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August 3, 1835 from Samson Ceasar to Henry F. Westfall


August 3, 1835 from Samson Ceasar to Henry F. Westfall

Dear friend

I feel happy to have the
oppertunity of writing you in order
to let you know that I am well
at this time hoping that these lines
will find you all well. I am sorry
to have to inform you that we have
been attacted by the natives at the
place called Bassaw Cove about one
hundred miles from here they
k killed about 15 or 20 Americans
our people attacted them twice and
the first time we lost one man
they sent up for more men they
went down and made the second
attact and drove the natives all
out of Town it is not known how
many natives got killed but it is
Sertain Several was killed I Can
not Give you full Satisfaction
in this letter I will send you one
Herld and if I can I will send you
a paper witch will be printed to
morrow or next day & witch will
Give you a full Statement of all the
ware. I Can only say that we are in
no danger of the natives if we


manage Right as for my own part
I feal no fear at all of the natives
I receive a letter from Eade in
July and was Glad to here that
you ware all well tell Eade
I have not time to write to her
now but will write the first
vessel that Sails from here to America
After this one Give my love to
all your famely and to all my
old neighbours tell Mother
I am well Give my love to
all the famely tell Daniel I have
never received a line from him
Since I left home I am in
a hurry the vessel is expected
to Sail in a few days. God
is with us of a truth. I still feal Intent
on Serving God untill I die write
as often as possible I remain your

Sampson Cesar
H F Westfall