University of Virginia Library

An Epigramme to the Authour, upon his Tragedy of OVID.

Long live the Poet, and his lovely Muse,
The Stage with Wit, and Learning to infuse.
Embalm him in immortall Elegy,
(My gentle Naso); for if he should dye,
Who makes thee live, thou'lt be again pursu'd,
And banish't Heaven for Ingratitude.
Transform again thy Metamorphosies
In one, and turn thy various shapes to his.
A twin-born Muse in such embraces curl'd,
As shall subject the Scriblers of the World.
And, spite of Time, and Envy, henceforth sit,
The ruling Gemini, of Love, and Wit.

So two pure Streams, in one smooth channel glide,
In even motion without Ebb, or Tyde;
As in your pens Tyber, and Anchor meet,
And tread Meanders, with their filver-feet.
Both soft, both gentle, both transcending high,
Both skil'd alike in charming Elegy;
So equally admir'd, the Lawrell's due,
Without distinction both to Him, and You.
Naso was Rome's fam'd Ovid, You alone
Must be the Ovid to our Albion:
In all things equall, saving in this case
Our Modern Ovid has the better grace.
CHARLES COTTON Philodramatos.