University of Virginia Library


Student Council Equality Comm. 3
P.M. S.C. offices Newcomb Hall.
Concerns: Racism and Sexism. All

Students for Henry Howell meeting
2:00 PM, room 106 Law School.

Circle K meeting 6:30, South
Meeting rm. Newcomb Hall.
Anyone interested welcome.

University Rifle and Pistol Club
organizational meeting, &:30, Sept.
30, in Maury Hall Aud. All
interested students and faculty are

Membership interviews for the
Jefferson Literary Society Wed.
and Thursday from 2:00 til 5:00

Christian Science Organization
testimonial meeting 7:30 PM, at
1961 Lewis Mt. Rd. All are

Chess Club-business meeting 9/30,
at 8:00 in N. H. basement.

Sailing Association meeting-Room
4-B Newcomb Hall, 7:00 PM.
Everyone is welcome.

Tae Kwon Do will meet at 9:00 in
the Wrestling room of Memorial