University of Virginia Library



Lady whose orbed sovereignty
By many a land and every sea
Ties half the globe with empery,
Who asked of Heaven the better part,
A wise and understanding heart,
And gained long life and ruling art;
Now when her flowers a nation flings,
Now when the world its greeting brings,
And with acclaim a planet rings:
One bloom her cloister-garden bears,
One echo of her chanted airs,
Your College of the Lily dares
On this twice crowned crowning day
That sums the cycles of your sway
Loyally at your feet to lay.
Magdalen College, Oxford: 20th June, 1897.



Note.—Some of the pieces which follow are reprinted by permission from the “Spectator,” “Athenæum,” and “Guardian,” and from “Macmillan's” and the “Oxford Magazine,” in which they first appeared. The greater number of them formed the collection issuea in a small limited edition in the spring of this year (1897) by Mr. Daniel of Worcester College, Oxford, from his private press, but a few are now printed for the first time.