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An Opera

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Xarino Prince of Cuba quits his Father's Court, for the Love of Teraminta a Beautiful Shepherdess, taking with him his Intimate Friend Cratander, who secretly becomes his Rival and creates such Misunderstanding between the Prince and Teraminta as occasions great Distress; but the Appearance of Ardelia whom Cratander had ungenerously forsaken after the most solemn Protestations of Constancy, so confounds and convicts him, that he sincerely repents, with a Promise never to desist till he has reconciled the Prince and Teraminta, which at last is happily

effected. Xarino having sav'd the Life and Empire of King Gozanes his Father, is requested to demand the utmost of his Wishes; he only asks Teraminta, which at first is denied him, but afterwards granted by means of a happy Incident, which extorts a surprising Confession from Gozanes, gives Teraminta to the Prince Ardelia to Cratander, and concludes the Opera.