University of Virginia Library



Nostra nec erubuit sylvas habitare Thalia. Virg. Ecl. 6.


THE FIRST PASTORAL. If we, O Dorset, quit the city-throng

If we, O Dorset, quit the city-throng,
To meditate in shades the rural song,
By your command, be present: and, O bring
The Muse along! The Muse to You shall sing:
Her influence, Buckhurst, let me there obtain,
And I forgive the fam'd Sicilian Swain.
Begin.—In unluxurious times of yore,
When flocks and herds were no inglorious store,
Lobbin, a Shepherd-boy, one evening fair,
As western winds had cool'd the sultry air,
His numb'red sheep within the fold now pent,
Thus plain'd him of his dreery discontent;
Beneath a hoary poplar's whisp'ring boughs,
He, solitary, fat to breathe his vows,
Venting the tender anguish of his heart,
As passion taught, in accents free of art:
And little did he hope, while, night by night,
His sighs were lavish'd thus on Lucy bright.
“Ah, well-a-day! how long must I endure
“This pining pain? Or who shall speed my cure?
“Fond love no cure will have, seeks no repose,
“Delights in grief, nor any measure knows:
“And now the moon begins in clouds to rife;
“The brightening stars increase within the skies;
“The winds are hush; the dews distil; and sleep
“Hath clos'd the eyelids of my weary sheep:


“I only with the proling wolf constrain'd
“All night to wake: with hunger is he pain'd,
“And I, with love. His hunger he may tame;
“But who can quench, O cruel Love, thy flame?
“Whilom did I, all as this poplar fair,
“Up-raise my heedless head, then void of care,
“'Mong rustick routs the chief for wanton game;
“Nor could they merry-make, 'till Lobbin came.
“Who better seen than I in shepherds' arts,
“To please the lads, and win the lasses' hearts?
“How deftly, to mine oaten reed so sweet,
“Wont they, upon the green, to shift their feet?
“And, wearyed in the dance, how would they yearn
“Some well devised tale from me to learn?
“For many songs and tales of mirth had I,
“To chase the loitering sun adown the sky:
“But, ah! since Lucy coy deep-wrought her spight
“Within my heart, unmindful of delight
“The jolly grooms I fly, and, all alone,
“To rocks and woods pour forth my fruitless moan.
“Oh! quit thy wonted scorn, relentless Fair!
“E're, ling'ring long, I perish through despair.
“Had Rosalind been mistress of my mind,
“Though not so fair, she would have prov'd more kind.
“O think, unwitting maid, while yet is time,
“How flying years impair the youthful prime!
“Thy virgin bloom will not for ever stay,
“And flowers, though left ungath'red, will decay:
“The flowers, anew, returning seasons bring!
“But beauty faded has no second spring.
“My words are wind! She, deaf to all my cries,
“Takes pleasure in the mischief of her eyes.
“Like frisking heifer, loose in flowery meads,
“She gads where'er her roving fancy leads;


“Yet still from me. Ah me, the tiresome chace!
“Shy as the fawn, she flies my fond embrace.
“She flies, indeed, but ever leaves behind,
“Fly where she will, her likeness in my mind.
“No cruel purpose, in my speed, I bear;
“'Tis only love; and love why should'st thou fear?
“What idle fears a maiden-breast alarm!
“Stay, simple girl: a lover cannot harm.
“Two sportive kidlings, both fair-fleck'd, I rear;
“Whose shooting horns like tender buds appear:
“A lambkin too, of spotless fleece, I breed,
“And teach the fondling from my hand to feed:
“Nor will I cease betimes to cull the fields
“Of every dewy sweet the morning yields:
“From early spring to autumn late shalt thou
“Receive gay girlonds, blooming o'er thy brow:
“And when,—But, why these unavailing pains?
“The gifts, alike, and giver, she disdains:
“And now, left heiress of the glen, she'll deem
“Me, londless lad, unworthy her esteem:
“Yet, was she born, like me, of shepherd-sire;
“And I may fields and lowing herds acquire.
“O! would my gifts but win her wanton heart,
“Or could I half the warmth I feel impart,
“How would I wander, every day, to find
“The choice of wildings, blushing through the rind!
“For glossy plumbs how lightsome climb the tree,
“How risque the vengeance of the thrifty Bee!
“O! if thou deign to live a shepherdess,
“Thou Lobbin's flock, and Lobbin, shalt possess:
“And, fair my flock, nor yet uncomely I,
“If liquid fountains flatter not; and why
“Should liquid fountains flatter us, yet show
“The bordering flowers less beauteous than they grow?


“O! come, my love; nor think th'imployment mean,
“The dams to milk, and little lambkins wean,
“To drive a-field, by morn, the fattening ewes,
“E're the warm sun drink up the cooly dews,
“While, with my pipe, and with my voice, I chear
“Each hour, and through the day detain thine ear.
“How would the crook beseem thy lilly-hand!
“How would my younglings round thee gazing stand!
“Ah, witless younglings! gaze not on her eye:
“Thence all my sorrow; thence the death I dy.
“O, killing beauty! and O, fore desire!
“Must then my sufferings, but with life, expire?
“Though blossoms every year the trees adorn,
“Spring after spring I wither, nipt with scorn:
“Nor trow I when this bitter blast will end,
“Or if yon stars will e'er my vows befriend.
“Sleep, sleep, my flock; for happy ye may take
“Sweet nightly rest, though still your master wake.
Now, to the waning moon, the nightingale,
In slender warblings, tun'd her piteous tale,
The love-sick Shepherd, listening, felt relief,
Pleas'd with so sweet a partner in his grief,
'Till, by degrees, her notes and silent night
To slumbers soft his heavy heart invite.


THE SECOND PASTORAL. Is it not Colinet I lonesome see

Is it not Colinet I lonesome see,
Leaning with folded arms against the tree?
Or is it age of late bedims my sight?
'Tis Colinet, indeed, in woeful plight.
Thy cloudy look why melting into tears,
Unseemly, now the sky so bright appears?
Why in this mournful manner art thou found,
Unthankful lad, when all things smile around?
Or hear'st not lark and linnet, jointly sing,
Their notes blithe-warbling to salute the spring?

Though blithe their notes, not so my wayward fate;
Nor lark would sing, nor linnet, in my state.
Each creature, Thenot, to his task is born,
As they to mirth and musick, I to mourn.
Waking, at midnight, I my woes renew,
My tears oft' mingling with the falling dew.

Small cause, I ween, has lusty youth to plain;
Or who may, then, the weight of eld sustain,
When every slackening nerve begins to fail,


And the load presseth as our days prevail?
Yet, though with years my body downward tend,
As trees beneath their fruit, in autumn, bend
Spite of my snowy head and icy veins,
My mind a chearful temper still retains:
And why should man, mishap what will, repine,
Sour every sweet, and mix with tears his wine?
But tell me then: it may relieve thy woe,
To let a friend thine inward ailment know.

Idly 'twill waste thee, Thenot, the whole day,
Should'st thou give ear to all my grief can say.
Thine ewes will wander; and the heedless lambs,
In loud complaints, require their absent dams.

See Lightfoot; he shall tend them close: and I,
'Tween whiles, across the plain will glance mine eye.

Where to begin I know not, where to end.
Does there one smiling hour my youth attend?
Though few my days, as well my follies show,
Yet are those days all clouded o'er with woe:
No happy gleam of sunshine doth appear,
My lowering sky, and wintery months, to chear.
My piteous plight in yonder naked tree,
Which bears the thunder-scar, too plain I see:
Quite destitute it stands of shelter kind,
The mark of storms, and sport of every wind:
The riven trunk feels not th'approach of spring;
Nor birds among the leafless branches sing:
No more, beneath thy shade, shall shepherds throng


With jocund tale, or pipe, or pleasing song.
Ill-fated tree! and more ill-fated I!
From thee, from me, alike the shepherds fly.

Sure thou in hapless hour of time wast born,
When blighting mildews spoil the rising corn,
Or blasting winds o'er-blossom'd hedge-rows pass,
To kill the promis'd fruits, and scorch the grass,
Or when the moon, by wizard charm'd, foreshows,
Blood-stain'd in foul eclipse, impending woes.
Untimely born, ill-luck betides thee still.

And can there, Thenot, be a greater Ill?

Nor fox, nor wolf, nor rot among our sheep:
From these good shepherd's care his flock may keep:
Against ill-luck, alas! all forecast fails;
Nor toil by day, nor watch by night, avails.

Ah me, the while! ah me, the luckless day!
Ah luckless lad! befits me more to say.
Unhappy hour! when fresh in youthful bud,
I left, Sabrina fair, thy silvery flood.
Ah, silly I! more silly than my sheep,
Which, on thy flowery banks, I wont to keep.
Sweet are thy banks! Oh, when shall I, once more,
With ravish'd eyes review thine amell'd shore?
When, in the crystal of thy water, scan
Each feature faded, and my colour wan?


When shall I see my hut, the small abode
Myself did raise, and cover o'er with sod?
Small though it be, a mean and humble cell,
Yet is there room for peace, and me, to dwell.

And what enticement charm'd thee, far away,
From thy lov'd home, and led thy heart astray?

A lewd desire strange lands, and swains, to know:
Ah God! that ever I should covet woe.
With wandering feet unblest, and fond of fame,
I sought I know not what besides a name.

Or, sooth to say, didst thou not hither rome
In search of gains more plenty than at home?
A rolling stone is, ever, bare of moss;
And, to their cost, green years old proverbs cross.

Small need there was, in random search of gain,
To drive my pining flock athwart the plain,
To distant Cam. Fine gain at length, I trow,
To hoard up to myself such deal of woe!
My sheep quite spent, through travel and ill fare,
And, like their keeper, ragged grown and bare,
The damp, cold greensward, for my nightly bed,
And some slaunt willow's trunk to rest my head.
Hard is to bear of pinching cold the pain;
And hard is want to the unpracticed swain:
But neither want, nor pinching cold, is hard,
To blasting storms of calumny compar'd:


Unkind as hail it falls; the pelting shower
Destroys the tender herb, and budding flower.

Slander we shepherds count the vilest wrong:
And what wounds sorer than an evil tongue?

Untoward lads, the wanton imps of spite,
Make mock of all the ditties I endite.
In vain, O Colinet, thy pipe, so shrill,
Charms every vale, and gladdens every hill:
In vain thou seek'st the coverings of the grove,
In the cool shade to sing the pains of love:
Sing what thou wilt, ill-nature will prevail;
And every elf hath skill enough to rail:
But yet, though poor and artless be my vein,
Menalcas seems to like my simple strain:
And, while that He delighteth in my song,
Which to the good Menalcas doth belong,
Nor night, nor day, shall my rude musick cease;
I ask no more, so I Menalcas please.

Menalcas, lord of these fair, fertile, plains,
Preserves the sheep, and o'er the shepherds reigns:
For him our yearly wakes, and feasts, we hold,
And choose the fairest firstling from the fold:
He, good to all, who Good deserve, shall give
Thy flock to feed, and thee at ease to live,
Shall curb the malice of unbridled tongues,
And bounteously reward thy rural songs.


First, then, shall lightsome birds forget to fly,
The briny ocean turn to pastures dry,
And every rapid river cease to flow,
'E're I unmindful of Menalcas grow.

This night thy care with me forget, and fold
Thy flock with mine, to ward th'injurious cold.
New milk, and clouted cream, mild cheese and curd,
With some remaining fruit of last year's hoard,
Shall be our evening fare, and, for the night,
Sweet herbs and moss, which gentle sleep invite:
And now behold the sun's departing ray,
O'er yonder hill, the sign of ebbing day:
With songs the jovial hinds return from plow;
And unyok'd heifers, loitering homeward, low.


THE THIRD PASTORAL. When Virgil thought no shame

When Virgil thought no shame the Dorick reed
To tune, and flocks on Mantuan plains to feed,
With young Augustus' name he grac'd his song:
And Spenser, when amid the rural throng
He carol'd sweet, and graz'd along the flood
Of gentle Thames, made every founding wood
With good Eliza's name to ring around;
Eliza's name on every tree was found:
Since then, through Anna's cares at ease we live,
And see our cattle unmolested thrive,
While from our Albion her victorious arms
Drive wasteful warfare, loud in dire alarms,
Like them will I my slender musick raise,
And teach the vocal valleys Anna's praise.
Mean-time, on oaten pipe a lowly lay,
As my kids browse, obscure in shades I play:
Yet, not obscure, while Dorset thinks no scorn
To visit woods, and swains ignobly born.
Two valley swains, both musical, both young,
In friendship mutual, and united long,
Retire within a mossy cave, to shun
The crowd of shepherds, and the noon-day sun.
A gloom of sadness overcasts their mind:
Revolving now, the solemn day they find,
When young Albino died. His image dear
Bedews their cheeks with many a trickling tear:


To tears they add the tribute of their verse;
These Angelot, those Palin, did rehearse.

Thus, yearly circling, by-past times return;
And yearly, thus, Albino's death we mourn.
Sent into life, alas! how short thy stay:
How sweet the rose! how speedy to decay!
Can we forget, Albino dear, thy knell,
Sad-sounding wide from every village-bell?
Can we forget how sorely Albion moan'd,
That hills, and dales, and rocks, in echo groan'd,
Presaging future woe, when, for our crimes,
We lost Albino, pledge of peaceful times,
Fair boast of this fair Island, darling joy
Of Nobles high, and every shepherd-boy?
No joyous pipe was hear'd, no flocks were seen,
Nor shepherd found upon the grassy green,
No cattle graz'd the field, nor drank the flood,
No birds were hear'd to warble through the wood.
In yonder gloomy grove out-stretch'd he lay,
His lovely limbs upon the dampy clay;
On his cold cheek the rosy hue decay'd,
And, o'er his lips, the deadly blue display'd:
Bleating around him ly his plaintive sheep;
And mourning shepherds come, in crowds, to weep.
Young Buckhurst comes: and, is there no redress?
As if the grave regarded our distress!
The tender virgins come, to tears yet new,
And give, aloud, the lamentations due.
The pious mother comes, with grief opprest:
Ye trees, and conscious fountains, can attest
With what sad accents, and what piercing cries,
She fill'd the grove, and importun'd the skies,


And every star upbraided with his death,
When, in her widowed arms, devoid of breath,
She clasp'd her son: nor did the Nymph, for this,
Place in her dearling's welfare all her bliss,
Him teaching, young, the harmless crook to wield,
And rule the peaceful empire of the field.
As milk-white swans on streams of silver show,
And silvery streams to grace the meadows flow,
As corn the vales, and trees the hills adorn,
So thou, to thine, an ornament wast born.
Since thou, delicious youth, didst quit the plains,
Th'ungrateful ground we till with fruitless pains,
In labour'd furrows sow the choice of wheat,
And, over empty sheaves, in harvest sweat,
A thin increase our fleecy cattle yield;
And thorns, and thistles, overspread the field.
How all our hope is fled, like morning-dew!
And scarce did we thy dawn of manhood view.
Who, now, shall teach the pointed spear to throw,
To whirl the sling, and bend the stubborn bow,
To toss the quoit with steady aim, and far,
With sinewy force, to pitch the massy bar?
Nor dost thou live to bless thy mother's days,
To share her triumphs, and to feel her praise,
In foreign realms to purchase early fame,
And add new glories to the British name:
O, peaceful may thy gentle spirit rest!
The flowery turf ly light upon thy breast;
Nor shrieking owl, nor bat, thy tomb fly round,
Nor midnight goblins revel o'er the ground.

No more, mistaken Angelot, complain:
Albino lives; and all our tears are vain:


Albino lives, and will, for ever live
With Myriads mixt, who never know to grieve,
Who welcome every stranger-guest, nor fear
Ever to mourn his absence with a tear,
Where cold, nor heat, nor irksome toil annoy,
Nor age, nor sickness, comes to damp their joy:
And now the royal Nymph, who bore him, deigns
The land to rule, and shield the simple swains,
While, from above, propitious he looks down:
For this, the welkin does no longer frown,
Each planet shines, indulgent, from his sphere,
And we renew our pastimes with the year.
Hills, dales, and woods, with shrilling pipes resound;
The boys and virgins dance, with chaplets crown'd,
And hail Albino blest: the valleys ring
Albino blest! O now, if ever, bring
The laurel green, the smelling eglantine,
And tender branches from the mantling vine,
The dewy cowslip, which in meadow grows,
The fountain-violet, and the garden-rose,
Marsh-lillies sweet, and tufts of daffadil,
With what ye cull from wood, or verdant hill,
Whether in open sun, or shade, they blow,
More early some, and some unfolding slow,
Bring, in heap'd canisters, of every kind,
As if the summer had with spring combin'd,
And nature, forward to assist your care,
Did no profusion for Albino spare.
Your hamlets strew, and every publick way;
And consecrate to mirth Albino's day:
Myself will lavish all my little store,
And deal about the goblet flowing o'er:
Old Moulin there shall harp, young Myco sing,
And Cuddy dance the round amid the ring,


And Hobbinol his antic gambols play:
To thee these honours, yearly, will we pay;
Nor fail to mention thee in all our chear,
And teach our children the remembrance dear,
When we or shearing-feast, or harvest, keep,
To speed the plow, and bless our thriving sheep.
While willow kids, and herbage lambs, pursue,
While bees love thyme, and locusts sip the dew,
While birds delight in woods their notes to strain,
Thy name and sweet memorial shall remain.


THE FOURTH PASTORAL. This place may seem for shepherd's leisure made

This place may seem for shepherd's leisure made,
So close these elms inweave their lofty shade;
The twining woodbine, how it climbs! to breathe
Refreshing sweets around on all beneath;
The ground with grass of chearful green bespread,
Through which the springing flower up-rears the head:
Lo, here the kingcup of a golden hue,
Medly'd with daisies white and endive blue,
And honeysuckles of a purply dy,
Confusion gay! bright-waving to the eye.
Hark, how they warble in that brambly bush,
The gaudy goldfinch and the speckly thrush,
The linnet green, with others famed for skill,
And blackbird fluting through his yellow bill:
In sprightly concert how they all combine,
Us prompting in the various song to join:
Up, Argol, then, and to thy lip apply
Thy mellow pipe, or voice more sounding try:
And since our ewes have graz'd, what harm if they
Ly round and listen while the lambkins play?

Well, Myco, can thy dainty wit express
Fair nature's bounties in the fairest dress:
'Tis rapture all! the place, the birds, the sky;
And rapture works the finger's fancy high.


Sweet breathe the fields, and now a gentle breez
Moves every leaf, and trembles through the trees:
Ill such incitements suit my rugged lay,
Befitting more the Musick thou can'st play.

No skill of musick kon I, simple swain,
No fine device thine ear to entertain:
Albeit some deal I pipe, rude though it be,
Sufficient to divert my sheep and me;
Yet Colinet (and Colinet hath skill)
Oft' guides my fingers on the tuneful quill,
And fain would teach me on what sounds to dwell,
And where to sink a note, and where to swell.

Ah, Myco! half my flock would I bestow,
Should Colinet to me his cunning show:
So trim his sonnets are, I pr'ythee, swain,
Now give us, once, a sample of his strain:
For wonders of that lad the shepherds say,
How sweet his pipe, how ravishing his lay!
The sweetness of his pipe and lay rehearse;
And ask what Boon thou willest for thy verse.

Since then thou list, a mournful song I chuse:
A mournful song relieves a mournfull Muse.
Fast by the river on a bank he sate,
To weep the lovely maid's untimely fate,
Fair Stella hight: a lovely maid was she,
Whose fate he wept, a faithful shepherd he.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.


“O woeful day! O day of woe to me!
“That ever I should live such day to see!
“That ever she could dy! O most unkind,
“To go and leave thy Colinet behind!
“From blameless love and plighted troth to go,
“And leave to Colinet a life of woe!
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“And yet, why blame I her? Full fain would she
“With dying arms have clasp'd herself to me;
“I clasp'd her too, but death prov'd over-strong;
“Nor vows nor tears could fleeting life prolong:
“Yet how shall I from vows and tears refrain?
“And why should vows, alas! and tears be vain?
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“Aid me to grieve, with bleating moan, my sheep;
“Aid me, thou ever-flowing stream, to weep;
“Aid me ye faint, ye hollow, winds, to sigh,
“And thou, my woe, assist me thou to dy.
“Me flock nor stream, nor winds nor woes, relieve;
“She lov'd through life, and I through life will grieve.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“Ye gentler maids, companions of my fair,
“With down cast look, and with dishevell'd hair,
“All beat the breast, and wring your hands and moan;
“Her hour, untimely, might have prov'd your own:


“Her hour, untimely, help me to lament;
“And let your hearts at Stella's name relent.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“In vain the indearing luster of your eyes
“We dote upon, and you as vainly prize.
“What though your beauty bless the faithful swain,
“And in the enamour'd heart like queens ye reign;
“Yet in their prime does death the fairest kill,
“As ruthless winds the tender blossoms spill.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“Such Stella was; yet Stella might not live!
“And what could Colinet in ransom give?
“Oh! if or musick's voice, or beauty's charm,
“Could milden death, and stay his lifted arm,
“My pipe her face, her face my pipe might save,
“Redeeming each the other from the grave.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“Ah, fruitless wish! fell death's uplifted arm
“Nor beauty can arrest, nor musick charm.
“Behold! Oh baleful sight! see where she lies!
“The budding flower, unkindly blasted, dies:
“Nor, though I live the longest day to mourn,
“Will she again to life and me return.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.


“Unhappy Colinet! what boots thee now,
“To weave fresh girlonds for thy Stella's brow?
“No girlond ever more may Stella wear,
“Nor see the flowery season of the year,
“Nor dance nor sing, nor ever sweetly smile,
“And every toil of Colinet beguile.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“Throw by the lilly, daffadil, and rose;
“Wreaths of black yew, and willow pale, compose,
“With baneful hemlock, deadly nightshade, dress'd,
“Such chaplets as may witness thine unrest,
“If aught can witness: O, ye shepherds tell,
“When I am dead, no shepherd lov'd so well!
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“Alack, my sheep! and thou, dear spotless lamb,
“By Stella nurs'd, who wean'd thee from the dam,
“What heed give I to aught but to my grief,
“My whole employment, and my whole relief!
“Stray where ye list, some happyer master try:
“Yet once, my flock, was none so bless'd as I.
Awake, my pipe; in every note express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
“My pipe whose soothing sound could passion move,
“And first taught Stella's virgin-heart to love,
“Shall silent hang upon this blasted oak,
“Whence owls their dirges sing, and ravens croak:


“Nor lark, nor linnet, shall by day delight,
“Nor nightingale suspend my moan by night.
“The night and day shall undistinguish'd be,
“Alike to Stella, and alike to me.
No more, my pipe; here cease we to express
Fair Stella's death, and Colinet's distress.
Thus, sorrowing, did the gentle shepherd sing,
And urge the valley with his wail to ring.
And now that sheep-hook for my song I crave.

Not this, but one more costly, shalt thou have,
Of season'd elm, where studs of brass appear,
To speak the giver's name, the month, and year;
The hook of polish'd steel, the handle torn'd,
And richly by the carver's skill adorn'd.
O Colinet, how sweet thy grief to hear!
How does thy verse subdue the listening ear!
Soft falling as the still, refreshing, dew,
To slake the drought, and herbage to renew:
Not half so sweet the midnight winds, which move
In drousy murmurs o'er the waving grove,
Nor valley brook that, hid by alders, speeds
O'er pebbles warbling, and thro' whisp'ring reeds,
Nor dropping waters, which from rocks distil,
And welly grots with tinkling echoes fill.
Thrice happy Colinet, who can relieve
Heart-anguish sore, and make it sweet to grieve!
And next to thee shall Myco bear the bell,
Who can repeat thy peerless song so well:


But see! the hills increasing shadows cast;
The sun, I ween, is leaving us in haste:
His weakly rays faint glimmer through the wood,
And bluey mists arise from yonder flood.

Bid then our dogs to gather in the sheep.
Good shepherds, with their flock, betimes should sleep.
Who late lies down, thou know'st, as late will rise,
And, sluggard-like, to noon-day snoring lies,
While in the fold his injur'd ewes complain,
And after dewy pastures bleat in vain.


THE FIFTH PASTORAL. In rural strains we first our musick try

In rural strains we first our musick try,
And bashful into woods and thickets fly,
Mistrusting then our skill; yet if through time
Our voice, improving, gain a pitch sublime,
Thy growing virtues, Sackville, shall engage
My riper verse, and more aspiring age.
The sun, now mounted to the noon of day,
Began to shoot direct his burning ray;
When, with the flocks, their feeders sought the shade
A venerable oak wide-spreading made:
What should they do to pass the loitering time?
As fancy led, each form'd his tale in rhyme:
And some the joys, and some the pains, of love,
And some to set out strange adventures, strove,
The trade of wizard's some, and Merlin's skill,
And whence, to charms, such empire o'er the will.
Then Cuddy last (who Cuddy can excel
In neat device?) his tale began to tell.
“When shepherds flourish'd in Eliza's reign,
“There liv'd in high repute a jolly swain,
“Young Colin Clout; who well could pipe and sing,
“And by his notes invite the lagging spring.
“He, as his custom was, at leisure laid
“In woodland bower, without a rival play'd,


“Soliciting his pipe to warble clear,
“Enchantment sweet as ever wont to hear
“Belated wayfarers, from wake or fair
“Detain'd by musick, hovering on in air:
“Drawn by the magick of the inticing sound,
“What troops of mute admirers flock'd around!
“The steerlings left their food; and creatures, wild
“By nature form'd, insensibly grew mild.
“He makes the gathering birds about him throng,
“And loads the neighbouring branches with his song:
“There, with the crowd, a nightingale of fame,
“Jealous, and fond of praise, to listen came:
“She turn'd her ear, and pause by pause, with pride,
“Like echo to the shepherd's pipe reply'd.
“The shepherd hear'd with wonder, and again,
“To try her more, renew'd his various strain:
“To all the various strain she plies her throat,
“And adds peculiar grace to every note.
“If Colin, in complaining accent grieve,
“Or brisker motion to his measure give,
“If gentle sounds he modulate, or strong,
“She, not a little vain, repeats the song:
“But so repeats, that Colin half despis'd
“His pipe and skill, around the country priz'd:
“And sweetest songster of the winged kind,
“What thanks, said he, what praises shall I find
“To equal thy melodious voice? In thee
“The rudeness of my rural fife I see;
“From thee I learn no more to vaunt my skill:
“Aloft in air she sate, provoking still
“The vanquish'd swain. Provok'd, at last, he strove
“To shew the little minstrel of the grove
“His utmost powers, determin'd once to try
“How art, exerting, might with nature vy;


“For vy could none with either in their part,
“With her in nature, nor with him in art.
“He draws in breath, his rising breast to fill:
“Throughout the wood his pipe is hear'd to shrill.
“From note to note, in haste, his fingers fly;
“Still more and more the numbers multiply:
“And now they trill, and now they fall and rise,
“And swift and slow they change with sweet surprise.
“Attentive she doth scarce the sounds retain;
“But to herself first conns the puzzling strain,
“And tracing, heedful, note by note repays
“The shepherd in his own harmonious lays,
“Through every changing cadence runs at length,
“And adds in sweetness what she wants in strength;
“Then Colin threw his fife disgrac'd aside,
“While she loud triumph sings, proclaiming wide
“Her mighty conquest, and within her throat
“Twirls many a wild unimitable note,
“To foil her rival. What could Colin more?
“A little harp of maple-ware he bore:
“The little harp was old, but newly strung,
“Which, usual, he across his shoulders hung.
“Now take, delightful bird, my last farewel,
“He said, and learn from hence thou dost excel
“No trivial artist: and anon he wound
“The murmuring strings, and order'd every sound:
“Then earnest to his instrument he bends,
“And both hands pliant on the strings extends:
“His touch the strings obey, and various move,
“The lower answering still to those above:
“His fingers, restless, traverse to and fro,
“As in pursuit of harmony they go:
“Now lightly skimming, o'er the strings they pass,
“Like winds which gently brush the plying grass,


“While melting airs arise at their command:
“And now, laborious, with a weighty hand
“He sinks into the cords, with solemn pace,
“To give the swelling tones a bolder grace;
“And now the left, and now by turns the right,
“Each other chafe, harmonious both in flight:
“Then his whole fingers blend a swarm of sounds,
“Till the sweet tumult through the harp redounds.
“Cease, Colin, cease, thy rival cease to vex;
“The mingling notes, alas! her ear perplex:
“She warbles, diffident, in hope and fear,
“And hits imperfect accents here and there,
“And fain would utter forth some double tone,
“When soon she falters, and can utter none:
“Again she tries, and yet again she fails;
“For still the harp's united power prevails.
“Then Colin play'd again, and playing sung:
“She, with the fatal love of glory stung,
“Hears all in pain: her heart begins to swell:
“In piteous notes she sighs, in notes which tell
“Her bitter anguish: he, still singing, plies
“His limber joints; her sorrows higher rise.
“How shall she bear a conqueror, who, before,
“No equal through the grove in musick bore?
“She droops, she hangs her flagging wings, she moans,
“And fetcheth from her breast melodious groans.
“Oppress'd with grief at last too great to quell,
“Down, breathless, on the guilty harp she fell.
“Then Colin loud lamented o'er the dead,
“And unavailing tears profusely shed,
“And broke his wicked strings, and curs'd his skill;
“And best to make attonement for the ill,
“If, for such ill, attonement might be made,
“He builds her tomb beneath a laurel shade,


“Then adds a verse, and sets with flowers the ground,
“And makes a fence of winding osiers round.
“A verse and tomb is all I now can give;
“And here thy name at least, he said, shall live.
Thus ended Cuddy with the setting sun,
And, by his tale, unenvy'd praises won.


THE SIXTH PASTORAL. How still the sea behold! how calm the sky!

How still the sea behold! how calm the sky!
And how, in sportive chase, the swallows fly!
My goats, secure from harm, small tendance need,
While high, on yonder hanging rock, they feed:
And, here below, the banky shore along,
Your heifers graze. Now, then, to strive in song
Prepare. As eldest, Hobbinol begin;
And Lanquet's rival-verse, by turns, come in.

Let others stake what chosen pledge they will,
Or kid, or lamb, or mazer wrought with skill:
For praise we sing, nor wager ought beside;
And, whose the praise, let Geron's lips decide.

To Geron I my voice, and skill, commend,
A candid umpire, and to both a friend.

Begin then, boys; and vary well your song:
Begin; nor fear, from Geron's sentence, wrong.
A boxen hautboy, loud, and sweet of sound,
All varnish'd, and with brazen ringlets bound,
I to the victor give: no mean reward,
If to the ruder village-pipes compar'd.


The snows are melted; and the kindly rain
Descends on every herb, and every grain:
Soft balmy breezes breathe along the sky;
The bloomy season of the year is nigh.

The cuckoo calls aloud his wandering love;
The turtle's moan is hear'd in every grove;
The pastures change; the warbling linnets sing:
Prepare to welcome in the gaudy spring.

When locusts, in the ferny bushes, cry,
When ravens pant, and snakes in caverns ly,
Graze then in woods, and quit the shadeless plain,
Else shall ye press the spungy teat in vain.

When greens to yellow vary, and ye see
The ground bestrew'd with fruits off every tree,
And stormy winds are hear'd, think winter near,
Nor trust too far to the declining year.

Woe then, alack! befall the spendthrift swain,
When frost, and snow, and hail, and sleet, and rain,
By turns chastise him, while, through little care,
His sheep, unshelter'd, pine in nipping air.

The lad of forecast then untroubled sees
The white-bleak plains, and silvery frosted trees:
He fends his flock, and, clad in homely frize,
In his warm cott the wintery blast defies.


Full fain, O bless'd Eliza! would I praise
Thy maiden rule, and Albion's golden days:
Then gentle Sidney liv'd, the shepherd's friend:
Eternal blessings on his shade attend!

Thrice happy shepherds now! for Dorset loves
The country-muse, and our resounding groves,
While Anna reigns: O, ever, may she reign!
And bring, on earth, the golden age again.

I love, in secret all, a beauteous maid,
And have my love, in secret all, repaid;
This coming night she plights her troth to me:
Divine her name, and thou the victor be.

Mild as the lamb, unharmful as the dove,
True as the turtle, is the maid I love:
How we in secret love, I shall not say:
Divine her name, and I give up the day.

Soft on a cowslip-bank my love and I
Together lay; a brook ran murmuring by:
A thousand tender things to me she said;
And I a thousand tender things repaid.

In summer-shade, behind the cocking hay,
What kind endearing words did she not say!
Her lap, with apron deck'd, she fondly spread,
And strok'd my cheek, and lull'd my leaning head.


Breathe soft ye winds; ye waters gently flow;
Shield her ye trees; ye flowers around her grow:
Ye swains, I beg ye, pass in silence by;
My love, in yonder vale, asleep does ly.

Once Delia slept on easy moss reclin'd,
Her lovely limbs half bare, and rude the wind:
I smooth'd her coats, and stole a silent kiss:
Condemn me, shepherds, if I did amiss.

As Marian bath'd, by chance I passed by;
She blush'd, and at me glanc'd a sidelong eye:
Then, cowering in the treacherous stream, she try'd
Her tempting form, yet still in vain, to hide.

As I, to cool me, bath'd one sultry day,
Fond Lydia, lurking, in the sedges lay:
The wanton laugh'd, and seem'd in haste to fly,
Yet oft' she stopp'd, and oft' she turn'd her eye.

When first I saw, would I had never seen,
Young Lyset lead the dance on yonder green,
Intent upon her beauties, as she mov'd,
Poor heedless wretch! at unawares I lov'd.

When Lucy decks with flowers her swelling breast,
And on her elbow leans, dissembling rest,
Unable to refrain my madding mind,
Nor herds, nor pasture, worth my care I find.


Come, Rosalind, O, come! for, wanting thee,
Our peopled vale a desert is to me.
Come, Rosalind, O, come! My brinded kine,
My snowy sheep, my farm, and all, are thine.

Come, Rosalind, O, come! Here shady bowers,
Here are cool fountains, and here springing flowers:
Come, Rosalind! Here ever let us stay,
And sweetly waste the live-long time away.

In vain the seasons of the moon I know,
The force of healing herbs, and where they grow:
No herb there is, no season, to remove
From my fond heart the racking pains of love.

What profits me, that I in charms have skill,
And ghosts, and goblins, order as I will,
Yet have, with all my charms, no power to lay
The sprite that breaks my quiet night and day?

O that, like Colin, I had skill in rhimes,
To purchase credit with succeeding times!
Sweet Colin Clout! who never, yet, had peer;
Who sung through all the seasons of the year.

Let me, like Merlin, sing: his Voice had power
To free the 'clipsing moon at midnight hour:
And, as he sung, the fairies with their queen,
In mantles blue, came tripping o'er the green.


Last eve of May did I not hear them sing,
And see their dance? And I can shew the ring,
Where, hand in hand, they shift their feet so light:
The grass springs greener from their tread by night.

But hast thou seen their king, in rich array,
Fam'd Oberon, with damask'd robe so gay,
And gemmy crown, by moonshine sparkling far,
And azure scepter, pointed with a star?

Here end your pleasing strife. Both victors are;
And both with Colin may, in rhyme, compare.
A boxen hautboy, loud, and sweet of sound,
All varnish'd, and with brazen ringlets bound,
To each I give. A mizling mist descends
Adown that steepy rock: and this way tends
Yon distant rain. Shoreward the vessels strive;
And, see, the boys their flocks to shelter drive.



Cease your musick, gentle swains:
Saw ye Delia cross the plains?
Every thicket, every grove,
Have I ranged, to find my love:
A kid, a lamb, my flock, I give,
Tell me only doth she live.
White her skin as mountain-snow;
In her cheek the roses blow:
And her eye is brighter far
Than the beamy morning star.
When her ruddy lip ye view,
'Tis a berry moist with dew:
And her breath, Oh 'tis a gale
Passing o'er a fragant vale,
Passing, when a friendly shower
Freshens every herb and flower.
Wide her bosom opens, gay
As the primrose-dell in May,
Sweet as violet-borders growing
Over fountains ever-flowing.
Like the tendrels of the vine,
Do her auburn tresses twine,
Glossy ringlets all behind
Streaming buxom to the wind,
When along the lawn she bounds,
Light, as hind before the hounds:
And the youthful ring she fires,
Hopeless in their fond desires,
As her flitting feet advance,
Wanton in the winding dance.
Tell me, shepherds, have ye seen
My delight, my love, my queen?



Have ye seen the morning sky,
When the dawn prevails on high,
When, anon, some purply ray
Gives a sample of the day,
When, anon, the lark, on wing,
Strives to soar, and strains to sing?
Have ye seen the ethereal blue
Gently shedding silvery dew,
Spangling o'er the silent green,
While the nightingale, unseen,
To the moon and stars, full bright,
Lonesome chants the hymn of night?
Have ye seen the broid'red May
All her scented bloom display,
Breezes opening, every hour,
This, and that, expecting flower,
While the mingling birds prolong,
From each bush, the vernal song?
Have ye seen the damask-rose
Her unsully'd blush disclose,
Or the lilly's dewy bell,
In her glossy white, excell,
Or a garden vary'd o'er
With a thousand glories more?
By the beauties these display,
Morning, evening, night, or day,


By the pleasures these excite,
Endless sources of delight!
Judge, by them, the joys I find,
Since my Rosalind was kind,
Since she did herself resign
To my vows, for ever mine.