University of Virginia Library


[“Bricks and mortar! bricks and mortar!]

“Bricks and mortar! bricks and mortar!
Cut your rambles rather shorter,
Give green fields a little quarter!
You, in your suburban sallies,
Turn our pleasant fields and valleys
Into squalid courts and alleys.
All along our rural passes
Where tripp'd village lads and lasses
Not a single blade of grass is!
Where I saw the daisies springing,
Where I heard the blackbird singing,
And the lark while heavenward winging,
I behold a rookery frightful
Which with tatters (tenants rightful!)
Beggary fills from morn to night full.
And beside their neighbour wizen
For rogues I see a palace risen,
And for poverty a prison!


Bricks and mortar! bricks and mortar!
Give green fields a little quarter;
As sworn foes to nature's beauty
You've already done your duty!”