![]() | The 17 pageant [of Elias] | ![]() |
People of Israell
Dreede soueraigne lord thy father layd a most hard yoke vpon vs.
wc h we beseech the somewhat lighten for yt ys ouer greevous.
& we as loyall subiects will to thee obedient bee.
Kinge Roboam.
Go all way till the third day & then returne vnto mee
& you shall answeare haue, The while bidd the Auncients of Israell
to me repayre wt h out delay, for I would haue their counsell
People of Israel
Wee will my liege do your command, & that wt h out delay
King Roboam.
So do. Lo now they are at hand, I'l heare what they will say.
Auncients you welcome are, who did assist before my father
while he was liuinge: your counsel now I craue what I shall answeare
vnto the people who desyre to haue the burden eased
where wt h before (as they affirme) my father them oppressed
Auncients of Israel.
Yf you my gratious lord will grante the people their desyre
& geue them gentle words they'l serue you as they seru'd your father.
Kinge Roboam.
Well stand a-syde, & lett me heare what these yonge men will say
who wayted haue on mee, & bene brought vp wt h me alway.
Yonge men of Israel.
This answeare to them make (renowned kinge) my litle finger
shall grosser bee (assure your selues) then the backe of my father.
My father on you layd a heauy yoke: But I will adde
more there vnto. Wt h scourges you were by my father pay'd
but I wt h Scorpions will you beate. This answeare to them make
Kinge Roboam
I your advises both haue heard, & what answeare I'l make
when the third day ys come shall playnly to you all appeare
so let's be gone, & wt
h the multitude then meete me here.
Good people you are come yt seemes of me to haue an answeare,
& so you shall. My fathers heauy yoke I will make heauier
Hee beate you but wt h whipps, But I wt h scorpions will you pay
& the proud'st of you make to stoupe: Let's see who dares say nay
People of Israel
What part haue we in Dauid, or Inheritance in the sonne
of Isai? Israel come, vnto our Tabernacles let's be gone.
Kinge Roboam.
Doe only the two tribes of Beniamin & Iuda stay
wt h mee? Then to Ierusalem I'l be gone wt h out delay.
When to Hierusalem Roboam came kinge he was crowned
of Iuda only, for from hym all Israel was revolted.
And of the Tribes of Beniamin & Iuda he did gather
an hundred fourscore thousand chosen fightinge men to gether
to fight agaynst the house of Israel, & to reduce the kingdome
from them wholly vnto hym selfe beinge the sonne of Salomon.
And Israel understandinge that Ieroboam was returned
from Ægipt, hym wt h ioynt consent the kinge of Israell crowned.
But the word of our lord forth wt h vnto Roboam came
by one that was a man of god Semeias cald by name
& did forbidd hym for to fight agaynst the house of Israel:
& euery man returned home, & wt h them woulde not medle.
Yet Ieroboam was persua'ed that kingdome would
returne vnto the house of Dauid yf the people should
go vp vnto Hierusalem there for to offer sacrifice
in the house of our lord, where fore he forth wt h did devise
two golden calues, & sayd: Israel go no more to Hierusalem
Lo here thy gods that brought the out of Ægipt are: adore them
And one of them in Bethel he did sett, the other in Dan
wc h to adore great multitudes of people dayly ran.
And in th'Excelses he made Temples, & of the meanest people
priestes that were not of Leuis stocke, & an Altar in Bethel
to immolate on the same vnto the calues wc h he had framed
& there on also incense burnt: wc h god highly displeased
And vnto Bethel came a man of god forth wt h from Iuda
while he was censinge, & vnto the Altar thus did say:
Altar, Altar, thus sayth our lord: Behold a child shall bee
borne to the house of Dauid, & shall immolate vpon thee
the priestes of the excelses, who now frankinsense now burne
on thee: & his name shall Iosias bee when he ys borne.
And for a token that yt ys our lord who thus hath spoken
th'Ashes shall be pour'd out on yt, & th'Altar shalbe clouen.
Wc h wordes when the kinge heard his hand forth from th'Altar he stretched
sayinge: Take hym: & his hand strecht out agaynst hym withered,
& the kinge could not draw yt backe: & the Altar was clouen
& th ashes pou'red out on yt, euen as the man had spoken.
Then sayd the kinge vnto the man of god: pray I beseech thee
vnto our lord for me, that my hand may restored bee.
& the man pray'd vnto our lord, & his hand was restored
to hym agayne as yt was before, & then the kinge requested
the man of god to dyne wt h hym, wc h he denyed vtterly
because he was forbidden foode there to tayst by god almighty.
Though afterward he by an other prophet was deceyued
& eate & drunke: for wc h he by a lyon was deuoured.
Yet for all this Ieroboam doth perseuer in Idolatry
& since his sonne Abia's fallen sicke, & lyke to dye
And to the prophet Ahia hee hath sente his wyfe to know
of hym whether his sonne shall his health agayne recouer or no.
And now the prophet who ys blinde wt h age abroad ys walkinge
to take the ayre ledd by his man. And the queene's also comminge
in strange attyre as yt doth seeme for feare shee should be knowne.
for so the kinge her bade; to them geue eare, for I'l be gone.
Ahias the prophet.
I heare the sounde of the queenes feete entringe in at the dore.
come in Ieroboams wyfe: & forth wt h lett me know where fore
thou feignes thy selfe to be an other woman then thou art?
A heauy message vnto thee I am for to impart.
Go tell Ieroboam that thus sayth our lord the god of Israel:
Because I haue exalted thee from the midst of the people
& ouer Israel made thee prince, & from the house of Dauid
the kingdome rent & geuen yt thee, & yet as Dauid did
thou hast not my commandments kept, but yll aboue all other
hast wrought makeinge strange gods & there by me provok't to anger
Euill vpon Ieroboams house I'l bringe, & will stryke all
that out of Ieroboam come pissinge agaynst the wall
& they that shall of hym be borne & dye wt h in the citty
the doggs shall eate, & foules devour them that in the fieldes dye.
Go therefore home, & at the very entrance of thy feete
in to the citty the child shall dye, & all Israel mourne for yt
& bury hym: for only hee shall be brought to his sepulcher
for yll he did preuent wc h was intended by his father
And our lord shall appoynt vnto hym selfe a kinge of Israel
& shall Israell from the good country plucke where now they dwell
& stryke Ieroboams house for the synne wc h he hath committed.
All this vnto Ieroboam tell wc h here I haue related
So queene adew: Sirra lead me now to the place whence I came
vxor Ieroboam.
yt's a hard message: yet to the kinge I'l go & beare the same
So soone as the queene on the threshold of the dore did enter
her sonne dyed & wt h mourninge Israel brought hym to his sepulcher
& whyle Ieroboam & the queene do for their dead sonne mourne
we'l to Roboam kinge of Iuda backe agayne returne
who for his synne by Sesac kinge of Ægipt ys invaded
& hath in Iuda lost the cittyes that were the best fenced
& since towardes Hierusalem ys gone wt h all his forces
pursuinge kinge Roboam who's fledd thither wt h all the princes
of Iuda, & a prophet that Semeias hath to name
ys from our lord sent for to do a message to Roboam
& what that ys you streight shall heare yf you will geue attention
for here the prophet, kinge & princes come. Now I'l begone.
Semeias a prophet
Princes & kinge thus sayth our lord: Sith you haue me forsaken
I will leaue you in Sesacs hand by hym for to be taken
Kinge Roboam.
Thy words haue me amaz'd
So haue they vs.
Rob[oam] princ[es].
our lord is iust
Syth that you humbled are agayne from god tell you I must,
that he'l not you destroy, but will geue you a litle ayde
& on Hierusalem his wrath shall by Sesac not be layd.
But yet you shall hym serue for to learne what the difference ys
betwene the seruice of our lord, & an earthly kings seruice
Thus much our lord commanded me vnto you to declare.
Kinge Roboam. & Princes of Iuda.
Semeias thanks: our lord ys iust & we all synners are.
Kinge Roboam.
But now let vs begone lest sodaynly we be assaulted
by Sesac who towards Hierusalem allready's marched.
Now Sesac kinge Ægipt from Hierusalem's retyred
& hath much treasure from the house of god wt h hym conueyed
But yet because the people humbled are before our lord
they were not cleane destroy'd accordinge to the prophets worde
though they in great subiection lyu'd vnto th'Ægiptian kinge
& betwixt them & Ieroboam there euer hath bene ierringe
vntill Roboam wt h his fathers slept wc h lately happened
& then Ieroboams wrath towards Abias was conuerted
who was Roboams sonne & reigned in his fathers place
but Ieroboam quickly was subdued by Abias
for god so terrifye'd hym & Israel that they fled away
before Abias, & there fell of them hurt in one day
fyue hundred Thousand valiant men: And in Ieroboams place
Nadab his sonne did reigne, as wicked as his father was.
And when Abias kinge of Iuda dye'd Asa his sonne
succeeded hym, & gods laws kept euen as Dauid had done
exceptinge only that th'Excelses he tooke not away
wc h for his wyues salomon had made. And the kinge of Æthiopia
Who Zara had to name, & his whole army (wc h conteyned
ten hundred thousand men) through gods helpe were by hym destroyed.
And he Maaca his owne mother from the Empyre deposed
because that she to priapus an Idoll had erected,
wc h he in peeces brake & burnt the groue for to hym came
one wt h gods spirit indue'd who Azarias had to name
& to hym thus did say: Heare me Asa, Iuda, & Beniamin:
our lord god ys wt h you because that you wt h hym haue bin.
Yf you will seeke hym, you shall finde hym: But yf you do make,
a smale accompt of hym, assure your selues he'l you forsake.
And many days in Israel shall wt h out the true god passe
& wt h out priest, teacher, & law, for so our lord god says.
And when in their distresse they shall wt h all their heart & mynde
returne vnto our lord, & seeke hym, then they shall hym fynde.
And at that tyme there shall not bee peace to hym that doth go
out & come in, but on ech syde greate feare, terrour, & woe
in the Inhabitants of the earth: for Nation agaynst Nation
shall fight: & betwene citty & citty there shall be great dissention
because our lord will them molest wt h euery kynde of misery
wherefore courage to you take for your workes shall rewarded bee
Wc h wordes when Asa heard he courage tooke, & putt away
all th'Idolls that were in the land of Beniamin & Iuda
And made a lawe that euery one should our lord god seeke out
wt h all their heart & soule, & dye ech on that sought hym not.
And all the people made due search, & did our lord god fynde
And our lord gaue them peace agayne, & quietnes of mynde,
euen as the prophet of our lord before to hym did say
& Asa all his days a perfect heart had. But Baasa
his lord Nadab by treachery slew, & after Israel gouerned
& whyle he reignd Ieroboams house he vtterly destroyed
for his synne as Ahias sayd, & shortly after dyed
And his sonne Ela had his place, & ouer Israel reigned
But by his seruant Zambri he beinge one day drunke was slayne
& Zambri in his place did afterwards ouer Israel reigne
& the house of Baasa strucke, & lefte not one at all
of them, as Iehu had fore told to pisse agaynst the wall.
The wc h when Israel heard they Amry kinge created
who general had bene of the warres, & he Zambri besieged
in Thersa, who perceiuinge that he must needes taken bee
both hys house & hym selfe he burnt & in his synnes did dye.
But now Israel diuided was & th'one halfe followed Thebin
Gineth his sonne to make hym kinge, th'other halfe did go wt h Amri
But Amri did preuayle, & shortly after Thebin dyed
& Amri ouer Israel reign'd, & for wickednes exceeded
all other that before hym were: And then Achab his sonne
succeeded hym, & lyu'd as wickedly as he had done
And now the prophet Elias ys from god to Achab sentt
& wt h his message you shall be acquainted made incontinent
yf you accordinge to your wonte a while will shew attention
for here they cominge are together. And now I will begone.
Elias the prophet.
As the lord god of Israel lyues in whose sight I do stand
for certayne yeares both dew & rayne shall fall vpon the land
accordinge to the wordes that shall out of my mouth proceede
that thou may know our lord ys god, & none other god besyde
Kinge Achab.
credite thee that will, for I will not, in any thinge thou dost say
But I'l be gone for great occasions drawes me hence away.
Elias go thy way, & in the Torrent Carith hyde thee
& of the Torrent thou shalt drynke when thou feeles thy selfe thyrsty.
& I commanded haue the rauens there thee for to feede
on confidence there of Lord on my iourney I'l proceede
Elias to the Torrent Carith went as god commanded
& bread & flesh the Rauens twice a day vnto hym caryed
& of the Torrent he did drynke vntill yt was vp dryed
wc h wt h in certayne dayes by reason that no rayne fell, happened
But then our Lord vnto hym sayd: Aryse & go into
Sereptha, & stay there, for I commanded haue a widdow,
there thee to feede, & he's gone thence directly to that citty
where what his entertaynment ys marke well & you shall see
for at the citty gate behold he wt h the widdow meeteth
who gatheringe ys of stickes, & her in frendly wyse Saluteth
Will mett good widdow: I thee beseech for to bestow vpon mee
a litle water for to drynke for I am tootoe thirsty.
I'l yt go fetch.
A morsell to of breade bringe in thy hand
for mee to eate for I am hungry.
Thus much sir vnder stand
as our lord lyues I haue no breade, but one handfull of meale
in a pott, & a litle oyle wt h in a litle vessell
And loe I gathered haue, & now to make yt ready
for mee & my sonne goinge am that we may eate & dye
feare not but go & do as thou hast sayd: But first make for mee
a litle harth cake of that meale, & bringe yt hither wt h thee.
And afterward then thou shalt make for thy selfe & thy sonne
for thus our lord doth say the pott of meale shall not be done
nor the oyle vessell empty bee vntill that yt do rayne
I'l then go do as you haue sayd, & streight returne agayne
Nay rather I'l go in wt h thee so shall thou be lesse troubled
Syth that you are disposed so to do I am contented.
The widdow, her house, & Elias are all well refreshed
& yet neyther the meale nor oyle are any white diminished
But now her sonne ys fallen sicke, for wc h she mourneth sore
& here shee bringes hym in her armes, & the prophet comes before
Alas my sonne I feare ys dead: In hym no breath there ys
didst thou come vnto me thou man of god that myne iniquities
might be cal'd to remembrance, & thou mightest my sonne kill?
Geue me thy sonne, & hym lay downe vpon this bedd I will.
O lord my god where fore hast thou this widdow thus afflicted
by killinge of her sonne, who in a sort hath my lyfe saued
O lord my god let the soule of this child, I do beseech thee
come in to hym agayne. Now yt's returnd in to his body
Widow behold thy sonne doth lyue: Geue god prayse for the same
I see thou art a man of god, & his worde's true that came
out of thy mouth, for wc h to hym be prayse for euer more.
Come sonne let's in returne syth thou as well art as before.
Elias now to Achab go & shewe thy selfe agayne
to hym, that I vpon the face of th'earth may geue some rayne
Achab perceiueinge that there ys great famyne in Samaria
hath sent the ruler of his house Abdias thence away
to trye yf he any grasse can fynde, or water for his cattell
wc h both are wantinge in the land where as he now doth dwell
for this ys the third yeare since that Elias did vp close
the heauen that yt should not rayne, for so you must suppose
And Achab's gone hym selfe abroad also an other way
for to seeke out some batle soyle where saue their lyues he may.
And here Abdias comminge ys, as yt should seeme to mee,
Whom by the way Elias meetes. Their greetinge you shall see.
Who's this I here espye? My lord say art thou not Elias?
I am. Go tell thy lord that here Elias ys (Abdias.
What's my offence that mee thy seruant thou deliuer will
in to the hands of my lord Achab that hee may mee kill?
No nation's in this land whither my lord hath not sent to seeke thee
& all haue answeare made, he ys not here. And thou says to mee
Go tell thy lord here ys Elias: And when I am departed
from thee, perhaps thou wilt in to some other place be caryed
by the spirite of our lord, & Achab sendinge for to seeke thee
fynde thee not there, he haply will offended bee, & kill mee.
And from his infancy thy seruant hath our lord god feared.
Hath yt not bene told my lord what I did when Iezabell killed
the prophets of our lord, how I them hydd by fifty & by fyfty
in caues, & fedd them all wt h water, & bread, & kept them safly?
And thou sayst: go & tell thy lord: Elias now ys here,
that he may kill mee, as he will yf thou do not appeare.
The lord of hosts doth lyue before whose face I now am standinge
I will this day to hym appeare.
Then to hym I'l be goinge.
So do & that wt h speede, & be assur'd of this Abdias
yf Achab come or sende, he shall me fynde here in this place.
Now syth I am here all alone, I will sitt downe & rest mee
but that must not be longe, for Achab's cominge here allready.
Kinge Achab.
Art yu he that Israel doth trouble?
I have not Israel troubled
but thou, & the house of thy father who haue Baalim followed
& broken the commandments of our lord. yet not wt h standinge
assemble Israel, & them in mount Carmel to me bringe,
& Baals foure hundred fifty prophets, & of the groues foure hundred
wc h do at Iezabels table eate.
Together they shall be called
wherefore let's hence depart, & in mount Carmel they shall meete thee
Kinge Achab do as you haue sayde & there I will be ready
When Achab, Israel, & the priestes were come in to mount Carmel
Elias mett them there, & thus did say vnto the people
How longe do you halt on both sydes? yf our lord true god bee
folow hym: yf Baal folow hym: And they did not reply.
Vnto the people then Elias thus did say agayne:
a prophet of our lord & god I only do remayne.
And the prophets of Baal foure hundred are & fifty men.
Two oxen to vs brynge, & let the one by them be chosen
& layd beinge cutt in peeces vpon woode, & no fyre vnder
& the other oxe shall be by mee vs'de in the selfe same maner
And let them invocate the names of their gods, & I'l call
on the name of my god: & the god that by fyre heare shall
lett hym be god: And all the people sayd: A good proposition.
And the priestes on the name of Baal from morninge till midday
haue called sayinge: Baal heare vs: but yet nothinge would he say
though they vpon the Altar lept, & skipped to & froe
wc h when Elias did perceue, he vnto them did go
& sayd in iestinge wyse: perhaps your god ys not wt h in,
but travaylinge ys vpon the way, or else he's in his Inne
or at the least soundly a-sleepe, & there fore must be waked
wt h lowder cryes. And then forth wt h their voyces they exalted
and cutt them selues after their rite both wt h their knyues & launces
till they were all imbrew'd wt h blood, & lifted vp their voyces
to their god Baal callinge on hym vntill the day was ended
& yet the oxe ordayn'd for sacrifice vnburnt remayned.
Elias then th'Altar repayr'd wc h was before destroyed
the wc h he of twelue stones in the name of our lord erected
accordinge to the number of the Tribes of Iacobs childer
& round a-bout the Altar he did draw a water gutter
& then the woode in order plac't, & th'oxe in ioynts diuided
& layd them on the wood, & sayd: Let foure Buckets be filled
wt h water, & powred vpon the holocaust & the woode
& this he made them thrise to do, while that he wt h them stoode.
And the water about the Altar ranne, & gutter filled
& so soone as the tyme was come that t'holocaust should be offered
Elias sayd: Lord god of Abraham, Isaac, & Israel
this day declare that thou art Israels god vnto the people
& that I am thy seruant, & haue done euen as thou bade mee
in all these thinges. Heare me o lord: heare me lord I beseech thee
that this people may learne that thou art god, & hast conuerted
their heartes agayne. And the fyre of our Lord fell & deuoured
the Holocaust & the woode, & water that was in the gutter
wc h when the people saw, they fell on their faces to gether
& sayd: our lord he's god: our lord he's god. Then sayd Elias
See that you all the prophets of Baal take, & let not one passe
And they forth wt h so did, & brought them to ye Torrent Cison
where by Elias they were kild, & putt to death ech one.
Elias then to Achab sayd: go vp & drynke & eate
because there ys sound of much rayne: & he went to his meate
& drynke. And then Elias went in to the topp of carmel
& putt his face betwixt his knees, & flatt on the earth fell
& to his seruant sayd: to wardes the sea go looke, & bringe
me word what thou doest see: & he returninge sayd there's nothing
Seuen tymes then sayd Elias, to the sea returne agayne
And the seuenth tyme he saw, as yt were the foote of a man,
a litle clowde aryseinge from the sea. Then sayd Elias
vnto Achab: Thy chariot yoke, & get thee downe a pase
lest the rayne the preuent. And while he turned hither & thither
behold the heauens darkened were, & clowds began to gather
& the wyndes did aryse, & presently great rayne there fell
vpon the earth: And Achab goinge vp, went into Iezrahel
And wt h Elias our lord was, & his loynes beinge girded
vntil he vnto Iezrahel came, before Achab he trotted.
And vnto Iezabel his wyfe all things Achab related
done by Elias: & how all the prophets he had killed.
And Iezabel vnto Elias sent one that did say
to hym these thinges Let the gods do to me, & these add thay
yf this same houre to morrow I do not make thy soule to bee
as one of their soules ys: wc h made Elias forth wt h flee.
for feare to wardes the Desert, & as yt seemes here he's cominge
to whom I wishe you to geue eare, for now I must be goinge.
Syth I no better then my fathers am vnder this tree
of Iunipre I'l lye & sleepe desyrous for to dye.
Elias ryse & eate.
Behold here ys set at my heade
a botel full of water, & lykewyse harth baked breade
I'l eate, & drynke, & sleepe agayne as I before did do
Aryse & eate for thou hast yet a great way for to go
I'l eate & drynke as I am bidden. Now I am well refreshed
I'l on my iourney go, as by our lord I shall be guyded.
In the strength of the meate wc h in the desert I lately taysted
I fourty days & fourty nights towards Horeb haue walked
the mount of god, whither beinge come I in this caue will stay
Where fore Elias stays thou there?
Wt h zeale I haue alway
bene zelous for our lord the god of hosts because the children
of Israel haue thy Altars spoyld, & couenant forsaken.
& wt h the sword thy prophets slayne, And lefte alone am I
& they do also ly in wayte to take my lyfe from mee
Come forth & stand before our lord in the dore of the caue
Behold lord here I am.
what hearest thou?
Wt h zeale I haue
bene zelous for our lord the god of hosts because the children
of Israel haue thy Altars spoyled, & couenant forsaken
& wt h the sworde thy prophets slayne, & lefte alone am I
& they do also lye in wayte to take my lyfe from mee.
Go by the Desert of Damascus backe in to thy way
& beinge thither come Hazael anoynt kinge ouer Syria
& ouer Israel kinge anoynt Iehu the sonne of Nansi
& Eliseus (who's the sonne of Saphat) prophet for thee
And yt shall be that who so euer the sword of Hazael shall
escape, by Iehu shall be slayne. And he that shall not fall
by Iehus sword hym shall Eliseus kill: And I'l in Israel
leaue me seuen thousand men who haue not bow'd their knees to Baal.
Now thou dost know my mynde, be gone & see yt be Performed.
So soone as I meete wt h them lord I'l do all thou commanded
Elias hath Eliseus found, & wt h his mantell hild
hym as he wt h twelue yoke of oxen was plughinge in ye field
Who forth wt h lefte his oxen & after Elias ran
sayinge let me my father & my mother kysse, & than
I'l follow thee. Go quoth he & returne, for what belonged
to me ys done to thee: & he came backe & to hym ministred.
And since Benedad the kinge of syria wt h thirty two kinge ayded
wt h all their Armyes ioyn'd to his. Samaria hath besieged
and vnto Achab kinge of Israel, who ys wt h in the citty
in great distresse a messenger hath sent, whom here I spy
approchinge to the citty wall his messege to impart
vnto the kinge, to wc h geue eare, & so I will depart
Kinge Achab.
who ys that.
Kinge Benedad my lord & maister
doth sende thee worde by mee that his ys both thy gold & syluer
wt h thy wyues & thy children also that are vnto thee borne
Kinge Achab.
I & my goods are his: So tell the Kinge at thy returne
But I can not consent my wyues & children to deliuer
Your answeare I'l returne: But sure yt will displease my maister.
who's there?
my lord bade me say yt he would
thy wyues & children haue as well as thy syluer & gold.
To morrow therefore this same houre he'l sende his seruants to thee
to serch your houses, & what they lyke they away will cary.
of this you may assured bee: And so Achab fare well
Kinge Achab
He seekes vs to intrap. what's your aduise Auncients of Israel?
Auncients of Israel.
No eare vnto hym geue: but yf agayne vnto you he do sende
make answeare that we mynded are our selues for to defende
Achab thus sayth the kinge: This & this doe the gods vnto mee
yf that for ech one of his people your bullworkes handfulls bee
Kinge Achab.
Say to the kinge let not the girded glory as the vngirded
for many haue had the foyle before the victory that bragged
This foolish confidence of yours ere longe you will repent
yet I'l go & returne your answeare to the kinge incontinent
who ready ys for to be-sett your citty on euery syde
Kinge Achab.
And for his intertaynment we'l be gone for to prouide
When that the syrians had besett Samaria round about
the Israelits although they were both valiant men & stout
were frighted sore seinge so great a multitude & company
inclosinge them: But in this their distresse a prophet presently
to Achab kynge of Israel came, & to hym thus did say:
I'l this huge multitude deliuer into thy hands this day
that thou mayst know I am the lord. And the same was accomplished
for Israel on the Syrians beinge drunken in their Tents, assaulted
& many of them slew, & made the rest to runne away
amongst whom was the kinge, & so of them they got the day.
But then the prophet came agayne, & to the kinge fore tolde
that come agayne agaynst the Israelits the Syrians would
wt h a huge multitude, where as the Israelits are fewe
yet Israel shall many of them kill, as them before they slewe
& make the rest to flee. And so yt fell out wt h the Syrians
for sayinge the lord's god not of the valleis but the mountaynes
And there's an hundred thousand foote men of ye syrians slayne
wt h sword: And vpon seuen & twenty thousand men that ranne
away for feare in to the citty of Aphec, the wall fell.
But Benadad the kinge escapt wt h some few who did counsell
hym sayinge thus: Let's putt vpon our loynes sacke cloth, & tye
halters about our neckes, & go to kinge Achab directly,
for he perhaps will saue our lyues. And so yt came to passe
that Benedads lyfe by Achab kinge of Israel spared was.
And then in the word of our lord a certayne prophet sayde
to his fellow stryke mee, but he would not do as he hym bade
Where fore the prophet sayd to hym: Because thou would not stryke mee
as our lord bade, behold a lion by the way shall deuour thee.
And euen so yt did fall out. And then the prophet goinge
a litle further mett an other vpon the high way trauellinge.
To whom (quoth he) come & stryke me: And yt same man hym wounded
h done the prophet so his face wt
h dust al to be-smered
that he can not be knowne, & to the kinge of Israel's gone
And the cause why he hath hym selfe disfigured in this fashion
yf you a whyle will patience haue you shall both heare & see
for here the prophet & the kinge to gether cominge bee.
Kinge Achab) hand strokes for to fight thy seruants did go out
& when a certayne man was flede one hym vnto me brought
& sayd see that thou keepe this man, for yf he slipp away
thy lyfe shall be for his, or else thou shalt a talent pay
of syluer: And whiles I beinge troubled turn'd me hither & thither
he sodaynly appeared not, but went I know not whither
Kinge Achab.
This shall the iudgment be, the wc h thou thy selfe hast decreed.
A prophet I see thou art the dust beinge now from thy face wyped
Kinge Achab thus much from our lord I lett the vnderstande
because that thou hast letten go a man out of thy hande
that worthy ys of death, assure thy selfe thy lyfe shall bee
for his lyfe, & thy people for his people.
I scorne to heare thee
wherefore I will returne into the citty wt h out delay.
I nothinge sayd but truth. But syth he's gone I will away.
Kinge Achab.
Nabath geue me thy vinyard that's adioyninge to my palace
for to make me a gardin of: & in some other place
I for yt will bestow on thee a vinyarde that ys better
or yf thou thinke yt more commodious the worth of yt in syluer.
Our lord be mercifull to me, that I geue not to thee
th'Inheritance wc h my father at his death did leaue vnto mee
Kinge Achab
As good thou had yf that I lyue. But now I will be gone
It's hard when that I must eyther in-curre his indignation
or else my vinyard loose th'Inheritance lefte me by my father
But I'l go, & gods will be done in this thinge & all other
Now is Kinge Achab in his palace, layd downe vpon his bed
in such a melancholy fitt that he will eate no breade:
wc h when Iesabel hys wyfe & quene perceiu'd, she to hym went
& so soone as she vnderstoode what made hym discontent
shee to hym sayd (my lord) you are a man of greate authority
wherefore aryse & eate, & Naboths vinyard I will geue thee.
And forth wt h shee did letters write in Achabs name, & signed
them wt h his ringe, & sent them to the Auncients that inhabited
the citty: And the tenor of them was. A fast proclame,
& make Naboth to sitt amongst the chiefe men at the same
Then let two men who children are of Belial be suborned
false witnes for to beare that he hath god & the kinge cursed
And then conuey hym out, & to death lett hym stoned bee
And the tenor of the letter was executed presently
& Naboth ston'd to death, where of so soone as Iezabel heard
shee vnto Achab sayd: Arise & possesse Naboths vinyard
for he ys dead. And that same newes was to the kinge most pleasinge
& there of Now to take possession he here at hand ys cominge
& after hym Elias hyes, But what he'l to hym say
attentyue be & you shall heare, & so I will away.
Kinge Achab thou hast slayne, yea & more ouer hast possessed
wherefore thus sayth our lord: In the place where the Dogs haue lycked
the blood of Naboth, there by them thy blood shall licked bee
Kinge Achab.
What's that Elias that thou sayst? hast thou found me thyne enemy?
I haue found thee, for thou art sould in gods sight to do yll
wherefore on thee & thy posterity I'l euill bringe, & kill
of Achab hym that doth agaynst wall pisse, & the inclosed
& last in Israel, & because thou hast to wrath prouoked
mee, & made Israel synne, I will thy house make for to bee
as Ieroboams & Baasas houses were before thee
And Iezabel in the fieldes of Iesrahel shall wt h Dogs be eaten
Kinge Achab
I sory am that I offended haue the god of heauen
& for griefe do my garments teare, & shame make me hange downe
my head. But for t'appease gods wrath I will go & putt on
heare cloth, & fast: & in sack cloth in the night tyme I'l lye
Hast thou not seene Elias how Achab's humbled before mee?
& syth he for my sake hym selfe hath humbled, I'l not rayse
this euill in his house in his tyme, but in his sonnes dayes
I see (lord) thou art mercifull, & takest great compassion
on them that do repent: But in all things thy will be done.
Kinge Achab.
frende Iosaphat of Iuda kinge I glad am you to see.
will yt not please you for to go to Ramoth Galaad wt h mee?
(the wc h by right ys ours) agaynst the Syrian kinge to fight?
Kinge Iosaphat.
You & I are all one, & I'l help you to get your right
But first I you beseech for to consult our lord whether wee
shall thither go or not: for so to do me thinkes yt necessary
Kinge Achab
There to I geue consent, come wt h mee & I will assemble
the prophets wc h foure hundred are or there about in Israel.
Kinge Iosaphat Now from the prophets mouthes you vnderstand
that Ramoth Galaad shall be geuen vp in to the Kings hand
yf that we thither go: for so wt h ioynt consent they sayd
Kinge Iosaphat.
Is there not here some prophet of our lord for to be had,
that we may aske by hym?
There's one man left but I hym hate
for he doth prophecy no good to me, but yll, & that
Micheas ys Iemla his sonne.
Do not say so o kinge
Kinge Achab.
Melops wt h out delay go & Micheas to me bringe.
a false prophet
Achab thus sayth our lord wt h these yron hornes yu shalt shake Syria
vntill thou yt destroy: And all the prophets wt
h me say
vp to Ramoth Galaad ascende, & thus much vnderstand
that our lord god will yt deliuer vp into the kings hand
K. Achabs seruant.
Behold the prophets wt h one mouth preach good things to ye kinge
Let thy worde therefore be lyke theirs, & to hym good news bringe
Our lord doth lyue that will I speake what s'euer our lord tells me
Kinge Achab.
Micheas shall we go to Ramoth Galaad for to fight
or els sitt still.
Go prosperously for our lord will deliuer yt
vp into the kings hands
I agayne & agayne adiure thee
in the name of our lord, that nothinge but the truth thou tell mee
I in the mountaynes saw all Israel lyke to sheepe dispersed
haueinge no Sheepheard, & our lord streight way to me appeared
& thus vnto me sayd: These haue no maisters but are maisterlesse
wherefore let euery one returne in to his house in peace.
Kinge Achab.
Lo Iosaphat did not I say so much before hand to thee
that he doth prophecy no good, but always yll vnto mee.
And more then this, I saw our lord sittinge vpon hys throne
& all the host of heauen hym assistinge both vpon
his right hand & his lefte: And our lord thus vnto them sayd:
Who shall Achab deceiue that he may go to Ramoth Galaad
& in yt fall? And there came forth a spirit that stoode before
our lord, & sayd: I'l hym deceiue. Then our lord spake once more
to hym, & sayd: where in? I will (quoth he) go forth & bee
in the prophets mouthes a lyinge spirit. And our lord did reply:
Thou shalt deceiue, & shalt prevayle: Go thy way forth & do so
& the lyinge spirit in to thy prophets mouthes did go.
a false prophet.
Hath the spirite of our lord lefte mee, & spoken vnto thee?
When in thy chamber thou shalt hyde thy selfe, that shall thou see.
Kinge Achab.
Come take Micheas hence away & cary hym vnto Amon
the gouernour of the citty, & bid hym clapp hym vp in prison.
& wt h the bread of tribulation & water of distresse
let hym continually be fedd till I returne in peace
Yf thou returne in peace then hath our lord not spoken in mee
heare all ye people.
That shall we see. Kinge Iosaphat let's go
to Ramoth Galaad for I am determined for to do so
& put you on your princely armour. But I will put on other
Kinge Iosaphat
Kinge Achab I contented am for to go wt h you thither
The kinge of Syria when he was a-bout to enter battell
vnto his princes sayd: only wt h Achab see you medle.
Yet not wt h standinge when the princes had Kinge Iosaphat seene
they violently assaulted hym thinkinge that yt had bene
the kinge of Israel because that be was in princely armour
But streight the kinge of Iuda cal'd vpon our lord for succour
& held his colours up, where by the princes well perceiued
that he was not the kinge of Israel, & so from hym departed.
Then one shooteinge an arrow, but aymeinge at no certayne marke
by chaunce the kinge of Israel hitt betwixt his longs & stomacke
& he vnto his cocher sayd. cary me out of the army
for I am wounded vnto death, & he hym thence did cary
but by the way out of his chariot his blood ranne from his wound
wc h (as the prophet had fore told the Dogs lyckt off the ground
And the kinge in the eueninge dyed, & t'Harauld a retreat sounded
sayinge now lett all depart: And ech man to his home returned
And Ochozias Achabs sonne ys now the kinge of Israell
& what of Iosaphat becomes shortly you shall heare tell
for wt h hym here Iehu Hannani seers sonne now cometh
& his behauiour shewes that he the kinge for some thinge blameth
Kinge Iosaphat a wicked man & impious thou hast ayded
& vnto them that hate our lord thou was in frendship ioyned
& our lords wrath thou for the same hast very well deserued.
But yet good workes are found in thee, for wc h our lord thee spared
because thou hast the groues out of the land of Iuda taken
& also hast prepard thy heart to serue the god of heauen
Kinge Iosaphat.
I synned haue (I do confesse) & for the same am sory
& both I & my people will here after be more wary
for now I'l go & geue a charge to ech man in his office
their dutyes for to do accordinge to the rule of iustice.
And Amarias priest & Bishop in those thinges chiefe shall bee
that appertayne to god. And Zabadias shall ouer see
such things as vnto the kinge office are properly belonginge
for in the house of Iuda he ys prince. So let's be goinge.
Kinge Iosaphat my cominge ys to lett thee vnderstand
that many & mighty foes are cominge to invade thy land
The Ammonits & Moabits & Syrians by name
the wc h I haue fore told that thou may preuent the same
Kinge Iosaphat
Thankes my good frend for thy good will, & take yt for thy labour
But our best course (my lord) will be to flee to god for succour.
because our forces are to smale agaynst so great a company
vnlesse that we assisted bee & helpt by god almighty.
Wherefore I will go & proclame a fast through out all Iuda
& to gods Temple in Hierusalem we'l go, & pray.
for god his seruants prayers will here that shall there be offered
for so vnto kinge Salomon (who built yt) he hath promised
Wherefore let's here no longer stay but forth wt h get vs gone
Princes of Iuda.
Renoned kinge we'l wayte on you beinge all of your opinion.
Kinge Iosaphat proclam'd a fast through all the land of Iuda
& euery one both man & woman to gods house went to pray
where they did cry vnto our lord in their great tribulation
& god their prayers heard out of his heauenly habitation
& by Iahaziel sent them worde that he would for them fight
yf confidently they would go & stand in th'enemyes sight
wc h they perform'd, & god did make their enemyes for to fall
by th'eares to gether, till such tyme as they were dispatched all
for th'Ammonits & the Moabits did wt h them fight of mount Seir
whom when they had destroy'd, they forth wt h murthered one an other.
Then they of Iuda tooke the spoyle: But beare yt all away
thence they could not in three days space for greatnes of the pray.
And afterward they did returne wt h ioy in to Hierusalem
playinge on their psalteries & harps wt h Iosaphat before them,
& went in to the house of god, where they before had prayed
& for their victory to god most harty thankes they rendred
And then the terrour of our lord vpon all Nations fell
hearinge how god had fought agaynst the enemyes of Isral.
And Iosaphat hath peace enioy'd since the tyme of this victory
vntill his death, wc h lately hapt, for wc h all Iuda's sory
for he a good kinge was, yet th'Excelses tooke not away,
for there the people incense burne vntill this present day.
And Ioram Iosaphats sonne in Iuda reigneth for his father
& in what fashion he'l behaue hym selfe tyme will discouer
The while to Ochozias kinge of Israel we'l returne
who's fallen sicke, & vnto Beelzebub the god of Accaron
a messenger hath sent hym to consult whether he shall dye
or be restor'd agayne to health, & cur'd of his infirmity
for he out of an vpper chamber window fell to th'earth
& so sore hurt hym that he's in great daunger now of death.
And how god will his message take yt shortly will be knowne
& what answeare he shall receiue: & now I'l hence be gone.
Arise Elias & go vp for to preuent the Messenger
of Ochozias, & of hym demande, when you meete, whether
no god there bee for to be found in all the land of Israel
that he of Beelzebub the god of Accaron goes t'aske counsell.
& say thus sayth our lord: Downe from the Bed where on thou art
thou shalt not go, but dyinge thou shalt dye. so hence depart.
Kinge Ochozias
Why are thou come agayne?
A man did meete me by ye way
& bade me backe goe, & vnto the kinge that sente me say,
Thus sayth our lord: Is there no god in all the lande of Israell
that you of Beelzebub the god of Accaron go t'aske counsell?
for this same cause downe from the bede where on yu art ascended
thou shalt not go, but dyinge dye. & so from me he parted.
Kinge Ochozias
What shape & habite had the man? Tell me yf thou remember
A heary man he was, & wt h a girdle girt of leather.
Kinge Ochozias
Elias the Thesbite yt was. go sende to hym a captayne
wt h fifty men, & bid them bringe vnto me that same man
When the captayne (my liege) & fifty men came to Elias
they sayd to hym: Thou man of god go wt h vs to ochozias
yf that I be a man of god, Let fyre descend from heauen
Elias sayd, & thee deuoure, & all thy fifty men.
& fyre came downe & burnt them all yf yt may please your maiesty.
Kinge Ochozias
An other captayne forth wt h send, & wt h hym other fifty.
My liege) these sayd as th'other had done, & are deuoured also
Kinge Ochozias
Other fifty wt h a captayne send, & see what they can doe
This captayne yf yt lyke your grace, when he came to Elias
bow'd downe his knees before the man, & very submissyue was
& to hym sayd: Thou man of god compassion take vpon mee
& let me not as th'other were wt h fyre consumed bee.
And streight an Angell of our lord sayd thus unto Elias
be not afrayd, but wt h them go downe to kinge ochozias
And he did as the Angell bade, & here the captayne's cominge
vnto your highnes, & wt h hym he doth Elias bringe.
Kinge ochozias was there not a god here in all Israel
that thou of Beelzebub the god of Accaron sent to aske counsell?
for this same thinge our lord doth say, from ye bed where yu art
thou shalt not go, but dyinge dye. So from thee I'l depart.
Now the kinge's dead euen as the prophet sayd: let's hence hym cary
for so yt's fittinge for to do that we his corps may bury.
In Ochozias kinge of Israels place Ioram his Brother
(for he no sonne hath) reignes: And from Galgal I know not whither
Elias now is gone wt h Eliseus in his company
& when they vnto Iordan came Elias putt off presently
his mantell & wrapt yt together, & there wt h struck the water
& yt diuid'd yt selfe, & they by dry land passed ouer.
And then Elias vnt Eliseus sayd: aske of mee
what thou wilt haue me do for thee ere I be taken from thee.
I pray thee sayd Eliseus that thy duble spirit may be in mee.
A hard thinge sayd Elias thou hast askt, yet yf thou see
mee when I shall from thee be taken, thou shalt haue yt yu asked
else not: And as they forward went, & th'one wt h th'other talked
a fyrie chariot, & fyrie horses them two a-sunder parted
& by a whirlwynde into heauen Elias vp ascended.
And Eliseus saw hym, & did cry out father, father
The chariot of Israel, & he that's there of the guyder
& he saw hym no more. But vp the mantel of Elias
he tooke, the wc h from hym at his departure fallen was.
And vnto Iordan backe returnd, & there wt h struck the water
as he had seene Elias do: but he was no whit better
for yt a-sunder did not part: wc h when Eliseus saw
he forth wt h sayd: Where ys ye god now of Elias also?
and smote the water, & yt was this & that way diuided
So that Eliseus by dry land ouer the riuer passed.
Wc h when the children of the Prophets saw yt were in Ierico
they sayd Elias spirit vpon Eliseus resteth also
And meeteinge hym they hym ador'd euen flatt vnto ye ground
& beinge all desyrous for to haue his maister founde
wil'd that they might send fifty men wc h they there ready had
to see whether that he by gods spirit were in ye mountayns layd,
or valleis, but he sayd send not: yet they so sore hym vrged
that in the ende he bade them send. And three days ye men searched
but found hym not. And cominge to Eliseus back agayne
did not I say (quoth he) send not, knowinge you sercht in vayne
Then sayd the men of Ierico where Eliseus dwelled
this citty standeth pleasantly, but ye ground where yt's seatted
is barren & the waters yll. fetch me Eliseus sayd
a newe vessell wt h salt in. And they yt brought as he them bade
And Eliseus to the fountayne of the waters went
& castinge salt there in sayd: thus sayth our lord god omnipotent.
These waters I amended haue, & in them death shall bee
no more nor bitternes. And they were all amended presently.
Then Eliseus vnto Bethel went, & by the way
litle boys out of the citty came, & thus to hym did say
& that in floutinge wyse: come vp bald head, come vp bald head
whom (when he had look't backe) in ye name of our lord he cursed
And two Beares came out of ye forrest & did in peeces teare
fourty two boys. Then he went to Samaria & dwelt there
where he wt h water fild the ditches, & that wt h outen rayne,
when Ioram kinge of Israel for want of water did complayne.
But Eliseus now is gone vnto a certayne widow
who had the wyfe bene of a prophet, & ys in griefe & sorrow
And shortly you shall know the cause, yf you will shew attention
for here they cominge are together. And now I will be gone.
My husband who thy seruant was, ys dead, & yu doest know
he was a man that feared god, & did obserue his low
And the creditour ys come my two sonnes for to take away
hym for to serue vnlesse I do the debt vnto hym pay
What's in thy house.
Nothinge sir but a litle oyle to anoynt mee
Go streight & of thy neighbours borrow no few vessels yt are empty
And when thou & thy sonnes are in thy house shut fast the dore
& oyle out of thy litle vessell in to the other poure
& when they shall be filled full, let them be sett a syde
& come to me agayne, & I the while will here abyde
Relyinge on your worde, wc h I doubt not shall be performed
I will begone, & all things do as you haue me enioyned
The vessels all are filled full, & the oyle runnes no more
Go then & sell there of, & wt h the money pay thy creditour.
& lyue thou & thy sonne vpon the rest. So let's away
I geue you thanks, & bound to you I will remayne for aye.
As Eliseus did by Sunam passe a deuout woman
invited hym to eate wt h her, & sayd to her good man
I do perceiue this holy man of god doth often passe
this way: A chamber let vs make for hym, that he a place
may haue of rest: & they so did, & there in sett a bedd
wt h a stoole & a candlestick, where he goinge yt way rested.
And on a day beinge there he thus did say vnto ye Sunamite
thou shalt a sonne haue this tyme twelue month. May I (quoth she) thee credit?
for my husband ys growne in yeares. do not deceiue thy handmayd
Thou shalt (quoth he) & yt did come to passe as he had sayd.
But shortly after her sonne dyed, & she hym forth wt h cast
vpon Eliseus bed, & went to seeke hym in great hast.
And in mount carmel findinge hym, she on his feete layd hold
Wc h when Giezi Eliseus seruant saw & would
haue her remou'd, his maister sayd: let her alone, for shee
in anguish ys, & our lord hath yt not reueal'd vnto mee.
Then to hym sayd the woman Did I aske of my lord a sonne?
did not I say deceiue me not? And yet this thinge ys done
Then to Giezi he did say: let thy loynes girded bee,
& thy staffe in thy hand take, & go, & yf any man meete thee
Salute hym not, nor answeare hym yf any man thee salute.
And when thou comes vnto the child, thy staffe on his face putt.
I will not sayd the mother of the child go backe wt h out thee
Wherefore Eliseus wt
h her went: But ere they came Giezi
had layd his staffe on the childes face: But there in hym appeared
neyther sense nor lyfe: where fore to meete his maister he returned
& tolde hym sayinge: The childe's not rysen. And then Eliseus went
into the house, and shutt the dore, & on the child incontinent
he pray'd vnto our lord layinge his eyes on the childes eyes
& his mouth on his mouth, & his handes on his handes lyke wyse,
& ouer hym he bow'd hym selfe, & the childes flesh was warmed.
And when Eliseus vp & downe the house a while had walked
the childe seuen tymes did gaspe, & his eyes open: Then to the Sunamite
Eliseus sayd: There take thy sonne: & shee fell at his feete
& hym adored to the ground, & wt h her sonne then went.
And Eliseus vnto Galgal did returne incontinent:
where famine was: And there the bitternes of coloquintida
wc h by chaunce was putt in a pott of potage, he tooke away.
And wt h a few loaues fedd a mighty multitude of people
& some was left, for yt to eate vp all they were not able.
And the next wonder that he'l worke, is curinge of the leprosy
of prince Naaman, as in tyme you shall most playnly see.
Dreede soueraigne lord thy father layd a most hard yoke vpon vs.
wc h we beseech the somewhat lighten for yt ys ouer greevous.
& we as loyall subiects will to thee obedient bee.
Kinge Roboam.
Go all way till the third day & then returne vnto mee
& you shall answeare haue, The while bidd the Auncients of Israell
to me repayre wt h out delay, for I would haue their counsell
People of Israel
Wee will my liege do your command, & that wt h out delay
King Roboam.
So do. Lo now they are at hand, I'l heare what they will say.
Auncients you welcome are, who did assist before my father
while he was liuinge: your counsel now I craue what I shall answeare
vnto the people who desyre to haue the burden eased
where wt h before (as they affirme) my father them oppressed
Auncients of Israel.
Yf you my gratious lord will grante the people their desyre
& geue them gentle words they'l serue you as they seru'd your father.
Kinge Roboam.
Well stand a-syde, & lett me heare what these yonge men will say
who wayted haue on mee, & bene brought vp wt h me alway.
Yonge men of Israel.
This answeare to them make (renowned kinge) my litle finger
shall grosser bee (assure your selues) then the backe of my father.
My father on you layd a heauy yoke: But I will adde
more there vnto. Wt h scourges you were by my father pay'd
but I wt h Scorpions will you beate. This answeare to them make
Kinge Roboam
I your advises both haue heard, & what answeare I'l make
when the third day ys come shall playnly to you all appeare
Good people you are come yt seemes of me to haue an answeare,
& so you shall. My fathers heauy yoke I will make heauier
Hee beate you but wt h whipps, But I wt h scorpions will you pay
& the proud'st of you make to stoupe: Let's see who dares say nay
People of Israel
What part haue we in Dauid, or Inheritance in the sonne
of Isai? Israel come, vnto our Tabernacles let's be gone.
Kinge Roboam.
Doe only the two tribes of Beniamin & Iuda stay
wt h mee? Then to Ierusalem I'l be gone wt h out delay.
When to Hierusalem Roboam came kinge he was crowned
of Iuda only, for from hym all Israel was revolted.
And of the Tribes of Beniamin & Iuda he did gather
an hundred fourscore thousand chosen fightinge men to gether
to fight agaynst the house of Israel, & to reduce the kingdome
from them wholly vnto hym selfe beinge the sonne of Salomon.
And Israel understandinge that Ieroboam was returned
from Ægipt, hym wt h ioynt consent the kinge of Israell crowned.
But the word of our lord forth wt h vnto Roboam came
by one that was a man of god Semeias cald by name
& did forbidd hym for to fight agaynst the house of Israel:
& euery man returned home, & wt h them woulde not medle.
Yet Ieroboam was persua'ed that kingdome would
returne vnto the house of Dauid yf the people should
go vp vnto Hierusalem there for to offer sacrifice
in the house of our lord, where fore he forth wt h did devise
two golden calues, & sayd: Israel go no more to Hierusalem
Lo here thy gods that brought the out of Ægipt are: adore them
And one of them in Bethel he did sett, the other in Dan
wc h to adore great multitudes of people dayly ran.
And in th'Excelses he made Temples, & of the meanest people
priestes that were not of Leuis stocke, & an Altar in Bethel
to immolate on the same vnto the calues wc h he had framed
& there on also incense burnt: wc h god highly displeased
And vnto Bethel came a man of god forth wt h from Iuda
while he was censinge, & vnto the Altar thus did say:
Altar, Altar, thus sayth our lord: Behold a child shall bee
the priestes of the excelses, who now frankinsense now burne
on thee: & his name shall Iosias bee when he ys borne.
And for a token that yt ys our lord who thus hath spoken
th'Ashes shall be pour'd out on yt, & th'Altar shalbe clouen.
Wc h wordes when the kinge heard his hand forth from th'Altar he stretched
sayinge: Take hym: & his hand strecht out agaynst hym withered,
& the kinge could not draw yt backe: & the Altar was clouen
& th ashes pou'red out on yt, euen as the man had spoken.
Then sayd the kinge vnto the man of god: pray I beseech thee
vnto our lord for me, that my hand may restored bee.
& the man pray'd vnto our lord, & his hand was restored
to hym agayne as yt was before, & then the kinge requested
the man of god to dyne wt h hym, wc h he denyed vtterly
because he was forbidden foode there to tayst by god almighty.
Though afterward he by an other prophet was deceyued
& eate & drunke: for wc h he by a lyon was deuoured.
Yet for all this Ieroboam doth perseuer in Idolatry
& since his sonne Abia's fallen sicke, & lyke to dye
And to the prophet Ahia hee hath sente his wyfe to know
of hym whether his sonne shall his health agayne recouer or no.
And now the prophet who ys blinde wt h age abroad ys walkinge
to take the ayre ledd by his man. And the queene's also comminge
in strange attyre as yt doth seeme for feare shee should be knowne.
for so the kinge her bade; to them geue eare, for I'l be gone.
Ahias the prophet.
I heare the sounde of the queenes feete entringe in at the dore.
come in Ieroboams wyfe: & forth wt h lett me know where fore
thou feignes thy selfe to be an other woman then thou art?
A heauy message vnto thee I am for to impart.
Go tell Ieroboam that thus sayth our lord the god of Israel:
Because I haue exalted thee from the midst of the people
& ouer Israel made thee prince, & from the house of Dauid
the kingdome rent & geuen yt thee, & yet as Dauid did
thou hast not my commandments kept, but yll aboue all other
hast wrought makeinge strange gods & there by me provok't to anger
Euill vpon Ieroboams house I'l bringe, & will stryke all
& they that shall of hym be borne & dye wt h in the citty
the doggs shall eate, & foules devour them that in the fieldes dye.
Go therefore home, & at the very entrance of thy feete
in to the citty the child shall dye, & all Israel mourne for yt
& bury hym: for only hee shall be brought to his sepulcher
for yll he did preuent wc h was intended by his father
And our lord shall appoynt vnto hym selfe a kinge of Israel
& shall Israell from the good country plucke where now they dwell
& stryke Ieroboams house for the synne wc h he hath committed.
All this vnto Ieroboam tell wc h here I haue related
So queene adew: Sirra lead me now to the place whence I came
vxor Ieroboam.
yt's a hard message: yet to the kinge I'l go & beare the same
So soone as the queene on the threshold of the dore did enter
her sonne dyed & wt h mourninge Israel brought hym to his sepulcher
& whyle Ieroboam & the queene do for their dead sonne mourne
we'l to Roboam kinge of Iuda backe agayne returne
who for his synne by Sesac kinge of Ægipt ys invaded
& hath in Iuda lost the cittyes that were the best fenced
& since towardes Hierusalem ys gone wt h all his forces
pursuinge kinge Roboam who's fledd thither wt h all the princes
of Iuda, & a prophet that Semeias hath to name
ys from our lord sent for to do a message to Roboam
& what that ys you streight shall heare yf you will geue attention
for here the prophet, kinge & princes come. Now I'l begone.
Semeias a prophet
Princes & kinge thus sayth our lord: Sith you haue me forsaken
I will leaue you in Sesacs hand by hym for to be taken
Kinge Roboam.
Thy words haue me amaz'd
So haue they vs.
Rob[oam] princ[es].
our lord is iust
Syth that you humbled are agayne from god tell you I must,
& on Hierusalem his wrath shall by Sesac not be layd.
But yet you shall hym serue for to learne what the difference ys
betwene the seruice of our lord, & an earthly kings seruice
Thus much our lord commanded me vnto you to declare.
Kinge Roboam. & Princes of Iuda.
Semeias thanks: our lord ys iust & we all synners are.
Kinge Roboam.
But now let vs begone lest sodaynly we be assaulted
by Sesac who towards Hierusalem allready's marched.
Now Sesac kinge Ægipt from Hierusalem's retyred
& hath much treasure from the house of god wt h hym conueyed
But yet because the people humbled are before our lord
they were not cleane destroy'd accordinge to the prophets worde
though they in great subiection lyu'd vnto th'Ægiptian kinge
& betwixt them & Ieroboam there euer hath bene ierringe
vntill Roboam wt h his fathers slept wc h lately happened
& then Ieroboams wrath towards Abias was conuerted
who was Roboams sonne & reigned in his fathers place
but Ieroboam quickly was subdued by Abias
for god so terrifye'd hym & Israel that they fled away
before Abias, & there fell of them hurt in one day
fyue hundred Thousand valiant men: And in Ieroboams place
Nadab his sonne did reigne, as wicked as his father was.
And when Abias kinge of Iuda dye'd Asa his sonne
succeeded hym, & gods laws kept euen as Dauid had done
exceptinge only that th'Excelses he tooke not away
wc h for his wyues salomon had made. And the kinge of Æthiopia
Who Zara had to name, & his whole army (wc h conteyned
ten hundred thousand men) through gods helpe were by hym destroyed.
And he Maaca his owne mother from the Empyre deposed
because that she to priapus an Idoll had erected,
wc h he in peeces brake & burnt the groue for to hym came
one wt h gods spirit indue'd who Azarias had to name
& to hym thus did say: Heare me Asa, Iuda, & Beniamin:
our lord god ys wt h you because that you wt h hym haue bin.
Yf you will seeke hym, you shall finde hym: But yf you do make,
And many days in Israel shall wt h out the true god passe
& wt h out priest, teacher, & law, for so our lord god says.
And when in their distresse they shall wt h all their heart & mynde
returne vnto our lord, & seeke hym, then they shall hym fynde.
And at that tyme there shall not bee peace to hym that doth go
out & come in, but on ech syde greate feare, terrour, & woe
in the Inhabitants of the earth: for Nation agaynst Nation
shall fight: & betwene citty & citty there shall be great dissention
because our lord will them molest wt h euery kynde of misery
wherefore courage to you take for your workes shall rewarded bee
Wc h wordes when Asa heard he courage tooke, & putt away
all th'Idolls that were in the land of Beniamin & Iuda
And made a lawe that euery one should our lord god seeke out
wt h all their heart & soule, & dye ech on that sought hym not.
And all the people made due search, & did our lord god fynde
And our lord gaue them peace agayne, & quietnes of mynde,
euen as the prophet of our lord before to hym did say
& Asa all his days a perfect heart had. But Baasa
his lord Nadab by treachery slew, & after Israel gouerned
& whyle he reignd Ieroboams house he vtterly destroyed
for his synne as Ahias sayd, & shortly after dyed
And his sonne Ela had his place, & ouer Israel reigned
But by his seruant Zambri he beinge one day drunke was slayne
& Zambri in his place did afterwards ouer Israel reigne
& the house of Baasa strucke, & lefte not one at all
of them, as Iehu had fore told to pisse agaynst the wall.
The wc h when Israel heard they Amry kinge created
who general had bene of the warres, & he Zambri besieged
in Thersa, who perceiuinge that he must needes taken bee
both hys house & hym selfe he burnt & in his synnes did dye.
But now Israel diuided was & th'one halfe followed Thebin
Gineth his sonne to make hym kinge, th'other halfe did go wt h Amri
But Amri did preuayle, & shortly after Thebin dyed
& Amri ouer Israel reign'd, & for wickednes exceeded
all other that before hym were: And then Achab his sonne
And now the prophet Elias ys from god to Achab sentt
& wt h his message you shall be acquainted made incontinent
yf you accordinge to your wonte a while will shew attention
for here they cominge are together. And now I will begone.
Elias the prophet.
As the lord god of Israel lyues in whose sight I do stand
for certayne yeares both dew & rayne shall fall vpon the land
accordinge to the wordes that shall out of my mouth proceede
that thou may know our lord ys god, & none other god besyde
Kinge Achab.
credite thee that will, for I will not, in any thinge thou dost say
But I'l be gone for great occasions drawes me hence away.
Elias go thy way, & in the Torrent Carith hyde thee
& of the Torrent thou shalt drynke when thou feeles thy selfe thyrsty.
& I commanded haue the rauens there thee for to feede
on confidence there of Lord on my iourney I'l proceede
Elias to the Torrent Carith went as god commanded
& bread & flesh the Rauens twice a day vnto hym caryed
& of the Torrent he did drynke vntill yt was vp dryed
wc h wt h in certayne dayes by reason that no rayne fell, happened
But then our Lord vnto hym sayd: Aryse & go into
Sereptha, & stay there, for I commanded haue a widdow,
there thee to feede, & he's gone thence directly to that citty
where what his entertaynment ys marke well & you shall see
for at the citty gate behold he wt h the widdow meeteth
who gatheringe ys of stickes, & her in frendly wyse Saluteth
Will mett good widdow: I thee beseech for to bestow vpon mee
a litle water for to drynke for I am tootoe thirsty.
I'l yt go fetch.
A morsell to of breade bringe in thy hand
for mee to eate for I am hungry.
Thus much sir vnder stand
as our lord lyues I haue no breade, but one handfull of meale
in a pott, & a litle oyle wt h in a litle vessell
And loe I gathered haue, & now to make yt ready
for mee & my sonne goinge am that we may eate & dye
feare not but go & do as thou hast sayd: But first make for mee
a litle harth cake of that meale, & bringe yt hither wt h thee.
And afterward then thou shalt make for thy selfe & thy sonne
for thus our lord doth say the pott of meale shall not be done
nor the oyle vessell empty bee vntill that yt do rayne
I'l then go do as you haue sayd, & streight returne agayne
Nay rather I'l go in wt h thee so shall thou be lesse troubled
Syth that you are disposed so to do I am contented.
The widdow, her house, & Elias are all well refreshed
& yet neyther the meale nor oyle are any white diminished
But now her sonne ys fallen sicke, for wc h she mourneth sore
& here shee bringes hym in her armes, & the prophet comes before
Alas my sonne I feare ys dead: In hym no breath there ys
didst thou come vnto me thou man of god that myne iniquities
might be cal'd to remembrance, & thou mightest my sonne kill?
Geue me thy sonne, & hym lay downe vpon this bedd I will.
O lord my god where fore hast thou this widdow thus afflicted
by killinge of her sonne, who in a sort hath my lyfe saued
O lord my god let the soule of this child, I do beseech thee
come in to hym agayne. Now yt's returnd in to his body
Widow behold thy sonne doth lyue: Geue god prayse for the same
I see thou art a man of god, & his worde's true that came
out of thy mouth, for wc h to hym be prayse for euer more.
Come sonne let's in returne syth thou as well art as before.
Elias now to Achab go & shewe thy selfe agayne
to hym, that I vpon the face of th'earth may geue some rayne
Achab perceiueinge that there ys great famyne in Samaria
hath sent the ruler of his house Abdias thence away
to trye yf he any grasse can fynde, or water for his cattell
wc h both are wantinge in the land where as he now doth dwell
for this ys the third yeare since that Elias did vp close
the heauen that yt should not rayne, for so you must suppose
And Achab's gone hym selfe abroad also an other way
for to seeke out some batle soyle where saue their lyues he may.
And here Abdias comminge ys, as yt should seeme to mee,
Whom by the way Elias meetes. Their greetinge you shall see.
Who's this I here espye? My lord say art thou not Elias?
I am. Go tell thy lord that here Elias ys (Abdias.
What's my offence that mee thy seruant thou deliuer will
in to the hands of my lord Achab that hee may mee kill?
No nation's in this land whither my lord hath not sent to seeke thee
& all haue answeare made, he ys not here. And thou says to mee
Go tell thy lord here ys Elias: And when I am departed
from thee, perhaps thou wilt in to some other place be caryed
by the spirite of our lord, & Achab sendinge for to seeke thee
fynde thee not there, he haply will offended bee, & kill mee.
And from his infancy thy seruant hath our lord god feared.
Hath yt not bene told my lord what I did when Iezabell killed
the prophets of our lord, how I them hydd by fifty & by fyfty
in caues, & fedd them all wt h water, & bread, & kept them safly?
And thou sayst: go & tell thy lord: Elias now ys here,
that he may kill mee, as he will yf thou do not appeare.
The lord of hosts doth lyue before whose face I now am standinge
I will this day to hym appeare.
Then to hym I'l be goinge.
So do & that wt h speede, & be assur'd of this Abdias
yf Achab come or sende, he shall me fynde here in this place.
Now syth I am here all alone, I will sitt downe & rest mee
but that must not be longe, for Achab's cominge here allready.
Kinge Achab.
Art yu he that Israel doth trouble?
I have not Israel troubled
but thou, & the house of thy father who haue Baalim followed
& broken the commandments of our lord. yet not wt h standinge
assemble Israel, & them in mount Carmel to me bringe,
& Baals foure hundred fifty prophets, & of the groues foure hundred
wc h do at Iezabels table eate.
Together they shall be called
wherefore let's hence depart, & in mount Carmel they shall meete thee
Kinge Achab do as you haue sayde & there I will be ready
When Achab, Israel, & the priestes were come in to mount Carmel
Elias mett them there, & thus did say vnto the people
How longe do you halt on both sydes? yf our lord true god bee
folow hym: yf Baal folow hym: And they did not reply.
Vnto the people then Elias thus did say agayne:
a prophet of our lord & god I only do remayne.
And the prophets of Baal foure hundred are & fifty men.
Two oxen to vs brynge, & let the one by them be chosen
& layd beinge cutt in peeces vpon woode, & no fyre vnder
& the other oxe shall be by mee vs'de in the selfe same maner
And let them invocate the names of their gods, & I'l call
on the name of my god: & the god that by fyre heare shall
lett hym be god: And all the people sayd: A good proposition.
And the priestes on the name of Baal from morninge till midday
haue called sayinge: Baal heare vs: but yet nothinge would he say
wc h when Elias did perceue, he vnto them did go
& sayd in iestinge wyse: perhaps your god ys not wt h in,
but travaylinge ys vpon the way, or else he's in his Inne
or at the least soundly a-sleepe, & there fore must be waked
wt h lowder cryes. And then forth wt h their voyces they exalted
and cutt them selues after their rite both wt h their knyues & launces
till they were all imbrew'd wt h blood, & lifted vp their voyces
to their god Baal callinge on hym vntill the day was ended
& yet the oxe ordayn'd for sacrifice vnburnt remayned.
Elias then th'Altar repayr'd wc h was before destroyed
the wc h he of twelue stones in the name of our lord erected
accordinge to the number of the Tribes of Iacobs childer
& round a-bout the Altar he did draw a water gutter
& then the woode in order plac't, & th'oxe in ioynts diuided
& layd them on the wood, & sayd: Let foure Buckets be filled
wt h water, & powred vpon the holocaust & the woode
& this he made them thrise to do, while that he wt h them stoode.
And the water about the Altar ranne, & gutter filled
& so soone as the tyme was come that t'holocaust should be offered
Elias sayd: Lord god of Abraham, Isaac, & Israel
this day declare that thou art Israels god vnto the people
& that I am thy seruant, & haue done euen as thou bade mee
in all these thinges. Heare me o lord: heare me lord I beseech thee
that this people may learne that thou art god, & hast conuerted
their heartes agayne. And the fyre of our Lord fell & deuoured
the Holocaust & the woode, & water that was in the gutter
wc h when the people saw, they fell on their faces to gether
& sayd: our lord he's god: our lord he's god. Then sayd Elias
See that you all the prophets of Baal take, & let not one passe
And they forth wt h so did, & brought them to ye Torrent Cison
where by Elias they were kild, & putt to death ech one.
Elias then to Achab sayd: go vp & drynke & eate
because there ys sound of much rayne: & he went to his meate
& drynke. And then Elias went in to the topp of carmel
& putt his face betwixt his knees, & flatt on the earth fell
& to his seruant sayd: to wardes the sea go looke, & bringe
me word what thou doest see: & he returninge sayd there's nothing
Seuen tymes then sayd Elias, to the sea returne agayne
a litle clowde aryseinge from the sea. Then sayd Elias
vnto Achab: Thy chariot yoke, & get thee downe a pase
lest the rayne the preuent. And while he turned hither & thither
behold the heauens darkened were, & clowds began to gather
& the wyndes did aryse, & presently great rayne there fell
vpon the earth: And Achab goinge vp, went into Iezrahel
And wt h Elias our lord was, & his loynes beinge girded
vntil he vnto Iezrahel came, before Achab he trotted.
And vnto Iezabel his wyfe all things Achab related
done by Elias: & how all the prophets he had killed.
And Iezabel vnto Elias sent one that did say
to hym these thinges Let the gods do to me, & these add thay
yf this same houre to morrow I do not make thy soule to bee
as one of their soules ys: wc h made Elias forth wt h flee.
for feare to wardes the Desert, & as yt seemes here he's cominge
to whom I wishe you to geue eare, for now I must be goinge.
Syth I no better then my fathers am vnder this tree
of Iunipre I'l lye & sleepe desyrous for to dye.
Elias ryse & eate.
Behold here ys set at my heade
a botel full of water, & lykewyse harth baked breade
I'l eate, & drynke, & sleepe agayne as I before did do
Aryse & eate for thou hast yet a great way for to go
I'l eate & drynke as I am bidden. Now I am well refreshed
I'l on my iourney go, as by our lord I shall be guyded.
In the strength of the meate wc h in the desert I lately taysted
I fourty days & fourty nights towards Horeb haue walked
the mount of god, whither beinge come I in this caue will stay
Where fore Elias stays thou there?
Wt h zeale I haue alway
bene zelous for our lord the god of hosts because the children
& wt h the sword thy prophets slayne, And lefte alone am I
& they do also ly in wayte to take my lyfe from mee
Come forth & stand before our lord in the dore of the caue
Behold lord here I am.
what hearest thou?
Wt h zeale I haue
bene zelous for our lord the god of hosts because the children
of Israel haue thy Altars spoyled, & couenant forsaken
& wt h the sworde thy prophets slayne, & lefte alone am I
& they do also lye in wayte to take my lyfe from mee.
Go by the Desert of Damascus backe in to thy way
& beinge thither come Hazael anoynt kinge ouer Syria
& ouer Israel kinge anoynt Iehu the sonne of Nansi
& Eliseus (who's the sonne of Saphat) prophet for thee
And yt shall be that who so euer the sword of Hazael shall
escape, by Iehu shall be slayne. And he that shall not fall
by Iehus sword hym shall Eliseus kill: And I'l in Israel
leaue me seuen thousand men who haue not bow'd their knees to Baal.
Now thou dost know my mynde, be gone & see yt be Performed.
So soone as I meete wt h them lord I'l do all thou commanded
Elias hath Eliseus found, & wt h his mantell hild
hym as he wt h twelue yoke of oxen was plughinge in ye field
Who forth wt h lefte his oxen & after Elias ran
sayinge let me my father & my mother kysse, & than
I'l follow thee. Go quoth he & returne, for what belonged
to me ys done to thee: & he came backe & to hym ministred.
And since Benedad the kinge of syria wt h thirty two kinge ayded
wt h all their Armyes ioyn'd to his. Samaria hath besieged
and vnto Achab kinge of Israel, who ys wt h in the citty
in great distresse a messenger hath sent, whom here I spy
vnto the kinge, to wc h geue eare, & so I will depart
Kinge Achab.
who ys that.
Kinge Benedad my lord & maister
doth sende thee worde by mee that his ys both thy gold & syluer
wt h thy wyues & thy children also that are vnto thee borne
Kinge Achab.
I & my goods are his: So tell the Kinge at thy returne
But I can not consent my wyues & children to deliuer
Your answeare I'l returne: But sure yt will displease my maister.
who's there?
my lord bade me say yt he would
thy wyues & children haue as well as thy syluer & gold.
To morrow therefore this same houre he'l sende his seruants to thee
to serch your houses, & what they lyke they away will cary.
of this you may assured bee: And so Achab fare well
Kinge Achab
He seekes vs to intrap. what's your aduise Auncients of Israel?
Auncients of Israel.
No eare vnto hym geue: but yf agayne vnto you he do sende
make answeare that we mynded are our selues for to defende
Achab thus sayth the kinge: This & this doe the gods vnto mee
yf that for ech one of his people your bullworkes handfulls bee
Kinge Achab.
Say to the kinge let not the girded glory as the vngirded
for many haue had the foyle before the victory that bragged
This foolish confidence of yours ere longe you will repent
who ready ys for to be-sett your citty on euery syde
Kinge Achab.
And for his intertaynment we'l be gone for to prouide
When that the syrians had besett Samaria round about
the Israelits although they were both valiant men & stout
were frighted sore seinge so great a multitude & company
inclosinge them: But in this their distresse a prophet presently
to Achab kynge of Israel came, & to hym thus did say:
I'l this huge multitude deliuer into thy hands this day
that thou mayst know I am the lord. And the same was accomplished
for Israel on the Syrians beinge drunken in their Tents, assaulted
& many of them slew, & made the rest to runne away
amongst whom was the kinge, & so of them they got the day.
But then the prophet came agayne, & to the kinge fore tolde
that come agayne agaynst the Israelits the Syrians would
wt h a huge multitude, where as the Israelits are fewe
yet Israel shall many of them kill, as them before they slewe
& make the rest to flee. And so yt fell out wt h the Syrians
for sayinge the lord's god not of the valleis but the mountaynes
And there's an hundred thousand foote men of ye syrians slayne
wt h sword: And vpon seuen & twenty thousand men that ranne
away for feare in to the citty of Aphec, the wall fell.
But Benadad the kinge escapt wt h some few who did counsell
hym sayinge thus: Let's putt vpon our loynes sacke cloth, & tye
halters about our neckes, & go to kinge Achab directly,
for he perhaps will saue our lyues. And so yt came to passe
that Benedads lyfe by Achab kinge of Israel spared was.
And then in the word of our lord a certayne prophet sayde
to his fellow stryke mee, but he would not do as he hym bade
Where fore the prophet sayd to hym: Because thou would not stryke mee
as our lord bade, behold a lion by the way shall deuour thee.
And euen so yt did fall out. And then the prophet goinge
a litle further mett an other vpon the high way trauellinge.
To whom (quoth he) come & stryke me: And yt same man hym wounded
that he can not be knowne, & to the kinge of Israel's gone
And the cause why he hath hym selfe disfigured in this fashion
yf you a whyle will patience haue you shall both heare & see
for here the prophet & the kinge to gether cominge bee.
Kinge Achab) hand strokes for to fight thy seruants did go out
& when a certayne man was flede one hym vnto me brought
& sayd see that thou keepe this man, for yf he slipp away
thy lyfe shall be for his, or else thou shalt a talent pay
of syluer: And whiles I beinge troubled turn'd me hither & thither
he sodaynly appeared not, but went I know not whither
Kinge Achab.
This shall the iudgment be, the wc h thou thy selfe hast decreed.
A prophet I see thou art the dust beinge now from thy face wyped
Kinge Achab thus much from our lord I lett the vnderstande
because that thou hast letten go a man out of thy hande
that worthy ys of death, assure thy selfe thy lyfe shall bee
for his lyfe, & thy people for his people.
I scorne to heare thee
wherefore I will returne into the citty wt h out delay.
I nothinge sayd but truth. But syth he's gone I will away.
Kinge Achab.
Nabath geue me thy vinyard that's adioyninge to my palace
for to make me a gardin of: & in some other place
I for yt will bestow on thee a vinyarde that ys better
or yf thou thinke yt more commodious the worth of yt in syluer.
Our lord be mercifull to me, that I geue not to thee
th'Inheritance wc h my father at his death did leaue vnto mee
Kinge Achab
As good thou had yf that I lyue. But now I will be gone
It's hard when that I must eyther in-curre his indignation
or else my vinyard loose th'Inheritance lefte me by my father
But I'l go, & gods will be done in this thinge & all other
Now is Kinge Achab in his palace, layd downe vpon his bed
in such a melancholy fitt that he will eate no breade:
wc h when Iesabel hys wyfe & quene perceiu'd, she to hym went
& so soone as she vnderstoode what made hym discontent
shee to hym sayd (my lord) you are a man of greate authority
wherefore aryse & eate, & Naboths vinyard I will geue thee.
And forth wt h shee did letters write in Achabs name, & signed
them wt h his ringe, & sent them to the Auncients that inhabited
the citty: And the tenor of them was. A fast proclame,
& make Naboth to sitt amongst the chiefe men at the same
Then let two men who children are of Belial be suborned
false witnes for to beare that he hath god & the kinge cursed
And then conuey hym out, & to death lett hym stoned bee
And the tenor of the letter was executed presently
& Naboth ston'd to death, where of so soone as Iezabel heard
shee vnto Achab sayd: Arise & possesse Naboths vinyard
for he ys dead. And that same newes was to the kinge most pleasinge
& there of Now to take possession he here at hand ys cominge
& after hym Elias hyes, But what he'l to hym say
attentyue be & you shall heare, & so I will away.
Kinge Achab thou hast slayne, yea & more ouer hast possessed
wherefore thus sayth our lord: In the place where the Dogs haue lycked
the blood of Naboth, there by them thy blood shall licked bee
Kinge Achab.
What's that Elias that thou sayst? hast thou found me thyne enemy?
I haue found thee, for thou art sould in gods sight to do yll
wherefore on thee & thy posterity I'l euill bringe, & kill
of Achab hym that doth agaynst wall pisse, & the inclosed
& last in Israel, & because thou hast to wrath prouoked
mee, & made Israel synne, I will thy house make for to bee
as Ieroboams & Baasas houses were before thee
And Iezabel in the fieldes of Iesrahel shall wt h Dogs be eaten
I sory am that I offended haue the god of heauen
& for griefe do my garments teare, & shame make me hange downe
my head. But for t'appease gods wrath I will go & putt on
heare cloth, & fast: & in sack cloth in the night tyme I'l lye
Hast thou not seene Elias how Achab's humbled before mee?
& syth he for my sake hym selfe hath humbled, I'l not rayse
this euill in his house in his tyme, but in his sonnes dayes
I see (lord) thou art mercifull, & takest great compassion
on them that do repent: But in all things thy will be done.
Kinge Achab.
frende Iosaphat of Iuda kinge I glad am you to see.
will yt not please you for to go to Ramoth Galaad wt h mee?
(the wc h by right ys ours) agaynst the Syrian kinge to fight?
Kinge Iosaphat.
You & I are all one, & I'l help you to get your right
But first I you beseech for to consult our lord whether wee
shall thither go or not: for so to do me thinkes yt necessary
Kinge Achab
There to I geue consent, come wt h mee & I will assemble
the prophets wc h foure hundred are or there about in Israel.
Kinge Iosaphat Now from the prophets mouthes you vnderstand
that Ramoth Galaad shall be geuen vp in to the Kings hand
yf that we thither go: for so wt h ioynt consent they sayd
Kinge Iosaphat.
Is there not here some prophet of our lord for to be had,
that we may aske by hym?
There's one man left but I hym hate
for he doth prophecy no good to me, but yll, & that
Micheas ys Iemla his sonne.
Do not say so o kinge
Kinge Achab.
Melops wt h out delay go & Micheas to me bringe.
a false prophet
Achab thus sayth our lord wt h these yron hornes yu shalt shake Syria
vp to Ramoth Galaad ascende, & thus much vnderstand
that our lord god will yt deliuer vp into the kings hand
K. Achabs seruant.
Behold the prophets wt h one mouth preach good things to ye kinge
Let thy worde therefore be lyke theirs, & to hym good news bringe
Our lord doth lyue that will I speake what s'euer our lord tells me
Kinge Achab.
Micheas shall we go to Ramoth Galaad for to fight
or els sitt still.
Go prosperously for our lord will deliuer yt
vp into the kings hands
I agayne & agayne adiure thee
in the name of our lord, that nothinge but the truth thou tell mee
I in the mountaynes saw all Israel lyke to sheepe dispersed
haueinge no Sheepheard, & our lord streight way to me appeared
& thus vnto me sayd: These haue no maisters but are maisterlesse
wherefore let euery one returne in to his house in peace.
Kinge Achab.
Lo Iosaphat did not I say so much before hand to thee
that he doth prophecy no good, but always yll vnto mee.
And more then this, I saw our lord sittinge vpon hys throne
& all the host of heauen hym assistinge both vpon
his right hand & his lefte: And our lord thus vnto them sayd:
Who shall Achab deceiue that he may go to Ramoth Galaad
& in yt fall? And there came forth a spirit that stoode before
our lord, & sayd: I'l hym deceiue. Then our lord spake once more
to hym, & sayd: where in? I will (quoth he) go forth & bee
in the prophets mouthes a lyinge spirit. And our lord did reply:
Thou shalt deceiue, & shalt prevayle: Go thy way forth & do so
& the lyinge spirit in to thy prophets mouthes did go.
a false prophet.
Hath the spirite of our lord lefte mee, & spoken vnto thee?
When in thy chamber thou shalt hyde thy selfe, that shall thou see.
Kinge Achab.
Come take Micheas hence away & cary hym vnto Amon
the gouernour of the citty, & bid hym clapp hym vp in prison.
& wt h the bread of tribulation & water of distresse
let hym continually be fedd till I returne in peace
Yf thou returne in peace then hath our lord not spoken in mee
heare all ye people.
That shall we see. Kinge Iosaphat let's go
to Ramoth Galaad for I am determined for to do so
& put you on your princely armour. But I will put on other
Kinge Iosaphat
Kinge Achab I contented am for to go wt h you thither
The kinge of Syria when he was a-bout to enter battell
vnto his princes sayd: only wt h Achab see you medle.
Yet not wt h standinge when the princes had Kinge Iosaphat seene
they violently assaulted hym thinkinge that yt had bene
the kinge of Israel because that be was in princely armour
But streight the kinge of Iuda cal'd vpon our lord for succour
& held his colours up, where by the princes well perceiued
that he was not the kinge of Israel, & so from hym departed.
Then one shooteinge an arrow, but aymeinge at no certayne marke
by chaunce the kinge of Israel hitt betwixt his longs & stomacke
& he vnto his cocher sayd. cary me out of the army
for I am wounded vnto death, & he hym thence did cary
but by the way out of his chariot his blood ranne from his wound
wc h (as the prophet had fore told the Dogs lyckt off the ground
And the kinge in the eueninge dyed, & t'Harauld a retreat sounded
sayinge now lett all depart: And ech man to his home returned
And Ochozias Achabs sonne ys now the kinge of Israell
& what of Iosaphat becomes shortly you shall heare tell
for wt h hym here Iehu Hannani seers sonne now cometh
& his behauiour shewes that he the kinge for some thinge blameth
Kinge Iosaphat a wicked man & impious thou hast ayded
& vnto them that hate our lord thou was in frendship ioyned
& our lords wrath thou for the same hast very well deserued.
But yet good workes are found in thee, for wc h our lord thee spared
because thou hast the groues out of the land of Iuda taken
& also hast prepard thy heart to serue the god of heauen
Kinge Iosaphat.
I synned haue (I do confesse) & for the same am sory
& both I & my people will here after be more wary
for now I'l go & geue a charge to ech man in his office
their dutyes for to do accordinge to the rule of iustice.
And Amarias priest & Bishop in those thinges chiefe shall bee
that appertayne to god. And Zabadias shall ouer see
such things as vnto the kinge office are properly belonginge
for in the house of Iuda he ys prince. So let's be goinge.
Kinge Iosaphat my cominge ys to lett thee vnderstand
that many & mighty foes are cominge to invade thy land
The Ammonits & Moabits & Syrians by name
the wc h I haue fore told that thou may preuent the same
Kinge Iosaphat
Thankes my good frend for thy good will, & take yt for thy labour
But our best course (my lord) will be to flee to god for succour.
because our forces are to smale agaynst so great a company
vnlesse that we assisted bee & helpt by god almighty.
Wherefore I will go & proclame a fast through out all Iuda
& to gods Temple in Hierusalem we'l go, & pray.
for god his seruants prayers will here that shall there be offered
for so vnto kinge Salomon (who built yt) he hath promised
Wherefore let's here no longer stay but forth wt h get vs gone
Princes of Iuda.
Renoned kinge we'l wayte on you beinge all of your opinion.
Kinge Iosaphat proclam'd a fast through all the land of Iuda
& euery one both man & woman to gods house went to pray
where they did cry vnto our lord in their great tribulation
& by Iahaziel sent them worde that he would for them fight
yf confidently they would go & stand in th'enemyes sight
wc h they perform'd, & god did make their enemyes for to fall
by th'eares to gether, till such tyme as they were dispatched all
for th'Ammonits & the Moabits did wt h them fight of mount Seir
whom when they had destroy'd, they forth wt h murthered one an other.
Then they of Iuda tooke the spoyle: But beare yt all away
thence they could not in three days space for greatnes of the pray.
And afterward they did returne wt h ioy in to Hierusalem
playinge on their psalteries & harps wt h Iosaphat before them,
& went in to the house of god, where they before had prayed
& for their victory to god most harty thankes they rendred
And then the terrour of our lord vpon all Nations fell
hearinge how god had fought agaynst the enemyes of Isral.
And Iosaphat hath peace enioy'd since the tyme of this victory
vntill his death, wc h lately hapt, for wc h all Iuda's sory
for he a good kinge was, yet th'Excelses tooke not away,
for there the people incense burne vntill this present day.
And Ioram Iosaphats sonne in Iuda reigneth for his father
& in what fashion he'l behaue hym selfe tyme will discouer
The while to Ochozias kinge of Israel we'l returne
who's fallen sicke, & vnto Beelzebub the god of Accaron
a messenger hath sent hym to consult whether he shall dye
or be restor'd agayne to health, & cur'd of his infirmity
for he out of an vpper chamber window fell to th'earth
& so sore hurt hym that he's in great daunger now of death.
And how god will his message take yt shortly will be knowne
& what answeare he shall receiue: & now I'l hence be gone.
Arise Elias & go vp for to preuent the Messenger
of Ochozias, & of hym demande, when you meete, whether
no god there bee for to be found in all the land of Israel
that he of Beelzebub the god of Accaron goes t'aske counsell.
& say thus sayth our lord: Downe from the Bed where on thou art
thou shalt not go, but dyinge thou shalt dye. so hence depart.
Why are thou come agayne?
A man did meete me by ye way
& bade me backe goe, & vnto the kinge that sente me say,
Thus sayth our lord: Is there no god in all the lande of Israell
that you of Beelzebub the god of Accaron go t'aske counsell?
for this same cause downe from the bede where on yu art ascended
thou shalt not go, but dyinge dye. & so from me he parted.
Kinge Ochozias
What shape & habite had the man? Tell me yf thou remember
A heary man he was, & wt h a girdle girt of leather.
Kinge Ochozias
Elias the Thesbite yt was. go sende to hym a captayne
wt h fifty men, & bid them bringe vnto me that same man
When the captayne (my liege) & fifty men came to Elias
they sayd to hym: Thou man of god go wt h vs to ochozias
yf that I be a man of god, Let fyre descend from heauen
Elias sayd, & thee deuoure, & all thy fifty men.
& fyre came downe & burnt them all yf yt may please your maiesty.
Kinge Ochozias
An other captayne forth wt h send, & wt h hym other fifty.
My liege) these sayd as th'other had done, & are deuoured also
Kinge Ochozias
Other fifty wt h a captayne send, & see what they can doe
This captayne yf yt lyke your grace, when he came to Elias
bow'd downe his knees before the man, & very submissyue was
& to hym sayd: Thou man of god compassion take vpon mee
& let me not as th'other were wt h fyre consumed bee.
And streight an Angell of our lord sayd thus unto Elias
be not afrayd, but wt h them go downe to kinge ochozias
And he did as the Angell bade, & here the captayne's cominge
vnto your highnes, & wt h hym he doth Elias bringe.
Kinge ochozias was there not a god here in all Israel
for this same thinge our lord doth say, from ye bed where yu art
thou shalt not go, but dyinge dye. So from thee I'l depart.
Now the kinge's dead euen as the prophet sayd: let's hence hym cary
for so yt's fittinge for to do that we his corps may bury.
In Ochozias kinge of Israels place Ioram his Brother
(for he no sonne hath) reignes: And from Galgal I know not whither
Elias now is gone wt h Eliseus in his company
& when they vnto Iordan came Elias putt off presently
his mantell & wrapt yt together, & there wt h struck the water
& yt diuid'd yt selfe, & they by dry land passed ouer.
And then Elias vnt Eliseus sayd: aske of mee
what thou wilt haue me do for thee ere I be taken from thee.
I pray thee sayd Eliseus that thy duble spirit may be in mee.
A hard thinge sayd Elias thou hast askt, yet yf thou see
mee when I shall from thee be taken, thou shalt haue yt yu asked
else not: And as they forward went, & th'one wt h th'other talked
a fyrie chariot, & fyrie horses them two a-sunder parted
& by a whirlwynde into heauen Elias vp ascended.
And Eliseus saw hym, & did cry out father, father
The chariot of Israel, & he that's there of the guyder
& he saw hym no more. But vp the mantel of Elias
he tooke, the wc h from hym at his departure fallen was.
And vnto Iordan backe returnd, & there wt h struck the water
as he had seene Elias do: but he was no whit better
for yt a-sunder did not part: wc h when Eliseus saw
he forth wt h sayd: Where ys ye god now of Elias also?
and smote the water, & yt was this & that way diuided
So that Eliseus by dry land ouer the riuer passed.
Wc h when the children of the Prophets saw yt were in Ierico
they sayd Elias spirit vpon Eliseus resteth also
And meeteinge hym they hym ador'd euen flatt vnto ye ground
& beinge all desyrous for to haue his maister founde
wil'd that they might send fifty men wc h they there ready had
to see whether that he by gods spirit were in ye mountayns layd,
that in the ende he bade them send. And three days ye men searched
but found hym not. And cominge to Eliseus back agayne
did not I say (quoth he) send not, knowinge you sercht in vayne
Then sayd the men of Ierico where Eliseus dwelled
this citty standeth pleasantly, but ye ground where yt's seatted
is barren & the waters yll. fetch me Eliseus sayd
a newe vessell wt h salt in. And they yt brought as he them bade
And Eliseus to the fountayne of the waters went
& castinge salt there in sayd: thus sayth our lord god omnipotent.
These waters I amended haue, & in them death shall bee
no more nor bitternes. And they were all amended presently.
Then Eliseus vnto Bethel went, & by the way
litle boys out of the citty came, & thus to hym did say
& that in floutinge wyse: come vp bald head, come vp bald head
whom (when he had look't backe) in ye name of our lord he cursed
And two Beares came out of ye forrest & did in peeces teare
fourty two boys. Then he went to Samaria & dwelt there
where he wt h water fild the ditches, & that wt h outen rayne,
when Ioram kinge of Israel for want of water did complayne.
But Eliseus now is gone vnto a certayne widow
who had the wyfe bene of a prophet, & ys in griefe & sorrow
And shortly you shall know the cause, yf you will shew attention
for here they cominge are together. And now I will be gone.
My husband who thy seruant was, ys dead, & yu doest know
he was a man that feared god, & did obserue his low
And the creditour ys come my two sonnes for to take away
hym for to serue vnlesse I do the debt vnto hym pay
What's in thy house.
Nothinge sir but a litle oyle to anoynt mee
Go streight & of thy neighbours borrow no few vessels yt are empty
And when thou & thy sonnes are in thy house shut fast the dore
& when they shall be filled full, let them be sett a syde
& come to me agayne, & I the while will here abyde
Relyinge on your worde, wc h I doubt not shall be performed
I will begone, & all things do as you haue me enioyned
The vessels all are filled full, & the oyle runnes no more
Go then & sell there of, & wt h the money pay thy creditour.
& lyue thou & thy sonne vpon the rest. So let's away
I geue you thanks, & bound to you I will remayne for aye.
As Eliseus did by Sunam passe a deuout woman
invited hym to eate wt h her, & sayd to her good man
I do perceiue this holy man of god doth often passe
this way: A chamber let vs make for hym, that he a place
may haue of rest: & they so did, & there in sett a bedd
wt h a stoole & a candlestick, where he goinge yt way rested.
And on a day beinge there he thus did say vnto ye Sunamite
thou shalt a sonne haue this tyme twelue month. May I (quoth she) thee credit?
for my husband ys growne in yeares. do not deceiue thy handmayd
Thou shalt (quoth he) & yt did come to passe as he had sayd.
But shortly after her sonne dyed, & she hym forth wt h cast
vpon Eliseus bed, & went to seeke hym in great hast.
And in mount carmel findinge hym, she on his feete layd hold
Wc h when Giezi Eliseus seruant saw & would
haue her remou'd, his maister sayd: let her alone, for shee
in anguish ys, & our lord hath yt not reueal'd vnto mee.
Then to hym sayd the woman Did I aske of my lord a sonne?
did not I say deceiue me not? And yet this thinge ys done
Then to Giezi he did say: let thy loynes girded bee,
& thy staffe in thy hand take, & go, & yf any man meete thee
Salute hym not, nor answeare hym yf any man thee salute.
And when thou comes vnto the child, thy staffe on his face putt.
I will not sayd the mother of the child go backe wt h out thee
had layd his staffe on the childes face: But there in hym appeared
neyther sense nor lyfe: where fore to meete his maister he returned
& tolde hym sayinge: The childe's not rysen. And then Eliseus went
into the house, and shutt the dore, & on the child incontinent
he pray'd vnto our lord layinge his eyes on the childes eyes
& his mouth on his mouth, & his handes on his handes lyke wyse,
& ouer hym he bow'd hym selfe, & the childes flesh was warmed.
And when Eliseus vp & downe the house a while had walked
the childe seuen tymes did gaspe, & his eyes open: Then to the Sunamite
Eliseus sayd: There take thy sonne: & shee fell at his feete
& hym adored to the ground, & wt h her sonne then went.
And Eliseus vnto Galgal did returne incontinent:
where famine was: And there the bitternes of coloquintida
wc h by chaunce was putt in a pott of potage, he tooke away.
And wt h a few loaues fedd a mighty multitude of people
& some was left, for yt to eate vp all they were not able.
And the next wonder that he'l worke, is curinge of the leprosy
of prince Naaman, as in tyme you shall most playnly see.
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