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A Song on the 30th of January, 1690.


Now let's sing, carouse, and roar,
The happy Day is come once more;
For to Revel,
Is but civil,
As our Fathers did before;
Who, when the Tyrant would enslave us,
Chopp'd his Calves-Head off to save us.


Let each Youth his Love forsake,
And a merry Bumper take;
Let no Round-Head
Here be grounded,
And drink dry the French-Man's Lake:


Thus in Clarret we caress us,
'Till old Puss awake and bless us.


Let the Prelates now go on,
And rail afresh at Forty One,
The deposing
They're 'spousing,
We the Father, they the Son.
Through the Treason, they did find us,
They, my Friends, are not behind us.


Then let's Laugh and Revel here,
And of our Calves-Head make good Chear;
This we Dish up,
And no Bishop
Dines without one all the Year:
Thus we prosper without fighting,
In Practice and in Food uniting.