University of Virginia Library



“Credula vitam spes fovet et melius eras fore semper ait.”

Hope! solace sweet of human life,
Thou genial ray of love divine;
In tranquil ease, or jarring strife,
Oh, grant thy lucid beam to shine!
When anguish rends the grief-worn heart,
And streaming tears of sorrow roll;
Then Hope, sweet Hope, thy balm impart,
To mildly soothe the sadd'ning soul.


When dreary expectations quell
Each gladsome thought that fain would rise,
Thou canst, sweet Hope, exert thy spell
To dissipate the low'ring skies.
Though cruel death can nip the flower,
In life that sweetest fragrance gives,
Yet heavenly Hope can calm the hour,
And breathe the balm that all relieves.