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A Tragedy
PROLOGUE; Written by the Author of the Tragedy. Spoken by Mr. Holland in the Character of the Genius of Britain.

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PROLOGUE; Written by the Author of the Tragedy. Spoken by Mr. Holland in the Character of the Genius of Britain.

To warn the Sons of Freedom to be wise,
Lo, Britain's guardian Genius quits the Skies.
With Pity, Heav'n hath seen thro' many an Age,
The bold Invader lur'd by Faction's Rage;
Seen the dark Workings of Rebellion's Train,
While Patriots plann'd, and Heroes bled in vain.
Behold, your Country's faithless Foe, once more
With threatning Squadrons crowd yon hostile Shore.
Behold Oppression's bloody Flag unfurl'd:
See Bolts prepar'd, to chain the Western World.
Rise, Britons, rise! to Heav'n and Virtue true:
Expiring Liberty looks up to You!
Pour on the common Foe your Rage combin'd,
And be the Friends of Freedom and Mankind!
No more let Discord Britain's Peace destroy;
Nor spurn those Blessings, Reason bids enjoy:
Oh, weigh those Blessings in her equal Scale!—
Say,—When did Justice wear a whiter Veil?
When did Religion gentler Looks disclose,
To bless her Friends, and pity ev'n her Foes?
A richer Harvest when did Commerce reap?
When rode your Fleets more dreadful o'er the Deep?

Or when more bright (hear, Envy! hear, and own!)
Did Truth, did Honour beam from Britain's Throne?
Seize then the Happiness deny'd your Foes:
Nor blindly scorn the Gifts which Heav'n bestows:
Gifts, the World's Envy! happy Britain's Pride!
For which, your generous Fathers toil'd and dy'd!
Let Union lift the Sword, direct the Blow,
And hurl a Nation's Vengeance on its Foe!
As your bold Cliffs, when Tides and Tempests roar,
Fling back the mad'ning Billows from the Shore.
One Head, one Heart, one Arm, one People, rise!
Nor fall, divided Valour's Sacrifice!—
But if, by Hope of proud Invasion led,
Unaw'd Rebellion lift her gory Head;—
Treason, attend!—here view the Rebel's Fate;
Nor hope, thy Arm can shake a free-born State:
See Blood and Horror end what Guilt began;
And tremble at thy Woes, in Athelstan.