University of Virginia Library


I muse, my Saviour, on the days,
Days ne'er forgot by Thee,
When walking on these earthly ways,
Thou didst remember me.
I call to mind Thy prayers upon
The hills of Galilee,
When, kneeling in the night alone,
Thou didst remember me.


I see Thee by Thy foes beset
In dark Gethsemane,
Where, swooning in Thy bloody sweat,
Thou didst remember me.
Upon the cross I hear Thee cry
“'Tis finished,” and I see,
In the great woe of Calvary,
Thou didst remember me.
And though Thou now from earth art gone,
By faith I come to Thee,
And know that, seated on Thy throne,
Thou dost remember me.
Thy love my heart will ever guard,
Dear will its memory be;
This night, and every night, O Lord,
I will remember Thee.