![]() | Receavynge Prynce Edwarde | ![]() |
Memorandum. That
the xxviij. day of the moneth of Aprill cam oure lorde prince
Edward out of Walys so by Warrewik to Coventre and the meire
and his brethern with the divers of cominalte of the seide citie,
clothed in grene and blewe, metyng oure seid lorde prince, upon
horsbake by-yonde the Newe Crosse, in a chare, beyng of age of
iij yere, ther welcomyng hym to his chaumber and yeyving hym
ther a C mark in a gilt coppe of xv ounces with a kerchyff of
plesaunce upon the seid coppe; and then comyng in-to [the] citie.
And at Babulake yate ther ordeyned a stacion, therin beyng Kyng
Richard with xiij other arrayed lyke as dukes, markises, erles,
vicouns, and barons, and lordis with mynstrallcy of the wayts of
the cite, and Kyng Richard ther havyng this speche her folowyng:
Rex Richardus.
Welcom, full high and nobull prince, to us right speciall,
To this your chaumber, so called of antiquite!
The presens of your noble person reioyseth our harts all;
We all mowe blesse the tyme of your nativite.
The right lyne of the royall blode ys now as itt schulde be;
Wherfore God of his goodnes preserve you in bodily helth,
To us and your tenauntes here, perpetuall ioy; and to all londis, welth!
Also at the Condite afore Richard Braytoft the elder, a-nother stacion with iij patriarkes ther stondyng upon the seid Condite, with Jacobus xij sonnes with mynstralcy of harpe and dowsemeris, and ther rennyng wyne in on place; and there on of the seid patriarkes havyng this speche writtyn:
O God most glorious! Grounder and Gyver of all grace!
To us iij patriarkes thou promysed, as scriptur maketh rehersall,
That of our stok lynially schuld procede and passe
A prynce of most nobull blode and kyngs sonne imperiall;
The wich was full-fylled in God. And nowe referre itt we schall
Unto this nobull prynce that is here present,
Wich entreth to this his chaumber, as prynce full reverent.
Also at the Brodeyate a pagiont; and seint Edward beyng therin with x a-states with hym, with mynstralcy of harpe and lute, and Kyng Edward havyng this speche next foloyng:
[King Edward.]
Nobull prynce Edward, my cossyn and my knyght,
And very prynce of our lyne com yn dissent!
I, seint Edward, have pursued for your faders imperiall right,
Wherof he was excludid by full furious intent.
Unto this your chaumber, as prynce full excellent,
Ye be right welcom; thanked be Crist of his sonde!
For that that was oures is nowe in your faders hande.
armed with mynstralsy of small pypis, and one of the Kyngs
havyng this speche under writtyn:
[A King of Cologne.]
O splendent Creator! In all our speculacion,
More bryghter then Phebus, excedent all lyght!
We thre kyngs beseche the, with meke mediacion,
Specially to preserve this nobull prynce, thi knyght,
Wich by influens of thy grace procedeth a-right.
Of on of us thre lynnyally, we fynde,
His nobull moder, quene Elizabeth, ys comyn of that kynde.
Also upon the Condite in the Croschepyng, was seint George armed; and a kynges doughter knelyng a-fore hym with a lambe; and the fader and the moder, beyng in a toure a-boven, beholdyng seint George savyng their doughter from the dragon; and the Condite rennyng wyne in iiij places, and mynstralcy of orgonpleyinge, and seint George havyng this speche under wryttyn:
[Saint George.]
O myghty God! Our all Socour celestiall!
Wich this reyme hast geven to dower
To thi moder, and to me, George, proteccion perpetuall,
Hit to defende from enimies fere and nere;
And as this mayden defended was here,
Bi thy grace, from this dragon devour,
So, Lorde, preserve this noble prynce, and ever be his socour!
Welcom, full high and nobull prince, to us right speciall,
To this your chaumber, so called of antiquite!
The presens of your noble person reioyseth our harts all;
We all mowe blesse the tyme of your nativite.
The right lyne of the royall blode ys now as itt schulde be;
Wherfore God of his goodnes preserve you in bodily helth,
To us and your tenauntes here, perpetuall ioy; and to all londis, welth!
Also at the Condite afore Richard Braytoft the elder, a-nother stacion with iij patriarkes ther stondyng upon the seid Condite, with Jacobus xij sonnes with mynstralcy of harpe and dowsemeris, and ther rennyng wyne in on place; and there on of the seid patriarkes havyng this speche writtyn:
O God most glorious! Grounder and Gyver of all grace!
To us iij patriarkes thou promysed, as scriptur maketh rehersall,
That of our stok lynially schuld procede and passe
A prynce of most nobull blode and kyngs sonne imperiall;
The wich was full-fylled in God. And nowe referre itt we schall
Unto this nobull prynce that is here present,
Wich entreth to this his chaumber, as prynce full reverent.
Also at the Brodeyate a pagiont; and seint Edward beyng therin with x a-states with hym, with mynstralcy of harpe and lute, and Kyng Edward havyng this speche next foloyng:
[King Edward.]
Nobull prynce Edward, my cossyn and my knyght,
And very prynce of our lyne com yn dissent!
I, seint Edward, have pursued for your faders imperiall right,
Wherof he was excludid by full furious intent.
Unto this your chaumber, as prynce full excellent,
Ye be right welcom; thanked be Crist of his sonde!
For that that was oures is nowe in your faders hande.
Also at the Crosse in the Croschepyng, were iij prophets standyng at the crosse seynsyng, and upon the crosse a-boven, were Childer of Issarell syngyng and castyng out whete obles and floures, and iiij pypis rennyng wyne.
Also in the Croschepyng a-fore the Panyer, a pagent and iij Kyngs of Colen therein with other divers arraied and ij knyghts
[A King of Cologne.]
O splendent Creator! In all our speculacion,
More bryghter then Phebus, excedent all lyght!
We thre kyngs beseche the, with meke mediacion,
Specially to preserve this nobull prynce, thi knyght,
Wich by influens of thy grace procedeth a-right.
Of on of us thre lynnyally, we fynde,
His nobull moder, quene Elizabeth, ys comyn of that kynde.
Also upon the Condite in the Croschepyng, was seint George armed; and a kynges doughter knelyng a-fore hym with a lambe; and the fader and the moder, beyng in a toure a-boven, beholdyng seint George savyng their doughter from the dragon; and the Condite rennyng wyne in iiij places, and mynstralcy of orgonpleyinge, and seint George havyng this speche under wryttyn:
[Saint George.]
O myghty God! Our all Socour celestiall!
Wich this reyme hast geven to dower
To thi moder, and to me, George, proteccion perpetuall,
Hit to defende from enimies fere and nere;
And as this mayden defended was here,
Bi thy grace, from this dragon devour,
So, Lorde, preserve this noble prynce, and ever be his socour!
![]() | Receavynge Prynce Edwarde | ![]() |