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Summer Sublet: Two bedroom,
completely furnished, central air
conditioning. Right behind
Mincer's. Rent negotiable.
977-8327 *(3779)

Large house off JPA, suitable for
6- persons, avail. June, $400.
295-1672 before 6 p.m. *(3772)

Summer Sublet – $225.00 Duplex,
furnished for $120./mo. June to
mid-August. Call 296-1572.

Four Seasons Garden Apartment,
furnished, dishwasher air
conditioning, patio, cable TV, shag
carpets $210/month. 973-6860
after 5 *(3780)

For Rent: Furnished one bedroom
apartment. 1800 Jefferson Park.
Call 924-3071, after 5:00 p.m.
977-3985. *(3752)

Furnished two bedroom cabin in
country. Fire-place,
air-conditioning, private lake, Five
minutes from town. $185/mo.
Available April 1. Call 296-9636
(evening) *(3763)

Summer sublet– pool, two
Br/baths, spacious LR, cable TV,
air conditioning, Dishwasher.
$200/month. 295-2943 *(3738)

Sublet 1 bedroom apt. 5 minutes
from Rotunda. $80/month:
977-6273) (3757)


Starting June 1–Female roommate
wanted. Attractively furnished apt.
– within walking distance. $55.
Call 293-3193. *(3739)

Ride wanted to JFK Hike-Run in
Hagerstown. March 30. Al,
295-6413. *(3751)

3rd roommate needed to share 3
bedroom apt, Hayes Gardens. A/C,
pool, $60/month. 977-1736.

Faculty member home exchange. 4
bedroom, pool, month of August.
Write: Dr. Jangechian, School of
Education, University California,
Santa Barbara. *(3729)


1968 MGB excellent condition, Call
973-6218. *(3800)

'63 Oldsmobile, Dynamic 88,
4-door sedan, good tires and new
shocks. Call Tenny Wellford,
295-8007. *(3799)

Yamaha Enduro and all auto
tune-ups. All motorcycle work.
Low prices, Fast, expert service.
977-0834, 293-8305, 1962 Lewis
Mt. Rd.

Triumph Bonneville – 1972,
superlative condition – under 1700
miles; $1325; Call 296-9555 after
10 p.m. *(3776)

Be ready for spring – 1970 BSA
250, excellent condition, helmet
included. Asking $400, 293-6207.

1971 Honda CB450 1700 Miles,
rarely used, excellent condition.
$800.00 firm. 296-1187 after 6.

For Sale: 65 Volkswagon
convertible excellent condition.
Call 293-8794. *(3775)

'70 Cutlass–442, only 34,000
miles. Fully equipped, also has 4
speed and cassette player, $1800.
Call Ken 295-8215 *(3773)

For Sale: '66 Chevrolet; low miles
excellent running condition, good
tread $450 – 293-5496 *(3754)

Chevrolet 1957, 4 dr. edan
standard shift, 6 cylinder, 58,000
miles, runs excellent, $300. After
5:00 weekdays, 296-1756. *(3755)

Porsche-(1) 1961 Roadster,
metallic blue w/ cream top (2)
1968 "912" Brown w/ tan interior
Both in excellent shape. 295-8128
or 293-2365. *(3734)

1970 Kawasaki 350 cc, 42 hp. 7100
miles, excellent condition, $550 or
best offer, 296-0087 after 6 p.m.


For sale – ten speed bicycle (three
months old) $60. Neg., 977-0788.

Bicyclists: The Blue Wheel at 9
Elliewood Avenue will open soon.
We will feature Europe's' best ten
speeds at sale prices and the only
foreign trained bicycle expert in
Charlottesville *(3739)

Dinette Set: 42 in. dia., formica
top, 4 chairs, $50. Rug: oval, 9 ×
12, $26. Desk: 45" × 20" × 32", 4
drawers. $30.00. Prices negotiable
293-2996. *(3793)

ale: Nikkor PC 35 F2-8 Lens. 1
old. Perfect Cond. Very little
Call Chris 293-5001 *(st)


Found brown car ashtray with
handle. Call Darcey, 977-4672.

Lost: pair of round horn-rimmed
glasses, contact Chris Moore.
295-8007. *(3799)

Found: a sum of money in Dobie
Call 977-5331 and identify amount.

Lost: 3 month old Irish Setter.
Collar, no tags, lost Friday call
293-5496. *(3754)

Found: Pair of Hike boots in
knapsack left in car at semester
break by passenger to D.C. Call Bill
after 12:00 p.m. 296-4360 *(f)

Found: sum of money on Poe Lane
early Sunday morning. Contact
Karl, 15 West Range. *(F)


2 Fischer XP7B speakers. $150.
Cost $320. Excellent condition.
Call 973-8276 after 5. *(3778)

Sansui Tuner-Amplifier, 50 watts, 4
yrs. old. Also, pair of Coral BX-200
speakers, 977-0358. *(3727)


Tired of doing something for
nothing? Try doing nothing for
something. Be apathetic. Sponsored
by UVA Apathy Club. *(3792)

Don't sit home alone Saturday. Get
picked up at the St. Patrick's Day
Dance, Tuttle. *(3774)

The Warehouse makes an offer you
can't refuse. Join our Sunday
Brunch. 12-2 p.m. Eggs Benedict or

Gastronomic entertainment galore
– Carrot Cafe Dessert Parlour. No.
9 Elliewood Ave. 7 till 11 p.m.,
Mon. – Sat. *(3691)

Summer Job Nantucket in Photo
Shop. Person knowledgeable in
photographic techniques wanted to
fill salesman position. $2.50 hr
call 973-8892. *(3604)

Accident– 250 West. Sat., March 3
10 p.m. after Maryland Game.
Injured student looking for
witnesses. Phone: 977-3778

The talents of area craftsmen on
display at Artisan Co-op, 19
Elliewood next to Leather Shop.

Summer Jobs for College Students.
Average pay $800.00 a month. Call
295-6307 *(3757)

Chunky says "Do it right",
Maneline: 296-6955 for exclusive
Dymaxion Design Hair. Ask the
person who owns one.
Wash-Dymaxion Design-Dry: 8
bucks. Get ready for summer.

Stop "Mirror Hopping" and see
your hair in reality, through
Economos "only the best" back to
nature's wash, dry, wear, Men's
Hairstyling. Meadowbrook
Shopping Center. Dial 293-8422 for
convenience. *(3685)

Three new excellent LP's now at
Back Alley Disc: The Byrds, Todd
Rundgren, The Doobie Brothers,
and Foghat. $3.99 each. *(3610)

Order your yearbook now at the
Corks & Curis office, fifth floor
Newcomb Hall! Limited number
available. *(3749)

Grand Opening – Monday Nite,
March 12. The Carrott Cafe Desert
Parlour – Open Monday through
Saturday, 7 till 11 p.m. at No. 9
Elliewood Ave. *(3691)