The Cup of Quietness | ||
‘And, behold, the Lord passed by.’
When silent on the Mount of Song
I wait until the Lord pass by,
Not while the storm of thought is strong
The Maker draweth nigh;
I wait until the Lord pass by,
Not while the storm of thought is strong
The Maker draweth nigh;
Nor while, by pangs of earthquake torn,
Faith's ancient rocks asunder roll,
From inward agony is born
The secret of the soul;
Faith's ancient rocks asunder roll,
From inward agony is born
The secret of the soul;
When indignation's flash illumes
Hell's darkness, and the heart is hot
With fire that cleanses and consumes,
The Master cometh not.
Hell's darkness, and the heart is hot
With fire that cleanses and consumes,
The Master cometh not.
But when through woods the whispered word
Is passed, and in the breathing field
The beat of Nature's heart is heard,
Then is the Lord revealed.
Is passed, and in the breathing field
The beat of Nature's heart is heard,
Then is the Lord revealed.
Let others seek a stormy sign;
Not passion's trumpet is my choice;
Content if rather it be mine
To hear the still small voice.
Not passion's trumpet is my choice;
Content if rather it be mine
To hear the still small voice.
The Cup of Quietness | ||