University of Virginia Library


Wanted to buy: one used
aluminum chaise lounge and one 5
or 10 gallon aquarium — leaks
acceptable. Call 293-5430 after 5

Bear skin rug (with or without
head). Call Jamie 293-2971.

Drivers wanted — 2 cars to
Tucson Arizona early June; pay
$25 plus gas and oil. Call 973-6024
after 4 p.m.

Mathematician or Scientific
Associate full time position to assist
scientist engaged in basic research
in radio astronomy. Requires B.S.
or B.A. Degree or equivalent
experience, with strong math background.
Ideal for student or faculty
spouse. Call 296-0313 or sent
resume of background and salary
requirements to: Personnel
Manager, National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, Edgemont Rd.,
Charlottesville, Va. 22901. An
Equal Opportunity Employer.

Help wanted: Earn $40-60
weekly showing new line of products
from California Corporation.
Ground floor opportunity. Part
time acceptable. Call 973-5192.

BABYSITTER — for two boys,
4 and 5, daily during summer.
Copeley Hill. Leslie, ext. 3387, or

Tired of routine and hot, crowded
summers? Call me if you'd like
work as a couple in Cape Cod
private house 973-5884.

1969 Degree candidates (and
others): If the housing you're
vacating this summer is a 3
bedroom rental near U.Va. and
under $150 monthly. I'd like a shot
at it. Three-year lease in mind.
would much appreciate your calling

Riders to and from New Jersey
Friday/Sunday, 296-1887.

Wanted: for September or
sooner 1, 2, or 3 roommates for 7
room furnished house. Jefferson
Park Avenue, 5 minutes to Cabell,
Law, E-School. Very livable. Call
293-4651, Don or Larry.

Roommate wanted, female to
share 2 person apartment, 5 minute
walk from U.Va. Hospital. Available
June 1, for summer or longer. Call
295-3606 after 9 p.m.