University of Virginia Library


Student for summer farm work
including operation of machinery,
mechanical aptitude desirable,
$89 per week including meals,
contact J. B. Murray, 973-5336
(days), 973-5501 (evenings).

Visiting Professor desires furnished
house to rent for the period
June 15 to July 15. Five children,
requires three or four large
bedrooms. Price open, Dr. J.
Craycraft Dept. of Economics, U.
of Cincinnati or 3011 Pinewood
Drive. Cincinnati.

Information on whereabouts of
young woman known as or posing
as Judy Carpenter, age 20-22, blue
eyes, dark hair, weight 120 lbs.,
height 5′5″, driving 1964 Chevrolet,
blue. Needed as witness,
call 263-5260.

Engineers, interested in medicine
or biomedical engineering?
Employment in research and
technical work is available call
ext. 2374.

Two experienced accurate typists
are needed by The Cavalier
Daily to begin work next September.
Only well qualified typists
will be considered. Salary
open. Please send a complete resume
to The Cavalier Daily, Newcomb
Hall Station, Ch'ville.

Assistant Manager trainee mens
and boys department, some experience
preferred but not necessary.
Good salary and company
benefits. Contact Mr. Sizer, 2968023.
Woolco Dept. Store, Barracks
Road Shopping Center.

Roommate to share apartment
for summer. Will have large private
bedroom. Will share kitchen
and bath with one person. 138
Madison Lane, rent by week or
month, 293-7319.

CHEAP-Roommates summer
school, air conditioned Jantricia
apartment, close to U., $30/mo.
Call Bill, 295-9957.

Photographer for mid-June
wedding in Charlottesville to cover
wedding reception etc. Please
give rates. Mrs. H. Norton, 17642
Towne Crest Drive. Gaithersburg,