University of Virginia Library


Basket-type Pocketbook with
monogram FMK on it..near Rugby
Road. Reward. David Pastors

KEYS on black cork chain at
Havens Concert. Call Andy,

Brown alligator wallet, initials
J.W.D. near Mad Bowl. Reward Call
295-6346, Joe Dorn.

White Bell 500-TX Helmet, no
questions, reward $10, 296-9592,

Purple felt hat from the K.A. party
last Sat. night. Please call Ginny

$5 reward - small COMOY pipe lost
between Chem, Bldg. and
Alderman. 296-2716 after 6:00

Wire-rimmed glasses, lost Mad Bowl
last Sun. Call Mar, 296-4318.

AGFA instamatic-type camera at
Pla-Gam Grain Party, Sun. April
18. Contact Bob Goss, 295-8002.

Small brown female grey cat with
black stripes, beige belly, and white
mustache and chin: Apt. 10, 512
15th St. N.W. or call 293-7610.
Lost last week.