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[by Robert Colvill]

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Ecce tibi Hesperiæ Tellus! hanc arripe velis. Virg.

Of Albion's reign, with delegated sway,
O'er Indian realms, her progress and decline
Thro' factious usurpation, till the pow'r
Of Concord, in her golden sphere, dispel
The gath'ring storm, I sing, on trembling wings
Borne by the Muse o'er Atalanta's wave.
Queen of the song! who strung the Latian lyre
To strains sublime, and crown'd the righteous cause,
When tyrant Julius, and his frantic train
Of tribunes leagu'd, o'erturning Freedom's seat,
And law and country in great Cato's fall,
Come from the sacred hill! where with the Nine,
By bow'ring shades, and hallow'd streams, you lead
The Roman bard, and twine with blooming flow'rs
His sacred crown, and in oblivion soothe
His wounds, fresh streaming for his country's woe:
O! aid the Muse! else grov'ling, to ascend
Th'etherial heights, where Fancy dwells; bestow


A wreath to shade her leafless brow; she sings,
In liberal verse, thy fav'rite theme attun'd
To native notes. And, thou bright orient Beam
Of War! whose radiance gilds the martial praise
Of an illustrious Line, their loyal zeal,
Their pride of arms, their patriot love approv'd
In adverse times, reflecting, as afar
Your sparkling crescent o'er the western storm
Smiles like some friendly planet, in thy sphere
Diffusing mild benevolence and joy,
Meet solace of the brave, who proud pursue
Your conquering banners on Atlanta's shore,
Smile on my strains! ambitious of the shade
Your laurels yield, from Envy's blast, the Muse
Thence culling flow'rs to deck her barren lay,
With PERCY's name would consecrate her song.
Beyond the blaze of grandeur, birth, or pow'r,
Long may thy brighter glory shine, and fame
Sound to the list'ning world, heroic praise
Crown'd with celestial clemency, who bids
The weak and injur'd rest beneath thy shield.
Fair England's awful Genius be thy guide
Thro' fields of war, thy heavenly guard to turn
The deadly shaft; and, as the storm subsides,
Infold thy valour in a mother's arms,
Whilst filial duty, at a Parent's tomb,
Sad tribute pays, and wipe her Soldier's tear.
Far o'er the deep, where bright Hyperion decks
His western throne, and Ocean's radiant queen,
With orient imitated state receives
The spheres bright regent in his native clime,
A mighty region lies, extending vast


From the bleak Arctic to the golden South;
With crowding nations throng'd, a dauntless race
From Albion's isle, nurs'd in Hesperian plains,
'Mid blooming dales, and groves, and copious streams
Cerulean, where in silver circling arms
Majestic Thetis folds her fav'rite land,
The pride and bulwark of the western world.
This rich domain Neptune of old consign'd
His proffer'd dowry, when the Albion prince
Espous'd the Ocean's daughter: Long he urg'd
In Thetis' court his am'rous suit, and scarce
With sov'reign honours won the royal maid;
What time the sea gods all in marine state
Rode forth, and gliding in their em'rald cars,
Nereus, and Doris, with their daughter train,
Brought home the blushing bride. In princely guise
With ruby crown, 'mid bending waves she went
To Thamis' iv'ry hall; her spousal song
The Syrens sung, and the glad Tritons blew
Their coral trumpets: With orisons pure
Each goddess bless'd their union; and to grace
With recompence their virtues, Neptune gave
This western world, like a rich pearl, to deck
The golden splendours of their triple crown.
In proud Augusta thron'd, their sov'reign race
With blameless rule their dove-like scepter sway'd,
And wreath'd their coronal with radiance meet
Of mildness, clemency, and public love,
Attemp'ring public justice. Thro' the realm,
Like dulcet charm of spring, their influence beam'd,
Restoring nature; commerce, arts, and arms
That seven-fold shield, encircling all we prize,
Flourish'd; and Freedom dealt her blissful store,


Inspiring all. O'er hill and peopled plain
More sweet the seasons smil'd; streamlet and flood,
And rural Thame, kissing their margin green,
Grottos, and bow'ring shades, glad winding, roll'd
Their tribute to the ocean; while the voice
Of happy nations, like the incense breath
Of dewy morn, when prime Aurora wakes
The grateful flowers, with meet response of praise
The fount explores whence all their blessings flow.
Nor less beyond the surge, their new domain,
Cherish'd in Albion's warm embraces, grew
A mighty empire, from the parent state
Deriving pow'r, and firmness, native worth,
And that Promethean flame which fires the sons
Of Albion, beam'd from Freedom's fearless eye.
For o'er this region fair, her fav'rite child,
Her latest, best belov'd, the Queen of Isles
With doating fondness hung. Bright teeming Hope,
Fost'ring their infancy, with transport's eye
Rapt into future golden dreams, repays,
Like a rich usurer, with vast return
Her growing care. From every crouding port
The eager youth, whose manly bosoms burn
For vent'rous enterprize, like Hybla's swarm
In summer-tide, burst forth. O'er the blue wave
Their daring sails a new-found world explore:
Till drawn by joyful rumours of a land,
Like eastern Charan, or the blooming dales
Of blissful Eden water'd, to their lure
The fervent nation hasted; Ocean groan'd
Beneath the cumbrous navies; and the winds
Had grudg'd their office, but that now they bore
Such sacred freight of freedom's sons, of arts,


And industry, to polish, not lay waste,
The fairest portion of the new found world.
The Nereids from crystalline grots ascend,
To smooth their path; and in their rocky fort
Stern Æolus his blust'ring bands confin'd.
In van, with trident scepter grac'd, the Sire
Of ocean led their wat'ry caravan;
'Till, safely landed on the promis'd shore,
Where her proud palace shines with iv'ry tow'rs,
And brazen valves, the Ablion Goddess spoke,
While list'ning silence held the circling throng.
Ye Britons! whose aspiring minds surmount
“All dangers, braving the rude winds and waves,
“Who waft my native treasures, richer far
“Than eastern pearl or gold, here fix your seats;
“And as my victor navies ride the main
“With naval thunders, to subdue the pride
“Of guilty tyrants, in your charge rejoice
“To bless the nations; pour with lib'ral hand
“The sacred gifts on each neglected shore,
“That bounteous Heav'n may see the tribute praise
“Of good diffusive, and the poor, and weak,
“And erring stranger in thy light rejoice.
Go! where assenting fates ordain; extend
“Th'entrusted talents to remotest climes.
“Unto these wond'ring Indian realms display
“My cross and banner, signs of sacred peace
“And amity, like Heav'n's bright bow, to calm
“The lowring storm, and bid wild discord cease.
Go! fix the barrier where usurping night
“May hide remote till the bright day star rise,
“And drive rude Ignorance thy moody train,


“With frantic superstition, to their place;
“Where endless war and rapine, lawless pow'r,
“And bondage grim, and desolation rude,
“And burning zeal, the fiercest, worst of fiends
“That e'er from Erebus assail'd, may find
“Their cruel fangs restrain'd: Behind my shield,
“Their refuge, bid the welcome nations rest
“From harm, as in their peaceful sanctuary;
“Their Indian kings, and feather cinctur'd chiefs,
“And various quiver'd tribes, whose peaceful seats,
“In friendly league, you shelter, not destroy.
And see! where in yon fertile islands, crown'd
“With bow'ring shades, the wood nymphs fair invite,
“As in Calypso's haunt, your bless'd delay;
“Or by the margin of cerulean floods,
“Swell'd with a hundred tributary streams
“Salubrious, choose your seat; or in the plain
“Skirted with distant hills and ancient woods,
“Where gay Pomona smiles, and bellowing herds
“With native freedom range in lusty droves,
“Their rural theatre. What Heav'n bestows,
“Who guides the fervent nations, sees them rise,
“Or from their radiant zenith set in shades,
“Ranging their progress, summit and decline,
“With reverence I intrust your charter'd right,
“In duteous subord'nation to the realm,
“The Parent realm, whence all your blessings flow.
Nurs'd in her fost'ring arms your tribes shall rise
“A mighty nation, 'mid the sunny vales
“Like Israel 'camping, numerous, nor enslav'd
“By tyrants fang: Your own AUGUSTUS reigns,
“And decks with public love his civic crown.
“Beneath the refuge of his scepter'd arm


“Possess this fertile land: The village gay
“With rural industry construct; with walls
“And ranged streets, and spiry turrets plan
“Imperial cities; and from op'ning ports,
“Where the glad voice of mariner resounds,
“As to the whistling winds aloft he gives
“The swelling sail and waves his last adieu,
“Send forth your trading fleets to hide the seas.
Nor fear the hostile foe, with Envy's eye
“Malignant still, repining at your good.
“With seven-fold shield your own AUGUSTUS guards
“The sons of freedom; ev'ry tyrant's dread,
“His thund'ring fleets and conqu'ring hosts shall shake
“Each adverse shore, and watch your rising states,
“Impregnable as Tigris mural pride;
“While, like the lowly shrub, which grov'ling shades
“Unmark'd the forest walk, your power at first
“In gradual progress shall in time ascend
“To match your native oak, and by the streams
“Of many rivers shoot his moisten'd roots,
“And spread on high the branches of his strength,
“Wide shadowing many a shore, and myriads glad
“Beneath his goodly foliage. Now afar
“Extatic Hope, with eye prophetic, looks
“Into futurity; and you shall rise
“Another empire in the radiant west;
“Reflecting Albion's glory, bold and free,
“The seat of arts and commerce, the defence
“Of nations wrong'd, the scourge of guilty pow'r,
“Surpassing Mexico, and fam'd Peru
“By rich Potosi's flood, or diamond blaze
“Of great Golconda thron'd in eastern wave.
Go! in the smiles of Providence secure


“From slavish yoke, increase and multiply;
“And O your better liberty maintain
“Against these worst of enemies to man,
“Abhorr'd Impiety, luxurious Guilt,
“Corruption's secret canker, and the fiends
“Of madd'ning Faction, who, beneath the mask
“Of specious freedom, like night felons steal
“To thrall the unwary brave: despoil'd of all
“Their peace and conscience, from delusive dream
“They wake despairing; with malignant joy
“The tempters lead, and down the headlong steep
“Of parricide and ruin urge their prey.
By Heav'n conjoin'd the ties of nature bind
“The parent and his children; your descent
“Implies subordination; and the pow'r
“Which props your weakness claims a meet return:
“Observant of her sway, fair Albion's right
“Revere as sacred: burst one smallest link
“Of that eternal adamantine chain
“Which binds the golden planets to their spheres,
“Union and life, and order must dissolve,
“And universal ruin crush the pole.”
The Goddess spoke; and breathing in her sons,
With gracious inspiration, high resolves,
Benignant purpose, ardor, patience firm,
Along the smiling floods and blooming dales,
Like a young heir rejoicing to possess,
With buoyant hope, some vast inheritance,
The guardian Genius led their eager way.
So where steep Orca's rocky front o'erhangs
The northern foam, high in his airy build
The royal eagle tends his lordly young


With brooding wings, and marks their native fire,
Their piercing eye, and pounces strong, the dread
Of Scandian vultures; from his rocky fort,
Now fit to rear a kingdom of their own,
He drives them forth; with enterprising flight,
In mutual league, on sailing vans they ride
The fluid air, and o'er the feather'd tribes,
The vassals of their empire, stretch their sway
For many a league, and rule in distant isles.
The Muse, who in her simple mirror shews
Things past in brief review, omits the toil
And painful struggles of their rising states;
Nor will she yet her record stain with broils,
And war, and moody discord; these, alas!
With ten-fold horrors on a bloody stage
Re-acting, claim her future funeral song,
O! might her numbers suit her mournful theme,
And Heaven in mercy close the scene of death,
As sad remembrance blots the verse with tears.
And let me charm a while the pangs of woe,
In sweet oblivion, as I shift the song
To happier scenes, illum'd with peace and joy.
Ye venerable names! Paternal chiefs!
Who fix'd the basis of your infant states
With persevering toil, and gave them laws,
Thou noble Calvert! Patriot Pen, long try'd
In broils thrice loyal Berkely firm, and thou
Immortal Rhaleigh! ill required chief,
Whose soul invincible, thro' bonds and death,
With Roman spirit sought the public good;
O deign! from your high sphere, to lead the Muse
O'er your vast empire, thron'd in civil pride


Of late, and soon from the wide wasting storm
To rise a glorious fabric; the review
May yield your high sensations pause, and close
Your wound fresh bleeding o'er your country's fate.
And what a goodly region courts my song!
Extensive, fertile, whose fair blooming shores,
Hesperian gardens, by the sacred Nine
Of old reveal'd, now to their fav'rite isle
Bequeath'd, in more than blissful vision rear
Their fragrant bosoms to th'enamour'd sun;
While up their silver winding rivers glide
The fleets of wealthy Commerce, and explore
Like other Jasons Colchis golden strand;
Not yielding to the fam'd Phœnician clime,
In power and merchandise; or where the floods
Of Pegu and Camboia, Indian realms,
Roll gold and pearl down the sparkling wave.
Another Albion, daughter of the sea,
And regal queen, her scepter here extends
From the south sultry cape, to where the tribes
Of ancient Apalach their warlike seats
Maintain'd by Santee or Savannah's shores;
Till on that solemn day, their regal crown
With eagle plumage, in firm treaty they
In Thames' hall resign'd at BRUNSWICK's feet.
Their friendly tribes and Apalachian Kings
To western hills retir'd, the wealthy soil
In freighted navies her Sicilian stores
From Ashley's tide to distant ports conveys.
Contiguous, o'er the foaming brine are seen
Like a slow exhalation to arise,
The pleasing villages, and shady isles,


Where Anglia's vestal queen of old reclaim'd
Virginia's Pagan sons: They down the wave
Of vast Potammoc with their quiver'd chiefs,
And strange attire, their ancient seats perfum'd
With aromatic herb review; or where
The blooming orchards basking to the sun
Unfold their purple fruitage, soon to flow
In sparkling wines profuse, or where the pride
Of laurel and of flow'ry poplars grace
The fragrant shores, and charm the ravish'd sense
Of ling'ring mariner, in grateful shade,
They hold rich traffic with their silvan spoils.
Hence to the north expands the ocean's bay
In giant state, rejoicing in his strength,
Where kindred nations in his arms repose,
And tow'ring cities glitt'ring o'er the wave,
With op'ning ports and fleets that hide the seas.
His hundred floods circling their verdant isles,
And cedar groves, and wide extended plains,
Where stalk the buffalo and branching elk,
Confess O Baltimore! thine ancient sway,
And thine prime patriot Pen! not least in fame.
But what fair province! to the solar beam
Gives all her lib'ral bosom, rich, adorn'd
With gifts of Ceres! her sweet rural seats,
And pop'lous cities rise, her greenwood shades,
And mountains: thron'd amid her sea-like floods,
Which from the ocean's northern lakes descend,
Which circling many an Indian tribe rejoice,
To lave with swelling tides her peopl'd shores;
Like Memphis' queen she sits in conscious pride,
Another England, nurse of arts and arms,
With num'rous navies to controul the seas;


Whilst her coy Sister, in romantic view,
With dales, and chrystal lakes, and mountain woods,
Bold Caledonia, girt with chosen Knights,
High to the north her rocky bulwark stands.
Eastward, chrystalline bound, the Atlantic brine
Invests the mighty region; south and west
The mountains with their Indian tribes; and where
The empire verges toward the freezing pole,
Vast lakes, their inland seas, whence foaming burst,
With thund'ring noise, adown the headlong steep,
Canada's swelling tides, and to the main
Receding, with collected deluge flow.
Ye Pow'rs! who, thron'd above the spheres, ordain
The fate of nations; who their teeming birth,
Their growing strength, their tide of glory, mark
With gracious eye; as once your prophet saw,
In wond'rous trance, on Zion's sacred hill,
The holy waters from the mystic place,
The golden sanctuary of God, ascend,
And round the purple altar, in their course
Increasing, from the lofty portals, flow
A mighty river; on whose crowding banks
They quaff'd new life, and trees of every kind
Yielded their fruits for food, and o'er the weak;
With healing influence, spread their cooling shade:
'Twas you, ye heavenly Pow'rs! who bid the light
Of radiant truth, sprung from the Sovereign Mind,
To gild the Gentile shores; and, with the sun
Journeying, on the benighted strangers beam
Day-spring of grace and joy; and Albion sent
To show'r your blessings on a promis'd land.
'Twas you assign'd them portions, nurs'd their states,


Their temples rear'd, and in the charm of peace
The sable natives roving bands confin'd:
Bless'd your high care by the cerulean stream,
With arts and increase: by the hand sustain'd
Which guides the planets in their orbs, they rose
As by a new creation, like the sons
Of stormy Adria, or the Belgæ fam'd
For toilsome perseverance. Nature's face
By wondrous transmutation they subdu'd
To form their varied plan: the marshy plain,
Drain'd of its moisture, rose in village scenes,
With flow'ry circling meads: their cedar groves
And ancient oaks, a venerable shade,
Gave place; and where the howling wolves did haunt
In troops, and the green serpent roll'd his train,
Th'industrious planter ploughs the fertile ground,
And all the valley smiles with waving corn.
The nymphs and silvans left their cool retreats,
In grot, and shaggy hill, and wond'ring saw
Strange towns usurp their native haunt, and woods
Of uncouth hue and foreign harvests rise:
Saw with sad eyes, prophetic of their doom,
The city's turret pride, the bastion firm,
The circling moat, and pensile bridge abrupt,
The piled magazines of death, and dread
His brazen thunders lowring o'er the dale.
Or hapless exiles on the dashing beach,
Aghast beheld the solid mound work on
Its huge barrier to curb th'indignant tides;
And the capacious port with giant arms
Wide grasping to enchain the subject waves:
Whilst blooming Doris, and her sea-green train,
With troubled looks, beneath the trembling surge,
Explore their chrystal caves, and Ocean shook
With boding fears for his decreasing sway.


But say, ye tuneful Sisters! ye who watch'd
Their dawn of glory, till it mounted swift
To its meridian clime, and on the gaze
Of wond'ring nations, from its zenith beam'd
Like a new star! say, from what central source
This meteor drew supplies? Th'infuriate blaze
Of headlong faction, like the comet's course,
To fierce extremes, or as Vesuvius' rage,
The world's incendiary, while intestine storm
In horror reigns, dread on the midnight sky
Vents his dilacerate bowels, surging fire,
Nitre, and blazing mass, could never cease
Such pastime, to illume a nation's fame.
Nor thine illiberal hand, whose iron rod
Peruvian princes quell'd, and, hapless doom!
Freeborn enchain'd to dig Iberian mines,
Infernal avarice! by whatever name
Ador'd, could mean Oppression's task forego
To build so fair a structure. On the wreck
Of nations prostrate let the guilty thrones
Of Turkish or of Christian tyrants rise,
Founded in blood. Amidst imperious waves,
Bedeck'd with trophies proud, and treasur'd store,
The spoils of conquer'd provinces, again
Let mighty Ecbatan, with mural pride,
Far o'er the subject east her sceptre stretch,
And half the world enchain in slavish yoke.
From no unhallowed source their greatness grew,
Nor avarice vile, nor insolence of pow'r,
Nor savage war with hosts distain'd in blood,
Or thron'd in spoil, the trophies of her guilt.
What gave them strength and riches was the soul
Of public Virtues; they, in bright patrole,


From England's shores, with golden light of morn,
Descending, thro' the smiling region spread
Celestial influence: them the Majestic Queen
Of isles, begirt with her auspicious train
Of potent charm, to bless her favour'd land
On gracious visit led. O'er the blue waves,
That stoop'd their foaming pride, in gorgeous state
Imperial, 'mid the blooming Nereid throng,
With looks of high demeanor, that bespoke
Her sov'reign station, in chrystalline car,
She rode a marine deity. The deeps
From all their caves command the scaly throng
To make her homage; and the winds and waves
In gratulation smooth her wat'ry way,
Like Neptune's queen confess'd: a verdant wreath
Of British oak her radiant tresses bound;
And on her brow, enchass'd, a ruby crown
Glitter'd with naval trophies; whilst afar
Her red cross shield, like Jove's dread ægis, blaz'd
Terrific splendors, that dismay'd the fiends
Of discord, war, and rapine. Ocean's floods
Obsequious on her trident sceptre wait,
Ensign of wide controul; and the rough storms
Which vex the main, in peaceful league combine
To waft her voyage, and her robe expand
Of lively azure dye, bespangled fair
With glitt'ring stars, that rule the swelling seas
In distant climes which own her naval sway.
She came and in her fost'ring arms embrac'd,
With mother's joy, the kindred climes, the face
Of various nature smil'd; the rural plain,
And crouding mart conceiv'd new life; the shouts
Of grateful nations shook the rebounding shore,
For with her went her bevy fair, the train


Of guardian genii em'lous like their queen
To mark their bright'ning way, and bless mankind.
First, Freedom, goddess of the fearless eye,
Daughter of heav'n, who with etherial grace
Redeems the world from fang of guilty pow'r;
At whose dread voice the proudest thrones will shake
Of Turk, or Christian tyrant, and the brave
Burst from their chains, reviving at the sound.
Of port sublime, celestial beauty glow'd
O'er all her form: full to the swelling gale
Her lib'ral bosom rose, and ev'ry look
Disclos'd the soul within, the gen'rous sigh
For injur'd right, the lofty sentiment,
The godlike aim to perfect man, the flame
Of public love enliv'ning all, and thence
Sov'reign disdain of slavish yoke, and keen
With native sense of insult, or of wrong,
That Argus jealousy with watchful eye.
Conscious of worth innate, and high designs
Of good to all her sons, the beam of joy
And virtue's transport glow'd in ev'ry charm.
Following their sacred guide the enamour'd throng
Confess the guardian pow'r, while Faction fierce
With discord, anarchy, and civil rage
Fled the effulgence to their howling caves
Of native Erebus. No portion she
Had in licentious works of wild misrule,
Where ruffian force and rapine fell devour
The peace of injur'd nations, and the bands
Of Belial's sons invade their country's right
With parricide. With cordial mind she came
To heal dissentions, and establish peace,
To quell each selfish faction, and construct


The general good on firm connected base
Of civil right, and legal government.
On such foundations, in her native isle,
Albion, the world's proud envy, and their dread,
Arose; and from her patriot Senate, where
Her fires congenial blaze from soul to soul,
With growing flame, to light declining times,
She comes on grateful errand, to transfuse
The Parent's spirit in her gen'rous Sons.
And with them came, returning from the skies,
Her native seat, the grave majestic form
Of awful Justice, delegate of Heav'n,
Whose solemn sentence, pure from passion's stain,
And guardian care, the public glory builds,
Bold Guilt controuls, and suff'ring Virtue cheers,
And saves the nations verging to decay;
'Till on the flaming arch the sapphire throne
Shall blaze, and God's eternal Kingdom reign.
For this she bears th'entrusted golden scale,
Pois'd by the hand of Rectitude, the sword,
Ensign of pow'r supreme, her righteous doom
With backward hand inflicting still, and looks
Of sad commiseration for their fate;
Yet from the sacred trust and gen'ral weal
Inflexible, firm judgment she maintains,
Tho' slow yet sure; nor can revolting Guilt
Impeach the sentence, by his judging peers,
As by th'internal voice of conscience past,
Self-judging, self-condemn'd. O! privilege high
Of Albion's sons! freeborn! long may they boast
Their sacred right, nor feel the heaviest scourge,
When life, and fame, and kindred, all we prize,
Must bleed to glut a tyrant's hasty rage.


What radiant female form from yon bright cloud
Descends! her solemn garb, her incens'd blaze
From golden censer, her enraptur'd eye
Conversing with the skies, her roll unseal'd
To public view, Religion's pow'r proclaim,
As pure from violence, and low designs,
And superstitious rites, with reason's beam
And lib'ral soul, the genuine fruit of faith,
She comes to honour God, and raise mankind:
To strengthen every social tie, extend,
Godlike, the sphere of charity, and truth;
To give the laws new force; and bind the floods
Of vice and bold impiety, to bear
Celestial day to regions dark, unfold
Her volume and her crimson cross, insure
The precious gifts they share by doing good,
And sanctify their blessings, as from hearts
Flowing with gratitude the incense breath
Of faith and love to Heav'n's high throne ascends.
Thus came Religion; and with her combin'd
In league of amity, her daughter bright,
Sweet Peace, her genuine offspring, ere of yore
Selfish Ambition, Pride, and worldly Love,
Begot wild superstition's jarring train
Of vain imaginations, forms of faith
Erroneous, rites discordant, whence the plagues:
Of strife, and schism, headlong zeal, and war,
And bloody persecution. She, adorn'd
In robes of innocence, with placid mien,
And eye that beam'd benevolence, emblem meet
Of peace celestial, on her errand went,
To dissipate each gath'ring storm, and lay
The surge of outrage: fled from guilty climes,
Where Discord sounds her clarion, rousing war,


With carnage oft to drench the eastern world
In Turk or Christian blood, in calm recess
She smiles sweet influence, height'ning ev'ry bliss
By its assurance. She like brothers bound
The separate states in pleasing chains of love
And kindred intercourse; her brooding wings,
Her olive branch, and dove-like scepter spread,
And bid the land beneath her shade repose.
Her meet compeer, with her the radiant dame
Of elevated thought, and piercing eye,
Conversing with the pole her kindred clime,
Bright Science, went associate. She who burst
The chains of Gothic darkness, and on minds
Depress'd by ignorance pour'd her lib'ral day.
Fled from the waste of war, the jarring broils
Of sordid passion, to the sacred shades,
Inviolate, of academic lore,
Her peaceful sanctuary, she, with the Nine
Harmonious maids conversing, and the soul.
Of Plato, and immortal seers renown'd,
In solitude, and contemplation, yields
The hours to wisdom's keen research, in chace
Of radiant Truth, in secret depths conceal'd,
Of coy recess, till she, the brightest maid
That ever shone in blooming charms, is found,
Sweet solace of their toil. Heard ye the strain!
From Deva's wave adown fair Albion's vale,
And sacred shades, re-echoed to the ear
Of Contemplation. Hark! their Minstrel wakes,
By modest merit crown'd, the tuneful quires,
With dulcet symphony, and leads the throng
Encharm'd in moral exstacy, and takes
With thrilling ravishment the willing soul.


The Queen of Arts, fair daughter of the sphere,
Rode with her train majestic: on her brow
In bright effulgence beam'd her starry crown:
With pictur'd zodiac bound, her flowing robe
Shone with the hues of Iris' vivid bow:
And in her hand her golden scepter sway'd
With mystic charm, thro' ocean, earth, and sky:
Cherish'd the sister arts, embellish'd life,
The elements controul'd, wild passion's rage,
A nobler task, even savage tribes subdu'd
To her mild reign, and for celestial climes,
With strains angelic, harmoniz'd mankind.
But who is she! rob'd like some Tyrian queen,
In sweeping purple stole, where meet pourtray'd,
As in celestial canopy, the train
Of constellations bright; the northern bands
Of slow Bootes, Orion vast, and fires
Of southern Argo, steer their radiant way:
In sov'reign state, o'er the translucent waves,
Her coral throne, thick set with pearly shell
Glitters, and on her head imperial crowns.
'Tis Commerce; she who sways the circling seas
In ev'ry clime, and to remotest shores
Her scepter'd mace, emblem of peace, extends;
Who binds the nations, by opposing floods,
Or demons of ambition, pride, and war,
Disjoin'd, in social intercourse, and pours
Like Amalthea from her copious store,
Increasing treasures, to exalt the fame
Of kingdoms rais'd on opulence and pow'r.
From the degenerate nations sunk in sloth,
Or plung'd in guilt, where savage Mars invades,
And Rapine oft her peaceful caravan,


Apart retiring, on Hesperian shores,
Her new recess, she holds gay residence:
For with her came the founders of her reign
In ancient times; dread Neptune who invests
The circling globe, with Nereus and his sons,
The hoary Phorcis, Belus great, and he
Cerulean augur Glaucus, Triton huge,
With sounding shell, who bids the ocean rest,
Or blows the signal when conflicting deeps
Outstorm the winds; the blooming Cretan dame,
Bright Ariadne, Bacchus' spouse, and she,
Far-fam'd of yore, Astarte, Tyrian queen,
Who rules the tides, and Maia's winged son.
Hypotades was there; who holds the winds
And adverse storms in custody; to smooth
The wat'ry way, fair Leda's twins, and she,
Prime queen of eve, who leads the starry train,
And lights the ocean's path, bright Hesper's beam.
Nor were they wanting, Doris' blooming band
She bore to Nereus, nymphs with dimpling smiles,
And winning looks, to calm the winds and seas,
While Halcyon broods upon her wat'ry couch,
And the lone dame, with ghastly forms of sleep
Dismay'd, surveys the main, and wishful waits
Her lord's return, yet dreads his long delay.
Erato prime, who combs her raven hair,
While Zephyr breathes, chaste Galatea deem'd,
Abhorring rage, since Acis' hapless wound,
The friend of mariners; Cymothoe fleet,
Who treads the foam, smooth Panope who plays
Amid the Syren sisters, while they sing,
With kind Cymodice, the waves to rest,
And blend sweet voices with Arion's lyre.


Amid her troop the pow'r of Commerce rode
Sublime; around her, rang'd in circling line,
Like whit'ning crescent, o'er the surging foam,
Her crouding navies march'd in bright array,
Hiding the sea-green wave: more num'rous far
Than these who plough'd the fam'd Trinacrian seas,
From Afric, or the Syrian country, fraught
With rich returns; or they who from the coast
Of golden Havilah, or fragrant Ind,
Replete with costly merchandize, explor'd
From spicy isles, the Erythrean wave.
Last came bold Fortitude, with feature firm,
And manly port, whose dauntless soul can brave
All dangers, and all hardships bear, sustain'd,
Thro' ev'ry suff'rance, by the great design,
Which in his breast expands, like the firm oak,
Which mocks in native pride the northern blast.
Industry too, with cheerful eye, who loathes
Enervate sloth, and, on his task intent,
Salutes the early dawn; and honest Toil,
Vig'rous, with spreading chest, and limbs embrown'd
With dust and sweat, whose brawny arm supports
The fabric of the state, who feeds the weak
And indigent, and gives ingrateful sloth
And lordly pride to riot on his spoils,
In dress and luxury. From native isles
Hygeia, blooming queen of health, who led
Young Hymen with his jocund train, and torch
Enkindling fond desire; and blushing sweet
As beauty, rose full on the ravish'd eye,
Hebe, like morning breath of op'ning flow'rs,
When vernal zephyrs born on purple wing
Brood o'er the fragrant spoil in sweet delay,
Emblem of female charm and nuptial love.


Such the celestial virtues in her train
Associate, and with these the Albion Queen
Thro' all her provinces lustration held,
Diffusing gracious influence. Their approach,
As when the golden planets in their spheres
Combine with kindly aspect, brighten'd up
The various face of Nature, and renew'd
With sweet vicissitude the peopl'd shores
And rural plain. Or should the Muse pursue
The parent Genii, where in crouding mart,
And princely cities they auspicious shed
Their sovereign virtues, and thro' nations beam'd
As from their central throne the genial ray
She marks their noblest triumph; sees the brood
Of adverse dæmons, of rapacious pow'r,
Impiety, and fierce Contention quell'd,
And Hydra guilt with bestial train, the fiends
Of Riot, Sloth, Injustice, who bequeath
To their foul race remorseful portion stamp'd
With loss, and misery, and endless woe.
She sees the felons shun the bless'd approach,
As when Aurora gilds the bright'ning east,
Nocturnal shadows fly th'etherial beam.
Then like Sidonian mart proud Boston rose,
With stately bulwarks round her parent waves,
Riv'ling Egyptian Pharos. The vast port,
Her silver crescent, in bright circle folds
The fleets of commerce fraught with various stores,
Her wealthy merchandise; seen on the flood
Tremble her glitt'ring spires. Th'emporium fair
With many a splendid dome, and crowding streets,
The haunt of industry and riches, shews
A marine amphitheatre afar
O'er ocean radiant by the eastern ray.


Nor less, her, lordly rival 'mid the pride
Of swelling floods, and verdant isles, fair York
Shone in Imperial state; her beauty, far,
Like Solyma with lofty temples crown'd,
The Indian kings adown her wand'ring wave,
With annual tribute woo; while o'er the brine
To Thames full wave remote her navies ride,
And princely merchants court her Colchian shore.
Who yonder lifts her regal tow'rs amid
Cool bow'rs and fragrant shades, that Nature seems
Transform'd, and Pan and bounteous Ceres choose
Their urban residence: here patriot Pen
His peaceful brethren fix'd, not by the arm
Of barbarous war, but friendly treaties held
With Indian tribes, who, from the purchas'd land
Receding to their hunter grounds, the seats
Of virtuous Industry, 'mid confluent streams
And Sylvan scenes, and orchard's blooming pride,
He rang'd like Eden's groves, and on the plan
Of order and proportion, meet for trade,
Bid Philadelphia, queen of cities, rise,
Image of her who grac'd Chaldean plains
In traffic, site, and order, e'er the floods
Of impious pride and luxury o'erthrew
Euphrates' glory. On that guilty shore
O had the plague been stay'd! nor discord wav'd
Her fury's torch, nor waste, and impious war,
Fell scourge of vice, profan'd the seats of peace,
Of loyalty and virtue. Oh! how fallen
From thy meridian glory, like a star,
Proud Atalanta! in the radiant west
Enthron'd, as queen of many provinces.
How desolate thy mournful cities! once
The rendezvous of nations, Hark! the voice


Of lamentation; war and storm besiege
Her trembling gates: the virgin's piercing cry,
And frantic widow's, who lament the slain,
Their parents, brothers, husbands, rend the skies:
While parricide, and fire, and bigot zeal
Fiercer than both, kindles the desperate brand
That impious gives their streets and temples fair
To horrid conflagration. Hark! the shriek
Of misery ascends, and dæmons shout
Exulting in their ruin. Thus, when Heav'n
Her flaming ministers of justice sends
To humble guilt, the dread convulsion shakes
The groaning earth; sulphureous lightnings dart
From yawning chasm abrupt, and involv'd
In one wide spreading vortex of despair,
With all her shrieking myriads gulph'd in fire,
Descends some proud emporium: such thy fate,
Palermo, such Peruvian Lima, reft
Of all your grandeur in the drear abyss.
But from such scenes of horror may the Muse,
Wand'ring with tears of sacred pity, turn
In meet commiseration, and her theme
Resume with orient rays of hope, to change
The wreck of war to peace, thro' HIM who rides
Serene the deep'ning tempest's wings, who calms
The waves of civil discord, and constrains
The wrath of man to peaceful works of praise
In golden years advancing. Stretch the eye
Of kindling fancy from the sultry cape
Of southern Augustine, to where the main
Hoarse sounding foams wide o'er the frozen coast
Of Ladrador, what mighty nations rise,
Of various climate, policy, and strength,
Em'lous of pow'r, aspiring to be great,


And each his neighbour with the rival eye
Of jealousy observing, firmly bound
In meet subordination by the power
Who gives them life, who gave them liberty,
And every gift which makes life worth possessing.
How fair their cities rise! how rich in trade,
And various industry, the fountain pure
From pride and luxury, which feeds the strength,
A nation's strength, from her increasing sons.
See how with lib'ral eye, that gracious speaks
Love and benevolence, in social band
The guardian powers walk forth. Bright Peace extends
Her olive branch, the public interest smiles
Assenting league; with harmless policy
Astrea lifts her righteous scale to prop
On basis firm the stable state, while round
Her golden chain of union, to cement
The general weal, auspicious concord drew.
Then rose Religion's sacred domes, and wak'd
Her solemn quires: the useful arts diffus'd
With Science their prime guide to great designs,
Congenial influence, over all supreme,
Imparting wealth, and firmness 'flam'd the soul,
The sov'reign virtue, which of old blaz'd forth
Like inspiration in her patriot sons,
To build the Roman and the Grecian fame,
The public love, which burns from heart to heart
In Albion's race; which, like the fire he stole
From Heav'n's high sphere, inspires congenial life
Thro' the else lumpish mass; and quelling strong
Each selfish wish, the mercenary view,
Corruption's brood, the swelling pride of rank,
Each jarring principle, on solid base
Of equal life their ballanc'd pow'rs sustain'd.


The crowding coasts with gratulation hail
The pow'rs whose smile renews the grateful land,
And woo their residence with them to dwell
In bless'd affinity. In triumph they
At their high festival, the Sister's crown,
With honour to distinguish'd merit due,
And plac'd in public eminence. For now
Apart from care and business, thro' their tribes
Assembling 'mid their native groves and streams
In annual state, they hold autumnal feast
In social joy and gladness, meet return
To heav'nly Pow'rs, best incense to ascend
From grateful hearts, with conscious bliss to share
The gifts of Providence. Of honest front,
Came Toil, with vig'rous race, in russet weed,
Reaping the fields he sow'd, in Doric mirth,
Sweet interval, beyond the joys of Pride,
And pamper'd luxury, carousing, brief,
The year is clos'd, their task renews with morn.
The village, see! and rural scene is throng'd
With such bold yeomanry, as once relum'd
Declining Rome, now Albion's manly boast,
In whose firm breasts the love of country burns,
Courage sedate, disdain of servitude,
And conscious pride of Liberty, who smiles
Gay at the rural task. Their genial hour
To bless, in blooming bevy, hand in hand,
The silvan Virtues came; bright Innocence,
In virgin robes begirt, and Temp'rance pure;
Amid the roses of her cheeks betray'd,
Unconscious of her worth, with down-cast eye,
Sweet modest Merit, Peace with placid mien,
Activity with sparkling eye, and Health's
Fair swelling form, with harmless Pleasance gay.


Amid her trooping wood nymphs Ceres came,
With her own treasures crown'd, queen of the feast,
In bloom of female beauty: lib'ral, round,
A bounteous goddess, she her golden horn
With plenty shook. Pomona, with her spoils,
A fragrant tribute; Pales too was there,
And chaste Euphrosyne, and faithful Love,
And youthful Hymen born on purple wings,
High wav'd his torch, and oft relum'd his flame,
With light of radiant eyes, at dance or song:
Whilst all-reclin'd beneath the cooling shade
Of spreading plantain or palmettos fair,
Along the margin of meand'ring streams,
The Manly Throng, pleas'd with communion sweet
Of social converse, blend their hearts and thoughts,
In rational delight, their prime repast.
Or, as meet relaxation, they unbend
To jocund fancy, wit, and sportive mirth,
Or quaff the mellow vintage, ev'ry eye
Brightens with conscious bliss, and ev'ry cup
With more than nectar'd joys o'erflows, to think
Their Happiness how great and how secure.
Each mountain hoar, each verdant hill begirt
With native groves, as conscious of the Train
Benignant, o'er their subject vallies wav'd
A deep'ning fresher shade. The valleys crown'd
With golden spoils of harvest, sung acclaim
In rural jubilee. Along the bank
Of ev'ry swelling flood or stream adorn'd
With hamlets fair the Genii pass'd, and lo!
The rural scene rose fairer, and the land
Pour'd forth her swarming myriads, ev'ry shore
Shouted for joy, and in the green-wood shade
The harmless sylvans and the dryads held


Their festival. So in Arcadian plains
Where bards inspired sung the golden age,
Descending Genii leagu'd in consort sweet
With favour'd mortals, held their blissful reign
Unstain'd by modern crimes. The seasons smil'd;
Spontaneous, Earth her double harvests gave,
And Spring eternal knit in jocund dance
With blooming Ceres, and the son of Jove
Their blissful choirs led on the margin green
Of fam'd Eurota by Laconia's shore.
In that bless'd season, from the deeps reveal'd
To every eye, the ALBION GENIUS shone
In dreaded Majesty, as whilom seen,
The martial guardian of this fav'rite shore.
His lofty head above the clouds encrown'd
With triple radiance flam'd: the gath'ring storm
Still as he frown'd with anger boding brow,
In deeper darkness clos'd, or bursting stream'd
With lightning. On his arm, with horrent blaze
Of Gorgon terror, rout, and fell dismay,
To hostile pow'r, th'etherial ægis rose;
And in his hand, ensign of sovereign sway,
The brandish'd spear of mighty Neptune shook
Each hostile realm, and Ocean's distant isles.
Attended by his conquering hosts he came,
And dreaded navy, on the subject seas,
The champion bold of freedom, to assert
Each sacred right, when injur'd nations cry
Like Heav'n's loud storm to shake a guilty world:
From Albion's isle three ample strides he took,
Beneath the fourth trembled the fluent deep,
And Atalanta's coasts. Round he survey'd
The happy region rich in arts and arms,


And crouding nations that in peace repose
Beneath his thund'ring spear, his treasure hid
Like a rich diamond in the western wave.
Then as he sums their various worth, the work
Of lab'ring years, their civil policy,
Their freedom, peace, their opulence and power,
The boons of Liberty his daughter fair,
With conscious pride his soul dilates, in hope
More elevate he stood with lion port,
Awing each distant storm, and thus began
With more than mortal voice, the murmuring winds
Were hush'd, and each suspended wave, the crowd
Heard their great Oracle in silence rapt.
Hail, kindred shores! paternal tribes, my sons,
“The dawn of mighty nations, here to found
“Their peaceful kingdoms, when the wreck of war
“Shall deluge all the east! In sweet recess
“Your bow'ring shades, your fertile plains, and streams,
“The haunt of rural Genii, pleas'd I hail
“As in Saturnian times, from noxious change
“Of a bad world remote. For you I leave
Augusta's walls, where fate imperial rule
“Ordains, and from her central throne infolds
“You in the gentlest circle of her sway.
“With you, on friendly visit, would unbend
“From public cares, and o'er your silvan seats,
“Your marts of commerce, or your cities fair,
“Wand'ring, in gay lustration, would solace
“Mine anxious thoughts, nor leave your gen'rous sons
“Uncounsel'd to abide the gath'ring storm.
For, in the roll of destiny, I mark'd
“As late the brazen archives I survey'd,


“Emblazon'd with your fate, in brightest noon
“Your radiant years eclips'd, with lurid gloom,
“And tempest ruinous, which threats to shake
“Your states to desolation, should High Grace
“Of Heav'n reject you, and the fiends of guilt
“O'er right, and loyalty, and peace prevail,
“In foul conspiracy. Long have you shar'd
“A rich inheritance, in all the bliss
“Propitious Albion on her sons bestows,
“Her youngest offspring, yet not least in love,
“As round your farthest shores her fost'ring arms,
“And seven-fold shield, your prime defence, she rais'd,
“Cherish'd your helpless infancy, and rear'd
“Your rising youth to full maturity
“Of strength and glory, and your urgent need
“In adverse times to aid, her patriot's toil,
“Her lib'ral treasures, and her richest blood
“Has flow'd, when gen'rous Halket, fearless Howe,
“And Wolfe, in death victorious, greatly gave
“Their valiant lives, the ransom of your weal:
“So the fam'd bird of wilderness, replete
“With strong sensations, o'er her callow young,
“Hid in the barren solitude, and pierc'd
“With clamant want, hangs anxious, nor delays
“To rear her offspring with her streaming blood.
“O! give not then your easy faith betray'd
“To sly Insinuation's guileful tongue:
“Nor rashly judge, by long experience try'd,
“Your faithful Friend. Howe'er by vaunted names
“Varnish'd, or plausible pretence, suspect
“The cause of freedom, as an impious fraud,
“When selfish avarice, ambition, pride,
“Hatred of righteous government, or worse
“Licentious outrage, kindle up the flames


“Of jealousy and discord; league to loose
“Each sacred bond, and feed with airy dreams
“The cred'lous, of new republic rais'd
“Firm on its own foundations. Can the band
“Of Albion Patriots, freedom's Senate, stain
“Her annals with oppression! Or, ordain'd
“Her guardians, wound her int'rest in her sons!
“Can HE, who in the Public Father veils
“With grace imperial dignity, and reigns
“O'er mighty nations, in their loyal hearts,
“By love, and gratitude, not pow'r subdu'd,
“WHO in their bliss rejoices, and their woe
“Feels with paternal sympathy, can HE
“Stoop from his golden sphere! and soil the fame
“Of patriot dignity, by ignoble acts
“Of tyrant usurpation! Sooner shall
“Hyperion, wand'ring, his etherial path
“Forsake, and radiant planets quench their fires.
Sole for your good HE reigns. The sacred laws
“Which bind the subject people, jointly curb
“The legislative pow'rs, as fram'd for all,
“In triple league; what madness to dissolve
“This sacred bond of loyalty and peace!
“I see the hurrying fates come on, the times
“Of desolation: Sacrilege invades
“The seats of Concord, and o'erturns her throne.
“In these bad days, see! proud Seduction charms
“The cred'lous multitude, with false detail
“Of native freedom injur'd, native claim
“Of empire separate. The swelling theme,
“Bandy'd by upstart patriots, factious priests,
“Who Judas-like again the PRINCE of PEACE,
“In his deluded ruin'd Flock betray,
“For the same paltry bribe, the golden dream


“Of guilty eminence, the price of blood,
“Shall rouse a popular phrenzy, and withdraw
“From just allegiance myriads. Mark, my sons!
“This faithful warning ere too late, nor bar
“Against yourselves sweet Mercy's gates. The rights,
“The glorious freedom of unnumber'd tribes
“That croud fam'd Albion's empire, safely rest
“In their chief asylum, her Senate, where
“The soul of freedom, justice, public love,
“Fertile in good, and with a parent's care,
“Most tender of the children's right, delights
“To fix her residence, and blazing full
“In steady Patriots, like the fervour bold
“Of Roman Tully, or of Cato, flows
“From kindred hearts that urge their country's good,
“And to this central point their constant zeal
“Turning, as faithful magnet seeks the pole.
Here found on Native Base your Native Rights
“In filial confidence, and scorn the lure
“Of Siren traitors, who with plausive tale
“Of heav'n-born liberty profan'd, would hide
“Their private indignation, lust of pow'r,
“The woes of anarchy, and ruffian war,
“And likest Stygian fiends, from blissful state
“Seduc'd, would tempt you down the giddy steep
“To yawning gulphs of ruin and despair.”
The Genius spoke, and o'er the fav'rite clime,
With look benign, his shady ægis spread,
Their shield of safety; while his glitt'ring spear,
And vollied thunder rattling from his arm,
Dispell'd the storm, shook ev'ry adverse shore,
And Discord pierc'd with terror and dismay.