University of Virginia Library


ANYONE Interested in assisting
with a voter registration Drive in
Charlottesville or the seventh
district should call 295-7181 for
more information.

VETERANS-For any ex-army
officer interested in fulfilling his
obligation with full longevity and
retirement points, the USAR
Officer advanced course for officers
of any branch is being offered.
Meetings will be held in the Law
school and sessions will be 2 hours
for each of 24 meetings throughout
the academic year. Call Mr.
Thacker at 973-6452, after 5:00

Do you have a few extra Saturday
hours a month? UPWARD BOUND
needs volunteer tutors to cover all
high school subjects. For more
information please call 924-3537 or
visit our office at B-27 Cabell Hall.

FOUND: Teentime "Beetle" watch,
Identify at Director's Office,
Newcomb Hall.

Students who worked for the
Registrar during fall registration can
turn in their signed time sheets to
Mrs. Arnette in the Registrar's
office. On September 23 or later,
these students must bring their
social security cards in to Mrs.
Arnetts, before time sheets can be
turned in for payment.

MEETING of 1st yearman's tryout
Freshman Basketball team. Sept.
29, 7:00 PM Univ. Hall.

Position open for recording Sec, for
Student Council. Apply at Student
Gov. Office. 4th floor Newcomb
Hall. Position pays $2.00 per hour
and entails taking minutes for the
Council meetings.

GIRLS!!!! Are you interested in
learning to play tennis? The
intramural and physical education
departments are sponsoring a girls
tennis club which will meet from
3:15 PM to 4:15 PM. One section
will meet Monday and Wednesday
afternoons and the other Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons. Classes
will begin Monday, Oct. 5. Further
information may be obtained at
either room 11 or Room 17
Memorial Gymnasium.

PHI Eta Sigma. 13 Society, Tilka,
Sceptre Soc., E Banana, & Jeff.
Party, please pick up your mail at
the Student Council Office.

MAKE-UP Exam for History US
52, Prof. Harbaugh is scheduled for
Tues. Oct. 13, 7:00 PM in Wilson
Hall 215.

HIEU 44 Make-up Exam will be
given on Oct. 7, from 19:00-22:00
hrs, in Cock Hall, rm. 15.

A group of Medical students are
manning a phone 24 hours a day to
provide drug information and
emergency help. Number is

course description blanks for all
group leaders who want their
courses included in the Fall catalog,
are not available at the Newcomb
Hall cloakroom desk (3rd floor)
Mon, thru Fri. from 12-2 and S-F,
and at the Experimental U. House
at 120 Chancellor Street
ANYTIME. Deadline for receipt of
new courses is Oct. 3 Catalog
should be out by Oct.

the Union of UVA Students' Book
Exchange Basement of Newcomb
Hall. 9:00 AM to 5 PM, Mon.-Fri.
Exchange is operated on a
non-profit basis. All books