University of Virginia Library

Hewitt Takes First

Preston Hewitt took first place
in the Civilian Expert class in the
.22-caliber "Rapid Fire" and
"Aggregate" matches. Hewitt also
placed second in four other
matches and scored a total of 2434
out of 2700 points.

Dave Smathers won the
.22-caliber 'Rapid Fire" in the
Civilian Master class, and took
second in two more matches.
Smathers' tournament total was
2520 out of 2700.

George Duckworth was first in
.22-caliber "Slow Fire" in the
Service Master class, and placed
second in the "National Match"
course. Duckworth had a grand
total of 2525 out of 2700.

Team member Eric Helvestine
and team alternate Don Anderson
were commended by match
officials for good performances in
their first 2700 tournament.
Helvestine fired 2106 as a
Sharpshooter and Anderson scored
2081 in the Marksman class.

An added attraction of the meet
was the Virginia State Lady
Champion award won by Elizabeth
C. Gathright (Mrs. T.M.Gathright),
a special student at the University
and a member of the U.Va. Rifle &
Pistol Club. She placed first out of
five lady competitors with 2480
out of 2700 to take the trophy and
title. Mrs. Gathright, who has won
many shooting awards, will be the
coach for a U.Va. Women's Pistol
Team if some of the women
students at the University can be
interested in coming out for the
complete training course offered.