University of Virginia Library


Tutoring: Help 4th and 5th
graders at the Venable School. Venable
Tutorial Program, call Janet
Kilgore 924-3302.

One copy in good condition,
Marin, "Literatura Espanola, Tomo
Uno." Call Frank 293-5673. 2 p.m.
till midnight.

Still need roommate to fill 6
man house. $120 for entire semester,
incl. utilities. Located 5 min.
from Cabell Hall or E-Schoo. Phone
293-4263 after 6.

Work wanted - typing for students
or departments at home.
$0.40 per sheet, double spaced plus
$0.05 per each carbon. U. area,

Church organist for Episcopal
Church, 296-6671.

Roommate wanted till June. 2
man apartment, 163 Chancellor St.,
No. 8. 295-1024.

Female roommate wanted to
share apartment with two students
during Spring semester. Call
296-3121 after five.

$50 reward to anyone acting as
a substitute for a tenant in the
Alderman Road Dorms. Call
295-5340 and leave name and
phone number.

Wanted to buy: SOCIOLOGY
book. "The Sociology of Social
Problems," by Horton and Leslie.
Call 293-5430 after 5 p.m.

Roommate wanted: Private
room, double bed, 2 miles out of
town. Call 293-3131 after 5.

Mardi Gras! MBC girls need 10
UVA girls for bus. Leave UVA Feb.
14, cost $40. 293-0903.

Programmer - IBM, 360 model
20 or 30. RPG and BAL. Part-time
or full-time. Call Donald Capron at
Computer Utility Service Corp.,
2421 Ivy Rd., 295-3121.

Seek recorder players to form
group or group needing alto recorder
player. Call 296-8986 evenings.

Roommate to share luxurious 2
bedroom apartment, $62.50 per
month plus inexpensive utilities-295-3535.