University of Virginia Library


Meeting: Student Chapter ACLU
Conference room, Newcomb Hall
7:30 p.m. Feb. 22.

French Club Slide show The Alps.
8:30 p.m. Newcomb Hall, room
4A. All are invited.

U.Va. Riding Club meeting
Thursday 7 p.m. Room 4A
Newcomb Hall. All welcome!

Association of Residential Councils
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the
Informal Lounge of Newcomb Hall.

Human Relations Committee
meeting Thur. 6 p.m. in 4A
Newcomb. Everyone welcome.

International Club Social Hour; 5
p.m., International Center, 21
University Circle Everyone's

All Speech Majors: meeting
Thursday to discuss senior thesis
and required courses at 1 Dawson's