University of Virginia Library



[GREAT Britain is the noblest land]

Mr. Incledon,
GREAT Britain is the noblest land
That e'er the world could boast,
Where freedom regulates command,
And her we love the most.
All join in Chorus.
The King, the Nation, and the Law we're ready to obey,
Then vive la Loi, and vive le Roi, and vive la Liberte!
The birds unshackl'd rove the air,
The fishes swim the Sea,
No fetters e'er cou'd Britains bear,
Then why, my boys, should we?


The King, the Nation, and the Law, &c.
Tho' all the base in arms shou'd rise
To rob us of the good,
Yet ev'ry effort we'd depise,
Their rage wou'd be withstood.


The King, the Nation, &c