University of Virginia Library

and Thursday. Polls for the
College will be located on
second and fourth floors Cabell
Hall, third and fourth floors
Wilson Hall, Alderman Library,
Gilmer Hall, the Physics
Building, the New Chemistry
Building, Tuttle Post Office,
Emmet Post Office, Newcomb
Hall Post Office, second floor
Newcomb, and Pavillions I and

The Graduate School of
Arts and Sciences will have
polls on second and fourth
floors Cabell Hall, third and
fourth floors Wilson Hall,
Alderman Library, Gilmer Hall,
the Physics Building, the New
Chemistry Building, Newcomb
Hall Post Office and second
floor Newcomb Hall.

Polls for the Engineering
School will be located at
Thorton Hall and the New
Mechanical Building. The Law
School will have ballots at
second floor Newcomb Hall
and Clark Hall.

The Medical School's polls
will be on second floor
Newcomb Hall and the
Medicine Lobby.

Ballots for those schools
voting only on the referendums
and not on candidates will be
available at second and fourth
floors Cabell Hall, third and
fourth floors Wilson Hall,
Alderman Library, Newcomb
Hall Post Office, second floor
Newcomb, McKim, Monroe,
Rouss, Peabody and Campbell

Presently, three open
positions do not have
candidates running for them.
They include a seat on Student
Council and two seats on the
Judiciary Committee. The seats
are open from the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences
and the School of Medicine.