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41. XLI.

J. Davis:

Ez a frend, I address yoo. I am wun uv that
class uv yoor frends knone ez peece Dimekrats,
and kin safely say that we hev dun yoo and yoor
coz jest as much good ez any ekal number barin
muskits in yoor highly heroic army. We hev
bin, ever sence the Ablishnists made war on yoo,
workin industrusly for yoo, ez follows:

We hev, ez a rool, stood inflexybly opposd to
amost evry thing;

We preechd that the war wuz a Ablishn war;

We preechd agin taxashen;

We held forth agin conskripshen

We discurigd volunteerin;

We encuridgd desershens, and pertektid deserters;


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We never cood see a Fedral victry;

We wuz alluz forst to aknollidge that the South
ginerally got the better uv us;

We never bleevd that yoo wuz gittin short uv

We hired niggers to travel North to convince
Dimekrats uv the nigger invashen 2 cum;

We forst Linkin to retane Micklellan;

We aboozd Fremont and Rosycrance;

With uther artikkles too noomerus to menshun.

But, somehow, it hezent workt. The Confederacy
hez bin losin ground with a regelarity friteful
to contemplait. In spite uv all we cood do,
volunteerin hez gone on, and ef we did kill off a
general, another wun jest ez good ariz to take his

Now, Jefferson, wat kin we do? It is obvus to
the most obtoose intellek that the vandals hev
got us. Wat shel be the next dodge? Planely, to
secoor awl we kin. The Dimokrasy is ready to
reseeve yoo with open arms, but yoor repeetid
determinashen to die in the last ditch, and sich
nonsents, hez bustid us wenever we spoke uv
compermise and sich.

Jefferson! the last oppertoonity persents itself.
Ask for a onerable peece—a peece not burdened
with hoomiliatin condishens. We kin engineer it


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so as to bring yoo back as good ez yoo went out,
slaivry safe, yoor war debt assomd by the government,
and yoo back in the Senit. We kin hev
old Chase, and Waid, and Sumner hung—we
kin hev yoor soljers penshund, and the foogytivslaiv
law re-enactid, and the territoris turnd over
to yoo, and the confisticashen act repeeld, and the
emansipashen proclamashen recalled, and yoor
niggers restored—the guverment paying for sech
ez may hev bin kild—and sech uther laws past ez
you wish. Ef Linkin refooses to ackseed to these
resonable terms, why, then the responsibility uv
continooin a unnachrel and unnessary war is on
his sholders, and we hev a ishoo for the next
campane—a artikkle we stand very much in
need uv.

Jefferson! do this, and do it to wunst. Delay
may be fatle. He who hezytaits is lost. The
vetrans is re-enlistin, and 300 thowsen volunteers,
each a John Brown, and led by the original John
Brown's ghost, wich is marchin on, is turnin their
faces toward Dixie, with bayonits afore em. Ef
yoo wait till June, the Confederacy will be
smasht so fine that the Dimokrasy won't be able
to git together enuff uv it to make a compermise

Jefferson, ef yoo hev any regard for yerself, er


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for us, yoor frends, do it. “Virchoo is its own
reward.” Be wise in time.

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Paster uv sed Church, in charge.