Dryburgh Abbey and other poems | ||
[Men are agents for the future!]
Men are agents for the future!
As they work, so ages win
Either harvest of advancement,
Or the product of their sin!
Follow out true cultivation—
Widen education's plan;
From the majesty of nature
Teach the majesty of man!
Take the spade of perseverance;
Dig the field of progress wide;
Every bar to true instruction
Harrow out and cast aside!
As they work, so ages win
Either harvest of advancement,
Or the product of their sin!
Follow out true cultivation—
Widen education's plan;
From the majesty of nature
Teach the majesty of man!
Take the spade of perseverance;
Dig the field of progress wide;
Every bar to true instruction
Harrow out and cast aside!
Give the stream of education
Broader channel, bolder force;
Hurl the stones of persecution
Out, where'er they block its course;
Seek for strength in self-exertion;
Work and still have faith to wait;
Close the crooked gate to fortune;
Make the road to honour straight!
Take the spade of perseverance:
Dig the field of progress wide;
Every bar to true instruction
Harrow out and cast aside!
Broader channel, bolder force;
Hurl the stones of persecution
Out, where'er they block its course;
Seek for strength in self-exertion;
Work and still have faith to wait;
Close the crooked gate to fortune;
Make the road to honour straight!
Take the spade of perseverance:
Dig the field of progress wide;
Every bar to true instruction
Harrow out and cast aside!
Dryburgh Abbey and other poems | ||