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A Muse in Livery

A Collection of Poems [by Robert Dodsley]

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AN ENTERTAINMENT Designed for Her Majesty's Birth-Day.




See! thrice happy Britons! see;
Whilst foreign peace great George bestows,
Carolina sets us free
From the mind's domestick foes,
Sing! sing her virtues! celebrate her worth!
And bless the auspicious Day that gave her birth!


See lovely Truth, at her command,
Raises her beauteous head and smiles;
Asham'd, Imposture flies the land,
And all his agents cease their wiles.
Religion charms us with a sweeter voice,
And what before we scorn'd, is now our choice.


Mysterious Whims are laid aside,
Holy Grimace and Cant are vain,
Which villains us'd their crimes to hide:
His Deeds must shew the virtuous Man.
Good Sense, inspir'd by her, regains the throne
Which Folly lost, and Superstition won.



Extensive Charity divests
Our souls of Bigotry and Zeal;
Good-nature gently sooths the breasts,
Which Rage and Passion us'd to feel.
By Reason taught, this lesson we receive,
Ourselves to censure, others to forgive.


Religion scorning barb'rous aid,
Which Zeal wou'd use, and Force wou'd give;
With Freedom bids our search be made,
And nothing upon Trust receive,
Conscious her Charms no secret arts require,
But they who see them best, will most admire.


Hail, Liberty! fair child of Truth!
Thus aided by a Royal Hand,
Give every art and science growth,
'Till wit and learning fill the Land:
'Till Europe round us sees with envious eyes,
Distinguish'd Albion far superior rise.


And you, her happy sons, confess;
You who are good, or just, or wise,
Grateful, that all your happiness
From Royal Influence does arise.
Sing then her virtues! celebrate her worth;
And bless th' auspicious Day that gave her birth.