University of Virginia Library

    Dramatis Personæ.

  • Roderigo , King of Spaine.
  • Medina, a Duke.
  • Iulianus, a Generall against the Moores: Father to Iacinta.
  • Antonio, a Don, lover of Dionysia, yet husband to Margaretta.
  • Alonzo, a Don, Father to Dionysia:
  • Piamentelli.
  • King of Africa.
  • Moores.
  • Fidella a Moore, wayting-woman to Margaretta.
  • Pedro, an old fellow, Father to Margaretta.
  • Iaques, a simple clownish Gentleman, his sonne, personated by the Poet.
  • Cloveele, a Rusticke.
  • Lothario, a Privado to the King.
  • Lazarello, Minion to Antonio.
  • Cob a Page.
  • Malæna, a Pandresse.