Cliff, Mike, or Eric.
977-405. Price Negotiable.

Sublet – country cottage June to
August; 3 bedroom $120/month
negotiable. 977-4577. *(45)

600 Brandon Summer Sublet – 2
BR furnished apt., A/C, pool, 5
min. from Cabell or Hosp., util.
incl, price negotiable. *(4493)

Wanted: Male roommate for fall.
University Heights. 295-8091. Ask
for Brown. *(4494)

Bargain basement! 2 bedroom apt.
8 minutes from Cabell, fully
furnished with extras, utilities paid.
$83/mo. 977-3934. *(4502)

Cool, 2 room, basement apartment
for summer sublet. Right behind
Lambeth Field. $60/month.
977-0621. *(4504)

Country cottage in Ivy – summer
sublet & renewal option. Married
Couples only. Furnished, 2 Bdr.
large kitchen, pond and fields,
$135/month + utilities. Call
295-0037. *(4506)

600 Brandon Ave. Sublet,
furnished, 2 bedroom, air cond., all
utilities, $140. mo. Neg. 295-8269
Brad – Rick. *(4513)

Year lease starts June, 3 bedrooms,
9 miles in country, picture window,
view, fireplace, $160/month. Call
973-5111. *(4514)

Summer Sublet at Preston Square –
2 Br furnished apt. w/carpeting;
A.C.: dishwasher, garbage disposal;
pool: available June 1–Sept 1:
150 293-6629 after 6. *(4517)

Holy Cow! Sublet – Fall option. 8
min. to U., 2 bedroom (furn.) for 3
people, A.C., cable. $90/mo.
977-6318. *(4518)

Sublet – 1 Br. furnished, AC, pool,
cable walk to Univ. $100/mo. fall
option. 977-5289. *(4527)

1800 J.P.A. Summer Sublet –
furnished 2 bedroom apt. ideal for
3 people; pool, air conditioning,
laundromat 5 min. from Cabell, 8
from Gilmer. 977-4249. *(4531)

How can you resist a sublet 200 ft.
behind Cabell? Negotiable starting
at 35. Call Martin, 977-5827.

For Rent, Country House, 3
bedrooms, large kitchen, furnished
(optional) $145/month. Year lease.
977-51. *(4536)

Summer Sublet. Three-bedroom
apartment; air-conditioned,
furnished, cable TV, pool, 8 mths.
for 2 mths. rent. 973-3503. *(st)

University Heights Summer Sublet.
Plush, w/carpet, drapes, dishwasher,
pools, tennis, 3 brm's partially
furnished. $135. 977-6906.

Summer Sublet, fall option on
June-June lease; modern two
bedroom furnished apartment, A/C
walking distance, $100 5-7 p.m. or
after 11 p.m. 977-0351. *(4467)

Summer Sublet – Luxurious 3
bedroom, 3 bath apt. fireplace,
cathedral celling, A/C, pool, Walk
to U. Reasonable 295-4986.

Univ. Hts. apt., June-Aug., 1 bdrm,
A/C, pool, balcony, full kitchen.
$100 month. 293-9780. *(4482)

Summer Sublet, Cavalier Courts, 2
bdr.,A/C,fully furnished,cabled, cal
close walk, rent negotiable, call
23-40. *(4446)

July-August sublet, furnished one
bedroom (includes stereo, tube), U.
Heights, A/C, two pools, asking
$135, will netotiate. Call 977-8365.

Dorado in Charlottesville is at
51 fifteenth street, Apartment 1:
large one-bedroom carpeted
apartment, fully furnished with
air-conditioning, television, dishes
private parking. Close to Cabell, of
course. Rent very negotiable.

3 bedroom furnished summer
sublet at Hayes Gardens Apt. A/C,
pool, $150. Call 977-7286. *(4446)

Summer sublet: two bedroom apt.
at University Heights, A/C, pool,
dishwasher. Call AB 977-7126.

Summer sublet, option to renew
One bedroom, A/C, walking
distance to University. Available
June 1. Call 296-4485. *(4447)

One bedroom furnished apartment,
five minutes from Cabell. Summer
sublet, $80/mo. Call 977-6331 after
6 p.m. *(4448)

Clean efficiency apt. summer
sublet. Available for Sept. Adjacent
to University. Three months for the
price of two. Call 977-7167.

Graduate students renting clean
Madison Lane apt. for summer. One
br, parking, cable, negotiable.
977-1627. *(4456)

Spitting distance. Summer
townhouse 1612 Stadium Rd.
Furnished, A/C, 3 br, price
negotiable. 977-2047. *(4460)

Apt for fall. 2 bedroom, fully
furnished, A/C. 10 min. walk from
Grounds. 2nd floor with Balcony.
Call 295-5 and aks for Chari

For rent: beautiful 3 bedroom
house off JPA. $150/mo.
977-4291. *(4461)

Furn. house – summer sublet – on
Valley Rd. 2 minutes walk from
Cabell – 3 bedrooms, rent very
negotiable. Call Mitch at 295-309.

4 minute walk to Cabell, 2
bedroom, furnished apt. Pool,
bar-b-que, laundry, A/C, utilities
included $140 monthly beginning
June. 295-068. *(4442)

Option for next year; summer
sublet, two bedroom, furnished apt.
A/C, wall to wall carpet,
dishwasher. $120/month.
977-1482. *(4487)

Not a sublet, furnished duplexs –
$165, 2 br for 2 people, water
included, ample parking, 3½ miles.
Avail, July, Aug & Sept. Ph.
295-7368. *(4472)

Attractive luxury apartment.
Summer sublet, renewal option. 2
Br, den, balcony, mountain view,
pool, A/C, dishwasher, carpet,
water, cable, pets. $150. 973-8888.

Live in air conditioned comfort at
U.Hts. only $100 a month for
summer. Sept option available.
977-3422. *(f)

Beautifully and fully furnished
3-bedroom summer sublet. 7 miles
out Rt 29 North on secluded,
wooded tract. Pool. Call 977-4271.

Sublet: 1800 JPA, 2 bedroom,
furnished, A/C, pool, rent neg.
977-3569. *(4465)

Furnished summer sublet, 2
bedroom, A/C, TV, cable. Easy
walk to Grounds, rent neg.
296-2089. *(4464)

Venable Square Townhouses. 2
bedrooms, furnished, dishwasher,
A/C, near Corner. Summer sublet,
rent neg: 977-0619. *(4463)

Summer sublet, 2-story, 3 br house,
Earlysville. Cathedral living room,
dishwasher, partly furn. Rent nego.
973-8726. *(4471)

Summer Sublet: 2 Bedroom,
furnished apt. on Rugby Rd. air
conditioned. Cable TV. Price
negotiable. 977-8039. *(4439)

Two large furnished bedrooms
available in Madison Lane apt. June
to Sept. Full kitchen, $55/mo. &
electricity. 977-4027. *(4440)

Summer Sublet: 600 Brandon, air
conditioning, pool, 2 bedrooms
June through Aug. Rent
Negotiable. 977-5337.

Four Seasons Garden Apartment.
Summer Sublet – 2 bedrooms,
furnished. Utilities paid, etc. Only
$145/mo. 973-6876 after 5 p.m.

Desperate sublet, Preston Square.
Unfurnished luxury apartment,
pool, two bedrooms, two baths.
June, renewable, negotiable.
977-1532. *(4419)

Option for September: sublet, A/C,
$100/mo. 2 students, 3 minutes
from University. Large bedroom,
appliances 295-2320. *(4349)

Bargain sublet, 5 min. to
University. 4 bedrooms, living
room, $150/negotiable. Will rent
rooms separately. 977-8779.

Venable Square Townhouses,
summer sublet, 5 min. to Grounds,
2 bedrooms, fully furnished, air
conditioning, dishwasher, cable.
Rent negotiable. Call 977-3579.

Large furnished apt. Summer
sublet, Rugby Rd., air conditioned,
all utilities, $130. Renewal
available. 977-6634 around 6 p.m.

Sublet: 1 bedroom furnished
efficiency. All utilities. On
Chancellor St. $40/month.
977-6649. *(4452)

600 Brandon Summer Sublet,
furnished, air conditioned, pool 5
minutes from Cabell, utilities
included, rent very negotiable.
295-2903. *(4378)

2 bedroom, furnished, summer
sublet, a.c., carpeted, pool,
dishwasher, 3rd floor, Arlington
Blvd. 295-9645, negotiable.

Country Green of Sherwood. Apt.
convenience in lovely country
setting. New 2 & 3 br. apts. with
and w/o dens, fully equipped &
carpeted. Beautiful wooded view.
Tennis cts. & swimming pool. 5
min. from U. Va., 1 mile from Fry
Springs Beach Club on Old
Lynchburg Rd. at I-64. Ready for
occupancy 8-1-73. Call 973-4311.

3-bedroom furnished apartment
located at Jefferson Towne apts.–
Summer Sublet – Cable TV, air
conditioning, pool, dishwasher.
Available June 1. $125 a month.
973-5575. *(4411)

Case of whiskey to subletters of
unreal 4 Br Country Cottage.
295-8128. *(4477)

House on River, summer sublet, 6
rooms, furnished, June, July,
August, $150/month plus utilities.
*(4222) 296-0040.

Hessian Hills summer sublet, 2 BR,
A.C., pool, rent reasonable and
negotiable. Option to renew.
*(4274) 977-7658.

September leasing – Mountainside
Lodges, fully furnished, private
wooded area. 3½ miles south of
town. Suitable for 4-5 students.
Call 296-1572 *(4309)

3 bedroom, Summers Sublet, 3 full
baths, dishwasher, cathedral
livingroom, A.C., pool, cable T.V.,
fireplace, 12 minute walk. Call
296-2951 *(4012)