University of Virginia Library


persons with some prior experience
will be held on Feb. 19 and 20
sponsored by United Ministry. Cost
$30. Register at Wesley Foundation
by Monday (293-5829).

Pi Lambda Phi invites all to its 2nd
Sem. rush Feb. 16, 8 P.M. 504
Rugby Road.

Seniors, any major, VPI
interviewing Feb. 26th for MBA,
Master Accounting programs. Sign
up 5 Minor Hall.

Jane Fonda at Madison, Feb.
13., tickets on sale, N.H. on Feb.
11.11-4 P.M. $1.25.

3rd Yr. Pre-Meds and Pre-Dentals:
Application forms for Spring
aptitude tests now avail. Cabell Hall

Indian movie "Ram Aur Shyam"
with English subtitles, Gilmer Hall
Aud. at 7 P.M. on Feb. 14th.

Anyone interested in info. on Va.
Citizens Consumer Council - stop
by Stud. Council Offices.

Jefferson Society membership
interviews will be held Wed.,
Thurs., and Friday, 2-5 P.M.
Jefferson Hall. West Range.

Volunteers needed for an ESP
experiment. Call Dr. Stanford
Division of Parapsychology, U.Va.

At the Prism - Fri. and Sat. Paul
Decker and Merrili Pick from
Norfolk. Doors open 8:00 - 50

Pre-Dental Students: Dr. Crockett
of MCV will be in Physics 203 -
Feb. 25 at 1:30 P.M. to answer

Action '71 Dynamic Christianity
this Sun. Transport from Mem.
Gym Lot - 5:30 P.M.

Fed. Service Entrance Exam - Sat.
Feb. 13 at 9 A.M. Cocke Hall -
ML11. For info. Placement Office -
5 Minor Hall.

Managers for Va. Varsity Baseball
Team are needed. Travel and other
benefits. Bat girls also needed. Call
Jim McGraw. 296-3156.

FREE KISSES - at 1705 JPA this
week only (while they last). 1705

Volunteers needed to act as
advisors for a small business in the
community designed to obtain jobs
for youth. If interested call
Madison Hall 295-3032 or