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Last night I dreamed a dream of a kiss
And awoke the better for fancied bliss.
I dreamed of a maiden dear to me
Whom alas! but seldom in fact I see;
I had said “good-bye” to the rest I know,
And, waiting alone in a room below,
I found my darling, my love, my queen,
She and I only, no soul between.
And we clasped hands as lovers should do,
And thrills of lovers the palms passed through,
And she leaned forward—I hardly dare
To talk to the paper of gifts so rare;
She leaned forward—again I repeat
She leaned forward—the words are sweet—
And closed my lips with a maiden kiss,
Maiden, the first one, first-fruit of bliss.
O sweet firstling, first in a dream,
Passing sweet to my lips you seem;
I pray that the phantom-kiss may endure,
And seal my lips and burn them pure!


And then we parted; a word I said,
And “Love” was the word,—then the bright dream fled.
Yet as I went I breathed a prayer;
“God be with you,” my maiden fair:
And that pure prayer I desire to repeat;
“The God of the daylight be with you, sweet!”
O Sender of Dreams, that the dream may be
In some way or other true to me!