University of Virginia Library

finem 1a dic Nota

hic uenient ad sepulcrum maria magdalene maria jacobi et maria Salome et dicit maria magdalene
Swete systeryn I ȝow besech
heryght now my specyal speche
Go we with salvys ffor to leche
Cryst þat tholyd wounde
he hath us wonnyn owt of wreche
the ryght wey god wyl us teche


ffor to seke my lorde my leche
his blood hath me vnbownde.
vij develys in me were pyght
my loue my lord my god Almyght
A-wey he weryd þo ffyndys wight
with his wyse wurde
he droff fro me þe fendes lees
in my swete sowle his chawmere I ches
In me be-levyth þe lord of pes
I go to his burryenge boorde.

Maria jacobi
My systerys sone I woot he was
he lyth in here as sunne in glas
þe childe was born by oxe and Asse
Vp in a bestys stall
thow his body be gravyd vndyr gres
þe grete godhede is nevyr-þe-lasse
þe lord xal rysyn and gon his pas
and comfortyn his ffrendys all.

Maria Salome
My name is mary Salome
his modyr and I systerys we be
Annys dowterys we be all thre
Jhesu we be þin Awntys
The naylis gun his lemys feyn
and þe spere gan punche and peyn
on þo woundys we wold haue eyn
þat grace now god graunt vs.

Maria Magdalene
Now go we stylle
with good wyll
þer he is leyd
he deyd on crowch
we wolde hym towch
as we han seyd.
Tunc respicit maria magdalene in sepulcro dicens


Where is my lord þat was here
þat for me bledde bowndyn in brere
his body was beryed rygh by þis mere
þat Ffor me gan deye
þe jewys ffekyll and ffals ffownde
where haue þei do þe body with wounde
he lyth not upon þis grownde
þe body is don A-weye.

Maria jacobi
To my lorde my love my ffrende
Ffayn wolde I salve A spende
and I myght aught A-mende
his woundys depe and wyde
to my lord I owe lowlyte
both homage and fewte
I wolde with my dewte
a softyd hand and syde.

Maria Salome
To myghtfful god omnypotent
I bere a boyst of oynement
I wold han softyd his sore dent
his sydys al a-bowte
Lombe of love with-owt loth
I ffynde þe not myn hert is wroth
in þe sepulcre þer lyth a cloth
And jentyl jhesu is owte.

wendyth fforth ȝe women thre
In-to þe strete of Galyle
ȝour savyour þer xul ȝe se
walkynge in þe waye
ȝour Ffleschly lorde now hath lyff
þat deyd on tre with strook and stryff
wende fforth þou wepynge wyff
and seke hym I þe saye.
Now goth fforth ffast all thre
to his dyscyplys ffayr and fre
and to petyr þe trewth telle ȝe


þer of haue ȝe no dreed
Spare ȝe not þe soth to say
he þat was deed and closyd in clay
he is resyn þis same day
And levyth with woundys reed.

Maria Magdalen
A myrthe and joye in herte we haue
Ffor now is resyn out of his graue
he levyth now oure lyf to saue
þat dede lay in þe clay

Maria jacoby
In hert I was ryght sore dysmayd
the Aungel to us whan þat he sayd
þat cryst is resyn I was affrayd
þe Aungel whan I say

Maria Salome
Now lete us all thre fulfylle
þe Angelys wurde and goddys wylle
lett us sey with voys wul shrylle
Cryst þat jewys dede sle
oure lord þat naylyd was on þe rode
And betyn out was his bodyes blode
he is a-resyn þough they ben wode
A lorde ȝitt wele þou be.
Maria magdalene dicit petro et ceteris apostolis.
Bretheryn all in herte be glad
bothe blythe And joyful in herte ful fayn
Ffor ryght good tydandys haue we had
þat oure lord is resyn Agayn
An Aungel us bad ryght þus sertayn
to þe petyr þat we xulde telle
how cryst is resyn þe which was slayn
A levynge man evyr more to dwelle.


Maria jacobi
To lyve is resyn a-geyn þat lorde
the qwych judas to jewys solde
of þis I bere ryght trewe recorde
by wurdys þat þe Aungel tolde
now myrth and joye to man on molde
Euery man now myrth may haue
he þat was closyd in cley ful colde
This day is resyn owt of his grave

Sey me systeryn with wurdys blythe
may I troste to þat ȝe say
Is cryst resyn ageyn to lyve
þat was ded and colde in clay.

Maria Salome
ȝa trostyth us truly it is no nay
he is a-resyn it is no les
and so An Aungel us tolde þis day
with opyn voys and speche expres.

ȝa þese be tydyngys of ryght gret blys
þat oure mayster resyn xulde be
I wyl go renne in hast i-wys
and loke my lord yf I may se.


Ffor joye also I renne with the
my brothyr johan as I þe say
In hast anon evyn forth go we
to his grave we renne oure way.

hic currunt Johannes et Petrus simul ad sepulcrum et Johannes prius venit Ad monumentum sed non intrat.
The same shete here I se
þat crystys body was in wounde
but he is gon where so ever he be
he lyth not here up on þis grownde.

Petrus intrat monumentum et dicit Petrus
in þis cornere þe shete is fownde
and here we fynde þe sudary
In þe whiche his hed was wounde
whan he was take from calvary.

hic intrat Johannes monumentum dicens
The same sudary and þe same shete
here with my syth I se both tweyn
now may I wele knowe and wete
þat he is rysyn to lyve ageyn
On to oure bretheryn lete us go seyn
þe trewth ryght hevyn as it is
Oure mayster lyvyth þe whech was slayn
All myghty lorde and kynge of blys.

No lengere here wyll we dwelle
to oure bretheryn þe wey we take
the trewth to them whan þat we telle
grett joye in hert þan wul þei make.
hic petrus loquitur omnibus apostolis simul collectis
Beth mery bretheryn for Crystys sake
þat man þat is oure mayster so good


Ffrom deth to lyve he is A-wake
þat sore was rent up on þe rood.

As women seyd so haue we fownde
remevyd Awey we saw þe ston
he lyth no lengere vndyr þe grownde
out of his graue oure mayster is gon.

Omnes congregati
We haue grett woundyr everychon
of þese wurdys þat ȝe do speke
A ston ful hevy lay hym up on
Ffrom vndyr þat ston how xulde he breke.

The trewth to tellyn it passyth oure witt
Wethyr he be resyn thorwe his owyn myght
Or ellys stolyn out of his pitt
be sum man prevely be nyght
That he is gon we saw with syght
Ffor in his graue he is nowth
we can not tellyn in what plyght
Out of his graue þat he is browth.