University of Virginia Library




FROM the mast the sail unbind!
What were feater, soul, for thee
Than a trip to Arcady?
Come; whilst yet the Fates are kind,
Sky serene and favouring wind,
Launch upon the laughing sea,
Heart at ease and fancy free,
Hope before and fear behind!
Yonder, in the golden West,
Where the ocean joins the sky,
Yonder, in the seas of rest,
Lo! the Golden Islands lie.
To those sojourns of the blest
Let us journey, you and I.


Farewell, all we loved on land!
Sight of sun and sound of bell,
Sister, sweetheart, friend, farewell!
Never more with you to stand,
Never more to hold your hand,
Never more return, to tell
What beyond the sun befell,
Shall we from the unknown strand.



Leave the shore to sink unseen!
Overboard with dole and teen!
Overboard with dull concern!
In the Future's hand, I ween,
In the Fates' revolving urn,
Is as good as what hath been.


Bend the sail and ply the oar!
On the surges blue and bright
Past the foam flees, wide and white;
Far to leeward sinks the shore.
Doubt, repining, heave them o'er!
Overboard with dull despite,
Vain regret, and leave us light
For the cruise that is before.
Nail Hope's streamers to the mast!
Yonder, in the unknown sea,
Is a home for you and me.
Now is now and past is past:
Never more return will we,
Never more from Arcady.