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Ode Performed in the Senate-House, Cambridge, on the Seventh of July 1835, M.DCCC.XXXV

At the First Commencement after the Installation, and in the Presence, of the Most Noble John Jeffreys, Chancellor of the University [by Christopher Wordsworth]

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In happier hours of olden time,


While hearts heroic earn'd a juster fame,
When to the Valleys of his native clime
And lofty Citadels the Victor came,
Crown'd beneath the olives hoar
That fringe with silver the Olympian plain,
Or, where the surges of the double main
Beat on the weary Isthmian shore;—


Before his Car a Virgin train
Showr'd roses, and a Youthful Band
Danc'd in his path, and festal pæans sung,
And o'er him, waving in her hand
A glistening palm, while breezes fann'd
Her pinions gently pois'd, a Nymph-like Victory hung.