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To the Author of the Monarchicke Tragedies.

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To the Author of the Monarchicke Tragedies.

Well may the programme of thy Tragicke stage,
Invite the curious pompe-expecting eyes
To gaze on present shewes of passed age,
Which just desert Monarchicke dare baptize.
Crownes throwne from Thrones to Tombs, detomb'd arise
To match thy Muse with a Monarchicke theame,
That whilst her sacred soaring cuts the skyes,
A vulger subject may not wrong the same:
And which gives most advantage to thy fame,
The worthiest Monarch that the Sunne can see,
Doth grace thy labours with his glorious Name,
And daignes protector of thy birth to be:
Thus all Monarchicke, Patron, Subject, stile,
Make thee, the Monarch-tragicke of this Ile.
S. Robert Ayton.