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Far off in the enfoldings of the hills,—
Violet and blue and purple hues of air,—
A haze of light the western distance fills,
Autumnal warm and fair;—
Midway upon their gentle shadowy slope,
Shutting the world out, open to the skies;—
Perchance a shimmer of the ocean scope
Down in their opening lies.
They wind together in so close a maze,
It seems the path that follows to their heart
From valley unto valley streams and strays,
Showing but part and part.


Not where it leads into that inner fold,
Where surely doth the warm sun rest and stay,
And still such utter peace the day doth hold,
It broodeth there alway.
Are there not two this shining afternoon
Sitting within that hollow of the hills?
Wrapped all around with that low murmuring tune
The golden air which fills.
Do they not rest in one unshadowed trance,
Their blissful eyes reflected each in each?
The hours go by them in a slow sweet dance,
Too satisfied for speech.
There are they sitting in the mist of azure,—
Surely I mark the happy spot afar,—
There is the path whence I can find by measure
That fair place where they are.
Have they been resting there while cloudless flitting
The noon has past, and sunset now draws nigh?
Or was it yesterday they so were sitting?
—Or have there years gone by?


Shall I again find two, still rapture-hearted?
Are they there now, and is it always so?
Or will there be but one, and one departed?
This vexes me, to know.
How many times have I set out already!
It is so golden in the afternoon:
Immortal shines the halcyon light and steady,
And I shall find it soon.
But when I start upon the journey thither
The sky above my steps is dull and grey,
And all around the path hangs darkling weather,
Like light of common day.
And as I go it seems to draw no nearer,
But the embosoming hillsides intervene;—
Each as I pass, I lose the distance clearer,
For turning-points between.
Surely if I can find it once more only,
That purple hollow in the purple hill,
Though I am one upon the road and lonely,
There will be two there still.