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Instruction will be given in New Testament Greek. This course will
extend through one session of nine months, the class meeting three
times a week. The preparation should be equivalent to that required
for the second year B. A. course.

The instruction will be free from sectarian bias, and will be specially
adapted to ministerial students intending to prosecute further
studies at a theological seminary, though others will not be excluded.

The course will begin with the study of the Gospel according to
Matthew, for which purpose any recent text will suffice. Other needed
works will be indicated after the session opens.

Text-Books.—Goodwin's Greek Grammar; Goodwin's Moods and Tenses; Hogue's
Irregular Verbs; Veitch's Verbs; Liddell and Scott's Lexicon (intermediate, and in
Courses II and III, unabridged seventh edition); Myers's History of Greece; Jebb's


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Primer of Greek Literature. Any editions of Greek authors may be used, except
when particular ones are specially prescribed; but students should always have at
hand Teubner's texts for reference, and for use on examinations. At present
Rhythm and Metres and some other subjects are taught wholly or partly by lecture.