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Mountown! Thou sweet Retreat from Dublin Cares,
Be famous for thy Apples and thy Pears;


For Turnips, Carrots, Lettuce, Beans and Pease;
For Peggy's Butter, and for Peggy's Cheese.
May Clouds of Pigeons round about thee fly,
But condescend sometimes to make a Pye.
May fat Geese gaggle with melodious Voice,
And ne'er want Gooseberries or Apple-sauce:
Ducks in thy Ponds, and Chickens in thy Pens,
And be thy Turkeys Numerous as thy Hens:
May thy black Pigs lie warm in little Stye,
And have no Thought to grieve them till they dye.
Mountown! The Muses most delicious Theam
Oh! may thy Codlins ever swim iu Cream:
Thy Rasp- and Straw-berries in Bourdeaux drown
To add a redder Tincture to their own:
Thy White-Wine, Sugar, Milk, together Club
To make that gentle Viand Syllabub.


Thy Tarts to Tarts, Cheese cakes to Cheese-cakes join
To spoil the Relish of the flowing Wine.
But to the fading Palate bring Relief
By thy West-phalian Ham, or Belgick Beef;
And to compleat thy Blessings, in a word,
May still thy Soil be Generous as its Lord.