University of Virginia Library


Letter from William Francis Brand to Amanda Catherine Armentrout Brand, December 08, 1867

Alone Mills
Dec. 8th 1867
My dear wife

Irecieved your
letter yesterday eavning; was
truly glad to hear from my better
half. Indeed I had beagan to be
very ancious to hear from Rose
Dale. espescially one of its ocupan
ts. If it had not been so
far & I was busy I would have
made my apperance aroung the
family circle at Rosedale. Indeed
it would have given me a great deal
of pleasure to embrace my dear wife.
My health is very good with the ex
ception of the headache today. I have
been suffering with it all morning
But hope it may be well by morning
I have been enjoying very good health since
I was down. Hope this may find you
still improving & happy


Recieved a letter yesterday eavning
from cousin Mollie Colman directed
to my Kate wich I as before took the
privalige of opening. I will enclose
it in this to you., Hope you will not
centure me for the privileges I have
taken the letter is very hard to read
There may be sense in it but is hard to
get out, I think our Photographs
are very good. Yours I am very much
pleased with. the attraction was so
grate that my lips ware naturally
drawn toward it. I bought very
little at the sale. evry thing was
old & roughſ. I got a dining
table but as Ma intends to give us
one I can trade the one I got for a
good safe. wich we will need. I
got a good coffee mill & one or two
other articles. The chairs ware
so indifferent that I would not
bid for any. I have laid in
over three hundred lbs of Pork


Made some sosage & rendered out
the lard ready for use. So you
need not be scared I will give
you plenty of meat & bread to
eat if nothing more & I am
sure we will never starve.
In regard to mooving up. I would
rather your Pa would moove us up
for it would cost me eight or
ten dollars to get a team to
moove us up. Very likely I could
get Bro. J. to moove us up. I
do not know whether he is busy
with his machine or note. I am
glad that Sis Ann has not given
up coming up with us. I will
find tranportation for you &
her If I do have to drive the
cows, I hope the weather may
remain as beautifull as it is
today so that we may not be de
layed by bad roads & inclement
weather. Will hope for the best.


Nearly dark; my head has quit
aching. I took a short nap this eave
something new withme Evry
time I go to the land of dreams
I meet with my absent Kate It will
not be long untill I may realize
my night dreams. I will be down
Saturday if thare be no pres venting providence. Either
Carriage Buggie or horse back.
I will close as it is getting so
dark I cannot see how to moove
straight acroſs the page.
Give my love to one & all,
& reserve a double portion for
your self If you are writing
today I will recieve it before
I come down. Now may bright
angels protect the from all harm
is the prayer of your loving

Now may bright
angels protect the from all harm
is the prayer of your loving
Willie F. B.