University of Virginia Library


Cowboy boots and hats. The
Saddle Shop, 220 W. Water St.

BEEN SEARCHING—for a University
pictorial calendar? Available
again at Newcomb Bookstore

Leather coats and jackets, 30%
off reg. price during Feb. The
Saddle Shop, 220 W. Water St.

Smith Corona "Classic 12″ Portable
typewriter, 12″. Legal size
carriage, full office keyboard, case
included, $75. Don Wiseman, 2961856
after 6:00 p.m.

House, Hessian Hills, 114 Bennington
Rd. Contemporary. 3 bedroom,
living room with fireplace.
Cathedral ceiling. Dining room.
Built in range, large lot, FHA
with $3,500 down. $27,750. Call 2963367.

Wood for Sale, $10 a load, long
or short. Green or dry. Woodrow
Campbell, 293-1096.

White Sunbeam Alpine, 1967,
Excellent condition. 5 year Chrysler
warranty. Call 296-3781 after
6:00 P.M.


Room for rent in furnished
house with two fourth year students
on West Park Drive. Call
295-2829 or 293-5001.

Apt. unfurnished, 3 blocks from
U. 4 rooms plus, Modern. Phone
296-6263 between 5-7 weekdays.
All day Saturday, or see at 2114
Ivy Road, Apt. 14.

Apt. One large living room, one
large bed room, dinette, kitchen,
bath. Stove. Refrigerator. Water,
heat furnished. Off-street parking.
2 blocks below Martha Jefferson
Hospital. Phone 296-7259.

6 room apt. Basement, garage,
big lawn, quiet neighborhood.
Close to University. 224 Shamrock,


To rent a house, 4 bedrooms,
unfurnished, 1½ baths; fenced
in yard — not beyond suburbs.
Available June 1. Call 6-5363.

Pianist for small church, good
pay. Call Robert Trainum, 2935005.

Ride wanted to New York, Friday.
Feb. 16. Kellan Hooper, 2952166.
Ext. 307.

Attractive young lady to prepare
dinners for four U. gentlemen
in exchange for free meals.
Well-equipped kitchen. 1800 Jefferson
Park. Apt. 26. Phone 2933917.

Counselors for summer camp in
Maine. Canoe and mountain trips,
sailing, nature, riflery, archery,
swimming, tennis and crafts. 8
week session. Camp on island.
Call 293-0696 or write Jim Breeden,
Rt. 5, Box 280A, Charlottesville.

Models, male or female, for art
class, Tuesday and Thursday
mornings, 9:00-12:00. Call 295-2160,
Ext. 3057.

Apt,-mate, inexpensive yet luxurious
apt., close to University
—305 15th St. Call 6-3631.

Roommate to share apt. with
two other students on prestigious,
convenient Valley Road. 2936897.


Lost: Russian coin with extremely
high sentimental value in
vicinity of Gilmer Hall Feb. 12.
Please return for reward, contact
Alan, 293-8060.

Lost: pair gold-rimmed spectacles
in or around University
Hall at the P. P. and M concert.
Call 293-8004.

Found: Silver pin engraved
with initials with date 6/24/67.
Call 295-2166, ext. 3381 or 3382,
ask for Liles.

Found: High School rings,
Yorktown and James River; leather
key case with 4 car keys; a
stethoscope. Please claim at the
Director's Office, Newcomb Hall.


Persons interested in joining
the American Civil Liberties Union,
contact G. McFarren. 2961784,

Will anyone who witnessed a
motorcycle accident on Alderman
Rd. the night of October 28 please
call 296-5295.

Sell your photos. Report tells
how and where. Color slide markets.
Send $1. Mokum Co., 1411
Gordon Avenue.

Photographs for applications
ROTC and Service forms. One day
service. Gitchell's Studio. 521 E.
Main, 296-7558.

Want to really impress her?
When was the last time you gave
her flowers? Why not get her a
corsage from Ronny Mahanes for
the Jr.-Sr. Student Nurses Dance.
It's at Fry Springs. Feb. 16. Call
Mahanes, 296-2101, 1002 W. Main.

To Lewis Mountain Lodge: The
Nursing School wishes to thank
you for all the Valentines.

Motel room for Midwinters. One
double bed and other accommodations
at Executive Plaza motel
Don't need any more for obvious
reasons. If interested call Rick,