Svvetnam, the VVoman-hater, arraigned by women | ||
- Atticus, King of Sicilie.
- Lorenzo, his Sonne.
- Lisandro, Prince of Naples.
- Iago, Nobleman of Sicilie.
- Sforza, Nobleman of Sicilie.
- Nicanor, Nobleman of Sicilie.
- Scanfardo, Seruant to Nicanor.
- Two Gentlemen.
- A Captaine.
- Swetnam, alias, Misogynos, The Woman-hater.
- Swash, his Man.
- Two Iudges.
- Notarie.
- Cryer.
Actorvm Nomina.
- Aurelia, Queene,
- Leonida, the Princesse.
- Loretta, her Maid.
- Three or foure other Women.
Womens Parts.
Svvetnam, the VVoman-hater, arraigned by women | ||