University of Virginia Library


This is a reminder that the two
class days immediately preceding
the examination period are set
aside as undergraduate "reading
days." These days have been defined
by faculty action as days
on which no roll is taken, no new
material assigned, and no quizzes
are given. Each instructor is expected
to be present at his classes
to answer questions and to be
available for consultation. Reading
days for the first semester are
January 17 and January 18.

Gamma PI Chapter of Eta Kappa
Nu has inducted Tom Brittingham,
Steve Ehrlich, Stan Hicks,
Garth Jarvis, Alan Nela, Terry
Richmond, Jessee Ring, Scott
Ritchey, Phil Russell, Mich Sheppard,
Vaden Shields, John Stanaway,
and Jim White.

All Entries in the ART category
of the Fine Arts Contest may be
picked up at the University Union,
4th floor, Newcomb Hall between
9 and 5, Mon. through Fri.

Charles Middleton, Kemp Davis,
and T. Abshire please come by
The Cavalier Daily and pick up
old checks by Tuesday, Jan. 16.