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Were you but halfe so humble to confesse,
As you are wise to know your happinesse;
Our Author would not grieve to see you sit
Ruling with such unquestion'd power his wit:
What would I give, that I could still preserve
My loyaltie to him, and yet deserve
Your kinde opinion, by revealing now
The cause of that great storme which clouds his brow,
And his close murmurs, which since meant to you,
I cannot thinke, or mannerly or true.
Well; I begin to be resolv'd, and let
My melancholy tragicke Mounsieur fret;
Let him the severall harmelesse weapons use
Of that all-daring tristle, call'd his Muse;
Yet I'll informe you what this very day
Twice before witnesse, I have heard him say,
Which is, that you are growne excessive proud,
For ten times more of wit then was allow'd
Your silly Ancestors in twenty yeere,
Y'expect should in two houres be given you here:
For they he sweares, to th'Theatre would come
Ere they had din'd to take up the best roome;
There sit on benches, not adorn'd with Mats,
And graciously did vaile their high-crown'd Hats
To every halfe dress'd Player, as he still
Through th'hangings peep'd to see how th'house did fill.
Good easie judging soules, with what delight
They would expect a jigge or Target fight,
A furious tale of Troy, which they ne're thought
Was weekly written, so 'twere strongly fought.

Laught at a clinch, the shadow of a jest,
And cry a passing good one I protest.
Such dull and humble-witted people were
Even your fore-fathers, whom wee govern'd here;
And such had you seen too hee sweares, had not
The Poets taught you how t'unweave a plot,
And tract the winding Scenes, taught you to admit
What was true sense, not what did sound like wit.
Thus they have arm'd you 'gainst themselves to fight,
Made strong and mischievous from what they write:
You have beene lately highly feasted here
With two great wits, that grac'd our Theatre,
But, if to feed you often with delight,
Will more corrupt then mend your appetite;
Hee vowes to use you, which he much abhorres,
As others did, your homely Ancestors.