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Arbor Hill Va Jany 12th Miss A.C. Armentrout, Greenville, Virginia Arbor Hill, Va.


Arbor Hill Va
Jany 12th
Miss A.C. Armentrout,
Greenville, Virginia Arbor Hill, Va.

Miss Midie;

In congratulation of your epistle, & the interrogatives therein, which was so very striking indeed; & from such, is a natural impulse on my part to respond, in my feeble way to your missive on the 21st ult. Happy to hear of general health, & the improving of Nic's mind, & very sorry to hear of the casualty of Miss Sue, (on her way to visit) you which no doubt marred her enjoyment to some extent.

And so you made a break on the Creek at last: Mr. Jas. Hall. Wonder who will


follow suit, as you intimated there were several talked of.

Perhaps you for one, as pictures have been passing, & pressure the pen has been running too, with phrases of deepest emotion of mutual affection ha ha. "Now what do you think?" Just get the Cologne bottle, & perfume for the Old Target. As for my part, my watch is dumb, & horse have I not.

Should liked to have taught at the Creek this winter, but could not forfeit my word, & leave here. I am however very well satisfied, with neighborhood & boarding residence.

You will have to take


wills for deeds; it was out of my power to go either to singing, or to your house.

I did not get home till Sunday prior to Christmas, & on Monday night had my Cousins from Illinois with me, & for that reason could not go to your house on that day; in fact had company nearly every day & night during the Holyday. Was at a Taffy pulling; had a fine time eating hard Molasses with unwashen hands.

Did you ever pull any, when you had to spit on your hands to keep it from adhering to them? "Oh where did &c &c What foolishings, what foolery.


Miss Eliza sends her love to you, & says she is making her wedding dress, out of red calico trimmed with white strings.

Hard times on this side, no doubt with you. disunion and war was the cry, & now a reality. Sad thoughts, that the ties of the Republic, are busted.

Oh Washington where are thy warnings? O Jacksons, where are you? Where is Lucian, these times; & how are you & he thriving these days, as you were once very intimate.

Excuse all foolishness & accept my kindest regards, & well wishings, for your prosperity & future happiness.

Truly Yours,
From a Friend