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Fedele and Fortvnio

The deceites in Loue : excellently discoursed in a very pleasaunt and fine conceited Comoedie, of two Italian Gentlemen
The Prologue before the Queene.

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The Prologue before the Queene.

On euery syde where I this instant gaze,
The glimse of honour dimmes my dazeled eye:
Which sight may set a stouter in a maze,
And cheefely him that pende this Comœdie.
In whiche he vsde no thundering wordes of state:
But clipt his winges, to keepe a meaner gate.
He shootes at mirth, yet if he misse that white,
Your Highnesse pardon he dooth humbly craue:
Will wanted not to send his Arrowe right,
But sith you please to see what mirth we haue.
With Phœbus cast your fierie blaze asyde:
That meaner men your presence may abyde.