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Poems and Songs Humorous, Serious and Satirical

By Alexander Rodger; Edited, with Introduction and Notes by Robert Ford; New and Complete Edition

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Awa' wi' your wheezing, your coaxing, and teasing,
Your hugging and squeezing I beg you'll let be;
Your praising sae fulsome, too sweet to be wholesome,
Can never gang down wi' a lassie like me;
Nae mair than a woman, nae higher than human,
To Sylphs and to Seraphs I dinna belang;
Then if ye wad gain me, the way to attain me,
Is “Lo'e me little, an' lo'e me lang.”
Wi' some silly gawkie, your fleeching sae pawkie,
Like sweet dozing draughts, will glide cannily down;
Hence, seek some vain hizzie, and doze her till dizzie,
She'll quickly consent a' your wishes to crown;
But pester na me wi't, my heart canna 'gree wi't,
I'm sick o' your cuckoo's unvarying sang,
Cease, therefore, your canting, your rhyming and ranting,
But “Lo'e me little, and lo'e me lang.”


The love that lowes strongest, say, lasts it the longest?
The fires that bleeze brightest burn soonest awa';
Then keep your flame steady—a moderate red aye,
Or else ye may yet hae a cauld coal tae blaw;
And quat your romantics, your airs, and your antics,
Tak' truth's honest track, and ye'll seldom gae wrang,
Then win me, and welcome, let weal or let ill come,
I'll “Lo'e you little, but lo'e you lang.”