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One Hundred Holy Songs, Carols, and Sacred Ballads

Original, and suitable for music [by Jean Ingelow]

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With a Chorus.

“Praise is comely.”

On Zion's hill the sacred dust
Lies bare 'neath arid skies;
From ruin'd walls her sons are thrust,
Foregone her sacrifice.
But Zion's voice lives yet; and brought
Adown the ages ring
The songs of praise he sweetly taught
That was her shepherd king.
O King David! King David sang of old
Among the little water'd valleys while he watch'd the fold;
Over rocks of wild En-gedi when he sheathed the sword:
And would we had King David's harp, and so could praise the Lord!
“I will give thanks, my God, O King,
And of Thy goodness tell;
Upon the heights of Zion sing
Thou Hope of Israel.
The hill of Zion is right fair—
A city of great fame;
For why? The Lord our God is there,
Excellent is His name.
“Ye tribes that in His courts have stood,
Ye priests that on Him wait,
O praise the Lord, for He is good,
And only He is great.


Praise Him, thou great, thou lesser light,
That toil and sleep control;
Praise Him, you angels in the height;
Praise the Lord, O my soul.”
O King David! King David on his throne
And under murmurous cedars making dusks on Lebanon,
And by the Jordan's sailless waters sang full sweet and clear:
And though King David's harp be mute, let us sing praises here.
For somewhat aye that moves and yearns
To all things just and free;
For many a soul that inly burns
More righteous days to see;
For peace, for law, for gold, for wheat,
And for His printed word,
Praise Him, ye throngs in every street;
Great London, praise the Lord.
Ye that her bridges cross by night,
Where on the river play
A thousand stars from lamps alight,
That mete out narrower day,
Praise Him, and say this river bears
Great fleets that ceaseless go;
And yet, for these eight hundred years
Hath not borne in a foe.
Praise Him, great city fair and free,
And helpless, but for God;
Nor siege, nor sack have frighted thee,
Of alien hosts untrod.


Praise Him, and pray while yet 'tis well,
Nor danger nigh thee waits;
Pray thy Celestial Sentinel
To guard thy silver gates.
Praise Him, when clash thy weighty hours
By measure night and day;
Praise Him, while yet a hundred towers
Ring out thy times to pray.
Praise Him, where murmurous fall and swell
(As of some wind-borne chord)
The majesty of millions tell;
Great London, praise the Lord!
O King David! King David's harp rang true;
But we have learn'd a wondrous song King David never knew.
To One was born of David's line, sing high with sweet accord;
For One who died that we might live, great London, praise the Lord!