University of Virginia Library



1. The Poet's Prayer.

To buy my book—if you will be so kind—
Is all I ask of you; and not to look
What fruit lies hid beneath the azure rind:
To buy my book.
This for her hymn-book Rosalind mistook,
When worshipping with yokel, maid, and hind;
Neaera read it in a flowery nook,
And gave her loose curls to the wanton wind.
For this her grammar Sylvia once forsook,
Of you I only ask—you will not mind?—
To buy my book.
Cambridge Review, June, 1891.


2. To an Indiscreet Critic.

As J. K. S. I made my bid for fame
And money, which is sweeter than success,
Though Mr --- is possibly the same
as J. K. S.
Was it perhaps an error of the press?
Is some malign compositor to blame?
Or was it just the reader's carelessness?
Or your astute reviewer's little game,—
His lapsus calami as I should guess?
In any case I wish to sign my name
as J. K. S.
Globe, April, 1891.