University of Virginia Library

AUGUST, 1914.

Methought before mine inner sight there came
A vision of the present. Line on line
Of brown-clad listening men, with eyes aflame,
Stood waiting, brows intent, to hear the sign
Of combat. As I looked, and looked, alas!
Full many a good man dropped, and, writhing, fell,
For lo! I saw,—I saw, as in a glass,
Foe slain by unseen foe—a glimpse of Hell.
Once more I gazed. I heard young children cry
In yonder villages, where rolling smoke
Showed where large shells had burst, while far and nigh
Women clasped tight their babes, who ne'er awoke.

Then, there, the corn stood, all unreaped, till crushed,
Futile for human food, while ravening strife
Made earth Gehenna. Gaunt-eyed Famine hushed
Myriads of silent mothers, worn with life.
Methought before mine inner sight arose
A vision of the future. Gone for aye
Were “war-lords,' and the peoples bowed to those
Who worshipped calm-eyed Peace, and only they.